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Old Tuesday, March 26, 2013
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Default for ma`am sabahat

dear ma`am kindly check my notes I will be very thankful to u.
[31:28] And if all the trees that are in the earth were pens, and the ocean were ink, with seven oceans swelling it thereafter, the words of Allah would not be exhausted. Surely, Allah is Mighty, Wise.
The Holy Quran is a fountain-head of all knowledge. It is the last and perfect message of ALLAH (s.w.t) to the Whole Mankind revealed some fourteen centuries ago to an unlettered man of Arabia by the name of Muhammad (sa). The most innocent of the innocents and the purist of the purified and the most perfect of all that ever walked on this planet, was chosen to receive the brilliant light of the Quran which, having dispelled all the traces of darkness, ushered in the era of enlightenment on mankind. In the words of Holy Quran:
[39:70] And the earth will shine with the light of her Lord,
The very first verse of this Holy Text revealed to the Holy Prophet in the dark recesses of Cave Hira speaks volumes on the great revolution of knowledge and learning that was to be triggered by this book. And they were:

[96:2] Convey thou in the name of thy Lord Who created, [96:3] Created man from a clot of blood. [96:4] Convey! And thy Lord is Most Generous, [96:5] Who taught man by the pen, [96:6] Taught man what he knew not.

The Holy Quran is a comprehensive book of all sciences, in which all that will happen until the Qiyamah, all the information about the beginnings and the end of the world and the solution for all problems of every aspect of life is present. As Allah Ta'ala says in (Surah Anaam-38).
"We have left out nothing in pre-determining the courses of their lives: then ultimately they are all gathered to their Lord.”

Allah Ta'ala has mentioned the comprehensiveness and boundlessness of the sciences in the Holy Quran in Surah Younus-37.
“And this Qur'an is not a thing that could be composed without Allah's Revelation: nay, it is the confirmation of what was revealed before it, and full explanation of `the Book'.There is no doubt about this that it is from the Lord of the universe.”
The Holy Quran describes every kind of thing. There are a total of 77450 words in the Holy Quran and from each word, a fountain of knowledge is gushing forth.

It has been said on the authority of Hadhrat Imam Suyuti (May Allah shower His mercy on him) that Allama Qazi Abu Bakr Ibn Arabi (May Allah shower His mercy on him) said: Every letter of the Holy Quran has 4 dimensions: The outward, the inward, a beginning and an end. Every letter of the Holy Quran has 4 kinds of knowledge in it with these 4 dimensions. In light of this, the Holy Quran has 309800 sciences. For this reason, Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Abbas (May Allah be well pleased with him) said:
Even if the halter (rope) of my camel is lost, I will find it in the Book of Allah.
Allah Ta'ala has granted absolute knowledge about all the sciences of the Holy Quran, which encompasses all outward and inward knowledge and all laws and rules to the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and has made Him a teacher (Muallim) of this great book and has sent to the whole universe. As Allah Ta'ala says in Surah Rahman 1-4.
“The most Merciful (ALLAH (s.w.t)) has taught this Qur'an. He it is Who created man and taught him speech”

If someone says that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) does not know this, then that person is not raising an objection on the knowledge of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), but on the Holy Quran itself that the Holy Quran is imperfect and even on Allah Ta'ala Himself that He sent someone who does not have complete knowledge of the Holy Quran and the reality is that the Holy Quran is flawless and the selection of the Allah Ta'ala is also flawless.

With the knowledge gained from the court of Allah Ta'ala, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) has informed us of all that will happen until the Day of Judgment, made us aware of Jannah, Hell, Barzakh (the netherworld between this world and the Aakhirah), Aakhirah, judgment and everything else. There is a Hadith from Sahih Bukhari:

Translation : The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) came among us to give a sermon and He described the reality of beginning of the universe (creation) to when the people of Jannah will go into Jannah and the people of Hell will go into Hell. (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 3192)

here is a Hadith in Sahih Muslim on the authority of Hadhrat Abu Zaid Amr Bin Akhtab (May Allah be well pleased with him):
The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) led the Salaat Ul Fajr, then graced the pulpit and spoke to us until the time for Salaat Ul Zuhr came, then He (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) led the Salaat Ul Zuhr, then graced the pulpit and spoke to us until the time for Salaat Ul Asr came, then He (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) performed Salaat Ul Asr, graced the pulpit and spoke to us until the sun set. He (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) gave us detailed information about what has happened and what will happen. (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 7449)

The Holy Quran promotes the search for Knowledge through rationality and reason The Holy Quran not only established its excellence in terms of the beauty of its style, idiom and composition, but also by motivating its followers to reflect and ponder over the things around them and to draw conclusions on the basis of rational thinking. The Holy Quran manifestly acknowledges the role of rationality for the attainment of truth; whether that be of a religious or secular nature. This great emphasis on rational thinking played a vital role in promoting the quest for knowledge in the realm of religion and science. It was the urge for learning that subsequently sparked a dynamic movement that helped change the world as we know it today.

