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Usman Naseer Saturday, August 23, 2008 06:00 PM

Enhance Examination Preparation and sitting Abilities
Aslam – O – Alaikum,

Inspired by the thread “CSS and the Aspirant” started by honorable member S.H.Virk. I read some books to find out solutions to the worries of CSS Aspirant in special and other students in general. Therefore I decided to share my experience and tips with you to enhance examination preparation of the students. These tips, tools and methods of studying for examination are described scientifically so as to facilitate students to succeed in the examination.

These techniques cover how to enhance and use examinees’ intellectual capabilities, acquire required learning skills and adopt appropriate techniques for attempting the papers besides maintaining physical fitness, derived from:-
1. How to enhance examination preparation and sitting abilities by ICMAP.
2. How to stop worrying and start living by Dale Carnegie.
3. Business Accounting 2 by Frank Wood and Alan songster.
4. Self healing techniques for stress, anxiety and depression by Aliya Aftab
5. Shahra-e-Zindagi pe kamyabi ka safar by M. Bashir Jumma.
6. Many web sites searched with the help of [url]www.google.com.pk[/url]

Note: Before reading this I suggest you to please read the thread “CSS and the Aspirants” by S.H.Virk [url]http://www.cssforum.com.pk/central-superior-services-examination/css-competitive-examination/19040-css-aspirants.html[/url]

Usman Naseer Saturday, August 23, 2008 06:24 PM

[B]Expectations from the Examinees[/B]

1. Level of competency
• In-depth knowledge A though and detailed understanding of subjects, methods, techniques and concepts.
• Working knowledge application of learned tools, techniques and concepts of carious subjects undertaken to real life situation.
• Judgment: the ability to distinguish relevant and irrelevant issues, the ability to analyze, select from alternative.
• Presentation, the ability to organize data in a logical fashion and present the result in a coherent and professional manner using proper writing techniques and format.

2. Selection of study material.
• Student should at least select two books on a subject and also papers.

3. Time Management
Good time management is one of the core differences between effective and ineffective people. At the heart of good time management is the shift of focus on concentrating on results, not on being busy.
• Use an activity log to evaluate your use of time and your energy levels at different times of the day. (Prime time identification)
• Assess the worth of your tine and decide which tasks should be avoided, dropped or delegated.
• Set the goals and plans that will lead you to that success.

Following are the ways in which you can use time most effectively.
• Doing important work in quality time. (Prime Time)
• Eating and resting properly so that you spend time performing well.
• Attending group discussions, seminars, class room lectures.
• Delegating effectively-your chores to your friends or family members.
• Getting up early-avail fresh hours of the day the highest efficiency.
• Getting rid of unwanted jobs, leisure, sports during exam days.
• Blocking unwanted visitors/friends, and colleagues.
• Letting people know when you do not want to be disturbed, and
• Handing phone cells effectively with less time wastage.
• Action Plan: An action plan is a brief list tasks that you have to carry out achieve an objective. It differs from a ' To Do' list in that it focuses on the achievement of goal, rather than focusing on goals to be achieved in a period of time. Set your study goals- subject wise with time allocation per day or week. Wherever you want to achieve something, drawing up an action plan allows you to concentrate on the stages of that achievement, and monitor your progress towards that achievement. There is no substitute of hardworking. Any type of shortcoming can be overcome through hardworking.

4. Examination Philosophy
To ensure that examinees have attained the essential knowledge on the subject studied and can apply such learned concepts, techniques and tools to a real situation. A pass in the examination means that students have gained not only necessary technical knowledge, it also means students have developed skills of time management, organizing and summarizing data, report writing , communication with others and identifying and solving problems.

Usman Naseer Tuesday, August 26, 2008 02:03 PM

[B]5 . Interpret the Question.[/B]
Answer what is asked for and not what you know. One may write `many pages, but if it is not relevant to the question, you will not get any mark.
Imp Note: We do not read the questions properly, For example Q. is Describe the use of Accounting ratios in assessing the performance of business.
A lot of students immediately start to describe how to calculate various accounting ratios. Marks will obtain NIL. The question asked for the use of accounting ratios not how to calculate ratios.

6. [B]Note easiest one to you[/B]
Some of you get panicky while glancing through a paper for the first time. Instead, you should settle down, read and understand the questions carefully and then start by answering the easiest question first, so as to feel self-confident.
• Don’t work so fast that you start making careless error.
• Underline the key words in the question.
• Read the paper once again for better and enhanced understanding.
• Read the requirements of the question carefully i.e. what is asked? Half the answer is replied if you exactly find out "what is required?"

