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Old Wednesday, September 28, 2016
thedude thedude is offline
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Originally Posted by Haseebb View Post
For British History, he used to make alot of headings in his questions.

Still my Q's remains unanswered. IF for sicial recognition and authirity, THERE ARE SO MANY AFOREMENTIONED PROBLEMS IN PAS, then even IRS & Customs seem a better choice than PAS.
I wonder why its top choice of most of ppl for facing so many problems just for socisl recognition??
Haseebb for many people it is not primarily about social recognition. As a PAS officer you have power and authority over a wide range of issues, even at the start of your career. You really get to make an impact in people's lives. Though corruption and interference are present.

On the other Hand in IRS you're only dealing with Taxation issues, and in customs your handling Tax issues (a function rapidly being taken over by IRS) and some basic law enforcement issues. Plus its not like customs is some sort of tension free group, it is notorious for being the group with the most corruption and political interference. Something I can verify personally as my family is friends with a few customs officers.

I will add that the PAS has the fastest promotions and the most BS 22 seats, and the best facilities, things which will matter a lot in the future.

Can you tell me anything more about how your cousin attempted the paper? Could you give me your contact number so we can speak on the phone?
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