Alas! The great intellectual, economic and social prosperity that Muslims gained in the early period of Islam by following the golden principles of the Holy Quran waned out soon due to their rejection of the same book of wisdom. In fact this too was prophesied in the following verse of the Holy Quran:
[25:31] And the Messenger will say, ‘O my Lord, my people indeed treated this Qur’an as a discarded thing.’

And this resulted in the downfall of the whole Muslim empire. But the Muslims’ legacy of finding the truth through reasoning and experimentation was passed on to the Western world which ultimately culminated in a scientific and industrial revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries. In this era of great Enlightenment that dawned upon West, Muslims were engulfed by the pitch darkness of ignorance. The Knowledge of the Holy Quran is revealed at certain times.
When the West was making great discoveries and inventions that were laid hidden in the treasure house of the Holy Quran, the Muslims had unfortunately distanced themselves from its wisdom. They encased it in elaborate and elegant cloths and placed it on high shelves – far away from anyone`s reach – limiting themselves to reverence. Even those who knew how to read its words, albeit without understanding, would recite it merely on the dead rather than on the living. Some went so far as to declare parts of it abrogated for the sheer reason of being unable to understand them. However, just like any other knowledge, the gates to understanding this divine message were to be opened at a certain time. As it is mentioned in the Holy Quran:

[15:22] And there is not a thing but with Us are the treasures thereof and We send it not down except in a known measure.
At this time of utter disparity covering the Muslim world and faithlessness in the so-called enlightened western world.
The verities and fine points which foster understanding are always disclosed according to need. New corruptions call for ever fresh meanings, which are full of wisdom. It is obvious that the Holy Qur’an is a miracle in itself, and the greatness of its miracle is that it is comprehensive of unlimited verities, but they are manifested at their due time. As the difficulties of the time demand, those hidden insights are disclosed.
The Holy Qur’an itself is vivid miracle which can manifest itself to every people and by presenting which we can silent every non-believer or pagan, is the unlimited treasury of insights, verities and wisdoms, which are expounded in every age according to its need and stand as armed soldiers to refute the thinking of every age. If the Holy Qur’an had been limited in its verities and insights, it would not have amounted to a perfect miracle.

A necessary sign for the recognition of the holy and true Word of ALLAH (s.w.t) is that it should be unique in all its qualities, for we observe that whatever proceeds from ALLAH (s.w.t) Almighty is unique and matchless even if it is only a grain of barley, and human powers cannot match it. Being matchless means being unlimited, that is to say, a thing can be matchless only when its wonders and qualities are unlimited and have no end. As we have just stated, this characteristic is found in everything created by ALLAH (s.w.t) Almighty. For instance, if the wonders of a leaf of a tree are investigated for a thousand years, that period would come to an end, but the wonders of the leaf will not come to an end. That which has come into being through unlimited power, must comprise unlimited wonders and qualities. The verse,
“Say, ‘If every ocean becomes ink for the words of my Lord, surely, the ocean would be exhausted before the words of my Lord were exhausted, even though We brought the like thereof as further help;’” (18:110)
supports this, for the whole of creation in Words of ALLAH (s.w.t). Thus this verse means that the qualities of creation are without limit and endless. Now when every created thing possesses unlimited and endless qualities and comprises numberless wonders then how could the Holy Qur’an, which is the Holy Word of ALLAH Almighty, be confined to the few meanings which may be set out in a commentary of forty or fifty or a thousand volumes, or could have been expounded by our lord and master the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] in a limited period? To say so would almost amount to disbelief, if it is deliberately persisted in. It is true that whatever the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] has set forth as the meaning of the Holy Qur’an is true and correct, but it is not true that the Holy Qur’an contains no more than the insights that have been set forth by the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him]. Such sayings of our opponents indicate that they do not believe in the unlimited greatness and qualities of the Holy Qur’an.

