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Old Wednesday, May 07, 2008
safdarmehmood safdarmehmood is offline
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Default Vocabulary from FPSC Screening Tests

1. Aberration *
2. Abet Encourage or assist (an offender or offence)
3. Abjure State publicly to give up a belief or way of life
4. Acclimation Habituate to a new climate or environment
5. Acrimonious Bitter in manner or temper
6. Addle * Become rotten
7. Admonitory Admonishing, warning
8. Adulation Obsequious flattery
9. Adroit Quick and skilful
10. Agnostic A person who believes that existence of God is not provable.
11. Agonising Suffer or cause to suffer agony
12. Allusion Indirect or vague reference
13. Analogous Similar
14. Annuity
15. Antidote Chemical substance that stops the effect of a poison
16. Antioxidant
17. Aptitude Natural talent
18. Arbitration Settlement of a dispute by an impartial third party
19. Attain Achieve
20. Aviary
21. Avid
22. Balmy Mild and pleasant
23. Baroque Architecture or art in Europe from the late 16th to the early 18th century.
24. Beaver
25. Bellicose Eager to fight
26. Berate Rebuke
27. Bereft of Deprived of
28. Bette-noire
29. Bivouac Temporary open encampment without tents
30. Blandishment Flatter
31. Blink Shut and open the eyes quickly
32. Boisterous Noisy, lively
33. Brazen Shameless
34. Breviary Book containing the Roman Catholic daily offices or prayers
35. Brittle Hard but easily broken
36. Caldron Large deep vessel used for boiling
37. Callisthenics Exercises for fitness and grace
38. Carnivorous Animals which eat meat
39. Cater
40. Celerity
41. Charlatan Person falsely claiming knowledge or skill
42. Choreography Design or arrangement of a ballet etc
43. Churlish Unfriendly, bad-tempered
44. Collage A picture made by sticking pieces of paper and cloth onto paper
45. Condor A large South American bird that eats the meat of dead animals
46. Conscientious Diligent
47. Conscious Aware of
48. Credible Worthy of belief
49. Credulous Ready to believe
50. Crevice A narrow opening or fissure especially in a rock etc
51. Crouch Lower the body with limbs close to the chest
52. Culinary Concerned with cooking
53. Cytology
54. Debut First public performance or recording
55. Decimate
56. Desiccate
57. Defuse Reduce tension
58. Deleterious Harmful
59. Dependant Person supported, esp. financially, by another
60. Dependent Depending
61. Diffuse Spread out
62. Digress Deviate
63. Dispense with?
64. Eerie Weird, Frightening
65. Effete Worn, Exhausted
66. Egregious * Rude
67. Eligible Suitable
68. Elysium Place of ideal happiness
69. Emanating from?
70. Emigrant A person who has left his own country to live in another country
71. Eminent Distinguished
72. Encumbered Into?
73. Endow
74. Enervate Deprive of vigour or vitality
75. Entomology
76. Ephemeral **
77. Epistle Letter
78. Equable Calm and reasonable person
79. Equalize Make equal
80. Ergonomics Study of the relationship between people and their working environment
81. Eschew
82. Ethics Moral principles
83. Exculpate
84. Explicit Expressed clearly and openly
85. Expunge
86. Exterminate Destroy utterly
87. Extrinsic Not inherent
88. Extrovert A person who is active, lively, and sociable
89. Exuberant High-spirited
90. Facsimile Exact copy
91. Fastidious * Fussy
92. Ferocious Fierce, savage
93. Fiasco Humiliating failure
94. Fickle Inconstant, changeable, disloyal
95. Flint A very hard, greyish-black stone which produces sparks when struck
96. Friskily Lively
97. Frolicsome Playful, Happy
98. Garrulous Talkative
99. Gaudy Narrow opening
100. Giggle Laugh in half-suppressed spasms
101. Goatee Small pointed beard
102. Grumble Complain peevishly
103. Gutsy * Brave
104. Habeas Corpus
105. Hackneyed (Of a phrase etc) Made trite by overuse
106. Hideous Extremely unpleasant or ugly
107. Hike Go on long country walks for pleasure
108. Hoax A trick in which someone tells people something that is not true
109. Hone
110. Hobson’s Choice To have only one thing to choose
111. Illegible Not legible
112. Illusion False idea or belief
113. Immaculate Perfectly clean and tidy
114. Immigrant A person who has come to live in a country from another country
115. Imminent About to happen very soon
116. Imperial Relating to an empire
117. Imperious Domineering
118. Impetuous A person who acts quickly and suddenly without thinking
119. Impugn
120. Indite
121. Industrious
122. Infraction Violation