[B]7 Type of Questions Asked [/B]
• Explain,
• Describe
• Discuss
• Elaborate
• Elucidate
• Suggest
• Analyze
• Critically analyze
• Enumerate
• Determine
• Define
• Calculate
• Draw

[B]8) Allocation Reasonable Time:[/B] Allocation of time to question according to the marks allocated is important, so do not miss it.
9) Sequence the Questions[/B]
• Attempt easiest question FIRST.
• Make mental Tree-for producing logical answers.
• Jot down points/sub points on a rough sheet provided.
• Match question requirements to your possessed knowledge.
• Try to adjust your answer by developing the answer in your simple and understandable language.
• Do not reproduce questions on the script which are not required and result in wastage of time. Writing the question number as given in the paper is sufficient to identify the question.

[B]10) Enhance presentation[/B]

Remember marks are allotted for good presentation of your answers. You may plan your reply keeping in mind the following features:
• [B]Handwriting: [/B] Make an effort to keep your handwriting legible. The examiner will be aware that you are working quickly and under pressure and that you cannot be expected to write as carefully as you otherwise would. However, if your script is messy and unclear, the examiner may not be able to credit you with the marks to which you are entitled, simply because examiner cannot read your script.

• Logical flow/sequence order of the facts and figures will enhance the quality of answers.

• Heading/ Sub Headings of subjects and sub-topics, numbering, spacing, underlining etc.

• Schedules/Tables related data, Calculations, Formulate etc-should be properly checked and aligned to avoid mistakes.

• Use marks/sign or symbols where appropriate.

[B]11) Review the Script [/B]
Before handing over the answer script to invigilator, make to review the script page to page and point by point question-wise, locating missing Para or data, topics or formulate etc, and immediately remove the deficiency.

[B]12) Post –Examination Evaluation[/B]
• Do not discuss your paper performance at Examination premises at the end; it will disturb you, if you answers are found different from others. This will affect your remaining exam.
• Wait for all exams to end.
• When you have been through all papers take one-day rest.
• You may grade your paper,
• And wait for the result!

[B]13) Spiritual Help- Continuously Before/After Examination[/B]
Awake your Spiritual sense, no matter what the circumstances are. It is always a precursor to future greatness and yet the result will bring harmony and balance to all other aspects of your life.

Some of the steps for awakening your spiritual side are:
• Always be thankful to ALLAH(God)
• Set spiritual goal in life.
• Look for a spiritual guide.
• Serve the humanity.
Regular prayer (nimaz) and Dua always pay back and person gains more purity, punctually and clean habits in life. Dua builds confidence and foster desired belief system.

wait for more

Artemis Tuesday, August 26, 2008 04:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Well Usman thanks for your posts. I just want to add a time management technique here It can be used to accurately allocate time, to evaluate performance and to also track the progress.

Here we divide all the tasks (your commitments, milestones from study plan and other tasks) in four categories.

It is shown in a simple chart…


The first category has tasks that are important but not urgent. This is where one should work.

Pending tasks from first category1 tend to go to the second one over time. They show the previous inefficient time management.

Category three and four have less important tasks so here one has some choice. These can be managed based on individual tasks. You can complete them if you have enough time or you can simply delay or even avoid them.

Someone from PTC told during a seminar that when you go to top level firms you will never find their managers busy with piles of files on their desks. This is because they work in the first category. They perform their all important tasks before they become urgent. (You may think piles of files are missing because of system automation :) Well this is just an example to quote)…

I have shared this technique because I personally found it really helpful. It is useful to keep track of main milestones and study targets from the study plan. My personal advice is to keep the track of at least category1 and 2. Here you will try to have as few tasks as possible in category2. Even if all of them can’t be eliminated a task entering category2 from 1, serves as a motivation to do it earlier and preferably.

Usman Naseer Wednesday, August 27, 2008 01:33 PM

[B]14 Psychology of success (tips)[/B]-Positive affirmation to yourself.
• Your can do it and better than others in any examination.

• Stimulate courage and resolve to improve your memory now, do not postpone for next day.

• Get rid of an inferiority complex that your [B]"mind is week"[/B] and you are below average etc.Intelligence is 90% diligence. Create a habit of hard work; you will feel that your mind is sharp.

• Find out your specific memory problem such as inability to remember figures, history and formula and try to focus on the reasons. May be in your examination you forget answer because you must have learned it by rote without understanding the concepts and logic of the subject. Simultaneously reviews will make your memory sharp.

