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Old Wednesday, December 06, 2006
ruba ruba is offline
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Default Classial Conditioning

THE ACQUSITION OF a condition response is usually gruadual;as more and more trails[CS-US] are given,condition response grow stronger or more likely to occure.

THEORIES ABOUT CLASSICAL CONDITIONINGTHEORIES OF CLASSICAL conditioning try to decribe and give order to the resulte of many and many conditioning experiments that have been done .THESE THEORIES ARE ALSO CONCERNED with the process occuring when a conditioned response is acquired.ONE OLDER THEORY about the nature of classical conditioning is the theory of stimul substitution;


THIS THEORY, which orginated with PALVOV and was influential for many years,relies on the idea that the CS, simply as the result of piring with the US acquires the capacity to substistute for the US in evoking the response.IN OTHER WORDS an assoication and link or bond is formed between the CS AND US so that the CS becomes the equalient of the US IN elicating the response.PALVOV thought this link and assoication is took place in brain.HE THOUGHT two areas of brain ,one for the CS or one for the US became activated during the conditioning procedure and that activation of the US resulted in a reflex.BUT THIS IDEA is not accepted by most learning theorist.A MAJOR diffculty with the theory is that it says the CONDITIONAL RESPONSE should be the same as,to the UNCONDITIONAL RESPONSE .ACCORDING TO the theory that all has happened is that the CS has acquired the ability to evoke the response after conditioning .THE response has not changed the change is in the stimuls that ELICITS it.

INFORMATION AND EXPECTATIONOTHER THEORIES of the conditioning process take the viewpoint that the CS becomes a signal for the US .THUS WHEN the CS is presented, the US is expected, and the learner responds in accordance with this expectation.HOW does the CS become the signal for the US?A NUMBERS of experiment have led to the view that this happen because the US,is a surprising event.THE SURPRISING US induces the learner to look back through recent memory.THE CS is the event found in memory on each trail before the US.NOW WHEN the CS occur the US expected.THE conditioned response is made in anticaption of the US.

EXTINCTION AND SPONTANCE RECOVERY IN CLASSICAL CONDITIONINGIN CLASSICAL CONDITION, extinction occurs when the CS is present alone witout the US for the numbers of trail.WHEN this is done the strength or magnitude of the CR gruadually decrease.FOR EXAMPLE, the numbers of drops of salva decrease over unpaired trails;NOTE THAT the process of extinction is not forgetting.A RESPONE IS SAID TO BE FORGOTTEN OVER TIME WHEN THERE is not explicit procedure involved.JUST AS with the acquisiotion there are several views conserning why the EXTINCTION process works.PALVOV thoght of conditioning in term of opposing tedencies:EXCITATION AND INHABITATION,
during acquistion the excitatory tedency has upper hand ;but during extinction inhabitation build up to supress conditioning responding.THE DECREASE in conditioned response magnitude resulting from extinction need not to be permenent.SUPPOSE, the day after extinction of a salivary conditioned response,a dog is brought back into the labortary and the tone CS IS presented.THE MAGINTUDE of teh dog conditional response will probebly be much greater than it was at the end of the extinction the day before.SUCH AS increase in the magnitude of conditional response after teh period of teh time with no explicit trainning is known as SPOUNTANOUS RECOVERY.THIS PHENOMON SHOWS that the extinction procedure while decreasing the magnitude of the condition response,does not entirely remove the tedency to response to the CS.THAT EXTINCTION does not completely erase conditioning is also shown by the fact that the reconditioning is usually more rapid than was theoriginall conditioning.

PALVOV DISCOVERED very early in his work that if he conditioned an animal to salvate at teh sound of the bell,itwould also salvate,though not quite so much, at the sound of the buzzer,in other words, the animal tends to generalize the conditioned response to other stimuls that were somewhat similar to the original conditioned stimuls.SO THE greater the smilirtyi the greater teh generalization among teh conditioned stimuls.DISCRIMINATION IS the process of learning to make one response to one stimuls and a different response to another stimuls.ALTHOUGH MANY kinds of discrimination are possible,a typical discrimination experiments in calssical conditioning involves learning to respond to one stimuls and not ot respond another.WHEN WE learn to rrespond to one stimul and not to reespond to another,the range of stimul that are capable of calling forth a conditioned response is narrowed.IN A SENSE this kind of discrimination is opposite of generalization.

to be continued


''A man is not finished if he is defeated, he is finished if he quits.''
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