Hazrat ALI (r.z) ,gate of all the knowledge, witnesses about the QURAN as a fountain-head of all knowledge with following words:
1:it’s a sharp instrument whoever basis his arguments on it.
2:it’s a source of knowledge for whoever has sense and the best narrative for its transmitters;
3: It is a light whose radiance shall not be extinguished;
4:A lamp whose flame shall not die;

Subhaanallah! This brilliant oration reviews many important points which call for careful reflection. For instance, by saying that Al-Quran is 'a lamp whose flame shall not die,' Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) means, as he does in many other statements in this oration, that Al-Quran is a book whose signification shall not be exhausted. It will remain fresh and new until the Day of Resurrection. A verse may have been sent down regarding a specific occasion or community, yet its relevance is not limited to that occasion, person, or community; rather, its signification and applicability are general.

Regarding the verse "For every people there is a guide (Al-Quran, 13:7)", al-Ayyashi reports the following discussion with Abu Ja'far [Imam al-Baqir (as)]:

"Imam al-Baqir (as) said, 'Ali is the guide, and the guide is always one of us.'

I said, 'Then you - for whom may my life be a sacrifice - are now the guide.'

'You are right,' said Imam al-Baqir (as). 'Al-Quran lives and will not die; the verses live and will not die. If a verse were to die with the death of the persons concerning whom it came down, then Al-Quran would have definitely died. Rather, such a verse would continue to apply to those who are alive as it did to those who died.'"

Another tradition reports that Imam al-Sadiq (as) said, "Certainly, Al-Quran lives, and has not died; and it is existent just as the day and the night and the sun and the moon are existent. And it will exist for the last among us as it has existed for the first."

The HOLY QURAN is undoubtedly a never-ending treasure of knowledge . Not only the wonders of the Holy Quran and that of the Natural World are unlimited, but they are also in absolute harmony with each other. It is impossible to trace any conflict between the work of ALLAH (s.w.t), i.e., science and the Word of ALLAH (s.w.t), i.e., the Holy Quran.
The Holy Qur’an is a Book so full of wisdom that it has brought out the accord between the principles of spiritual medicine, that is to say, the principles of religion which are truly spiritual medicine, and physical medicine, and this accord is so fine that it opens the doors of hundreds of insights and eternal truths. Only that person can interpret the Holy Qur’an truly and perfectly, who ponders the principles laid down by the HolyQur’an in the light of the system of physical medicine. On one occasion I was shown in a vision some books of expert physicians which contained a discussion of the principles of physical medicine, among which was included the book of the expert Physician Qarshi, and it was indicated to me that these Books contained a commentary on the Holy Qur’an. This shows that there is a deep relationship between the science of bodies and the science of religion and that they confirm each other. When I looked at the Holy Qur’an, keeping in mind the books that dealt with physical medicine, I discovered that the Holy Qur’an sets out in an excellent manner the principles of physical medicine
Following this principal and rational we can rightly conclude that whatever man has discovered or learnt so far in any field of knowledge help explain the verses of the Holy Quran. In other words all the books that have been written down to explain the Physical World are, in reality, the commentaries of the Holy Quran. In some cases the whole branch of scientific knowledge seems to be devoted to unravel the secrets of a single verse of Holy Quran. For example all the scientific findings in the field of Embryology serve as the testimony of the truth of this verse of Quran:

[23:13] Verily, We created man from an extract of clay; [23:14] Then We placed him as a drop of sperm in a safe depository; [23:15] Then We fashioned the sperm into a clot; then We fashioned the clot into a shapeless lump; then We fashioned bones out of this shapeless lump; then We clothed the bones with flesh; then We developed it into another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of creators.
This kind of Miracle of the Holy Quran has also been admired by the modern scientists. Dr. Moore who was a Professor of Anatomy and Chairman of the Department, Faculty of Medicine, at the University of Toronto, commenting on the above mentioned verse says:
“This verse from the Koran states that ALLAH (s.w.t) made you from a drop and then changed the drop into a leech-like structure which soon changed into a chewed like substance that then took the shape of bone and was clothed with flesh” and said , “I was amazed at the scientific accuracy of these statements which were made in the 7th century A.D”
There is no doubt whatsoever that the Holy Quran discusses all such issues that enhance, one way or the other, man’s understanding of this world or that of other. However, the real objective of this Holy Book is to guide man to the ultimate and absolute truth that is unchangeable over the periods of time. And that truth is, “there is none worthy of worship except Allah”.
This is the ultimate conclusion of all pursuits of gaining knowledge and understanding in this world, if done with the sincerity of the heart and mind. This is the point where a true believer of the Quran enters into the realm of absolute certainty.
"May ALLAh advance us with correct knowledge. Aameen."
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