123. Infringe Violate
124. Inoffensive Harmless
125. Innovative Renewed, Inventive
126. Innuendo * Hint, Indication
127. Insular Resident of an island, Narrow-minded
128. Ironic Displaying irony
129. Kindle Inspire
130. Knapsack Canvas bag carried on the back
131. Kulak A wealthy peasant
132. Infallible Never wrong
133. Labyrinth Complicated network of passages etc
134. Laceration A bad cut on skin
135. Languor
136. Lapidate Stone to death
137. Leeward Direction toward which the wind blows
138. Lesion Injury
139. Lexicography Compiling of dictionaries
140. Lipid Fatlike substances that are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents, including fatty acids, oils, waxes, and steroids
141. Litter Rubbish
142. Lob Hit or throw (a ball etc.) slowly or in a high arc
143. Locution Word, phrase, or idiom
144. Meagre Scant in amount or quality
145. Mercurial Of or in mercury, Quick, Changeable
146. Mirage
147. Nodule
148. Numb Deprived of feeling
149. Obdurate Stubborn
150. Obsequious Very eager to help or agree with people
151. Obsolete No longer used
152. Ogle
153. Opulence ** Wealth
154. Opulent Luxurious
155. Paediatric Branch of medicine dealing with children and their diseases
156. Pedagogy Science of teaching
157. Penchant Special liking
158. Penurious Very poor
159. Pernicious Very harmful
160. Persecute Treat cruelly
161. Peroration Concluding part of a speech
162. Pervious Permeable / an affording passage
163. Philanthropy Love of mankind
164. Podiatry A branch of chiropody that deals esp. with the bones of the foot and the mechanics of walking
165. Postulate Suggest it as the basis for a theory, argument or calculation
166. Precede Happen before
167. Precipice
168. Preservation
169. Pretence Pretending
170. Preventive Serving to prevent
171. Prim Stiffly formal and precise
172. Proceed Go forward
173. Prodigy Exceptionally gifted or able person
174. Profuse
175. Pro rata Proportional
176. Prosecute Institute legal proceedings against
177. Puny Undersized
178. Putative Reputed, supposed
179. Ransack Pillage or plunder
180. Ransom Money demanded or paid for the release of a prisoner
181. Rave Talk in an excited and uncontrolled way
182. Recession Temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity
183. Repudiating Refuse dealings with
184. Reticence Disposition to silence
185. Retro Backward
186. Revel Have a good time
187. Ribcage Wall of bones formed by the ribs
188. Ruling Passion
189. Sabbatical Leave granted at intervals to a university teacher for study or travel
190. Sagacity Good judgement
191. Sarcastic Mock
192. Scad *
193. Scorch Burn slightly or damaged by heat
194. Sedative A drug that calms or makes sleep
195. Sedentary (Of work etc) done while sitting
196. Sedulous Persevering in effort or endeavour
197. Shield Protect
198. Shrug Slightly and momentarily raise (the shoulders)
199. Sieve Perforated or meshed utensil for separating solids or coarse material from liquids or fine particles
200. Sift Put through a sieve
201. Skew
202. Slack (Of rope etc) not taut
203. Slake Satisfy (thirst, a desire etc)
204. Sorcerer Wizard
205. Sordanity
206. Sphere Globe
207. Stationary Not moving
208. Stationery Writing materials
209. Sturdy Strongly built
210. Sty Inflamed swelling on the edge of an eyelid
211. Sulk Silent and bad-tempered for a while
212. Suppress Prevent forcibly
213. Surreptitiously Done secretly
214. Syndicate
215. Syntax Grammatical arrangement of words
216. Temerity Rashness
217. Tangible Perceptible by touch
218. Tepid Unenthusiastic
219. Thermal
220. Triturate
221. Toll Cost or damage caused by a disaster etc
222. Tornado
223. Tranquil Serene / undisturbed
224. Tremulous Trembling
225. Truculent Aggressively defiant
226. Unearth Discover by searching or digging
227. Vagary
228. Validate Ratify
229. Valediction Bidding farewell
230. Venal Corrupt
231. Venial Pardonable
232. Veracious Truthful by nature
233. Viaduct Long, high bridge that carries a road or railway across a valley
234. Vindicate Clear of blame or suspicion
235. Vindictive Vengeful
236. Vintage Wine of high quality from a particular year and district
237. Vivacious Lively
238. Volatile Unstable
239. Voluptuous
240. Voracious
241. Wistful Yearning
242. Wrack Destruction
243. Wreck Sinking or running aground of a ship
244. Wrench Violent twist
245. Wretched Very unhappy
246. Xenophobia Hatred or fear of foreigners
247. Zulus
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