• Remember that the capacity of your mind is almost infinite-mind never sleeps; it does not exhaust- it is your energy or physical strain on eyes, back, shoulder etc. That may confuse you to think your brain has exhausted.

• [B]A week before the exam:[/B] Concentrate on keeping your normal eating, sleeping and exercise patterns. This will help with both physical and mental stress before and during the exam.

• [B]The day the exam: [/B]Find the exam location and familiarizes yourself with the area. If an overnight stay is required, arrive early allowing yourself plenty of time for a good meal and restful night of sleep. Set of out examination kit; admit card, pen, calculator, watch, pencils, erasers, a night before the examination.
• [B]The day of the exam: [/B] Eat lightly and take sweets or toffee with you for quick energy. Arrive early. Don't risk stressing yourself out and/or being late for the exam because of a traffic jam or other delays. Minimize pre-exam conversation with friends and classmates.

• [B]After the exam;[/B] Avoid discussing the exam answers with other candidates. "Some one is sure to disagree with your answer, and if you are easily influenced by his or her reasoning, you can become doubtful of your own ability. Wait and analyse the entire exam yourself after it's all over"

[B]15) Improving Memory[/B]

• [B]Concentration[/B]

• Avoid outer obstruction – of environment, noise, inadequate illumination, human interference, sitting chairs awkward position, uncomfortable clothing etc.

• Avoid inner obstruction- eliminate worries, conflict, stress, be happy, confident, and enjoy study.

• Create interest in the study-take up those first, which you like most, use imagination of success and learning, convince your mind to accept the reality.

• [B]Be confident[/B]
Is confidant by making positive affirmation-i.e. the statement you loudly saying concentrating your mind as an optimistic person? Here you may say, "I will pass all papers definite in my forthcoming exam". And repeat it several times in a day

• Take help from background/context: We do not read words, sentences or text in isolation, but within a given context and background which make the words meaningful. Since normally in life we do not experience any thing in isolation; mind forgets isolated facts in no time. To keep it in mind we must given it the necessary context.

• [B]Create your own format –visual, symmetry[/B]
Mind has its own language and preference and to remember something we must put our information in the format most suitable for the mind. A few of them are- symmetry, linkage, interesting, concrete, emotional, and visual etc.

• Grasp entire subject understanding

• W e have seen that our mind stores the information in holograms that is as a whole. It is, therefore, easy to remember something if we understand the whole of it and can see it as a whole in our mind's eye.

• Break the topic into sub-topics

• To understand and remember the organizational structure of a company we may draw its hierarchy chart, to understand an assembly line process we may draw its flow chart. To memorise a lengthy material we may sub-divide it into various Headings and sub-Headings. Read a sub-heading/paragraph thoroughly and note down the point that has been stressed.

• Make a mapping (mind)- Make notes in your own words:

• Write only headings and important points. It would be a better idea instead of using liner line by line note making you use the practice called" Mind-Mapping". In it, notes are made resembling schematic diagrams but not exactly planned like them. Form a central point branches are drawn in different directions which represent main points. Further sub-branching may represent sub-points. The map may not look very presentable but it is a great help in remembering.

[B] Quick Memory Tips[/B]

• Say it out loud! Your brain likes the sound of your voice. Repeat the concepts out loud. The concept will then be reinforced.

• Walk around the house, ask yourself questions, and answer them out loud. You can't fake it. Either you know the material or you do not. You must be able to state the facts without reference to your note cards, review text, or lists. Prove to yourself that you can do this.

• Classify the information into categories. For example, all liabilities are valued at net present value. Therefore the computations for bonds payable and a lease payable involve the same concept of net present value.

• Periodically, review old exam questions. Prove to yourself that you can and remember the concepts. Refresh your memory in the areas where you have forgotten the information

[B]16) Coping with Exam Anxiety[/B]

• [B]Set manageable goals:[/B] Make a list of all the areas you need to study. Break these topics into smaller sections and master one section at a time. When you are done with a section, cross it off from your list and move on to the next.

• [B]Priorities your responsibilities: [/B]The closer the exams get the more important it is to priorities your responsibilities. Very morning sit down and write a list of the things you need to accomplish that day. Once you have complied the list, priorities all of your responsibilities and get the most important items done first.

• [B]Think of success:[/B] it's easy to be sceptical about your performance in the exam, but it's important to approach the exam with a positive attitude and "think success". Be prepared for the exam, and most importantly believe you will succeed.


Usman Naseer Monday, September 01, 2008 12:09 PM

[B]17. Reference material[/B] – useful sources and support for acquiring techniques of examination and personal grooming.

[B]a) Magazines[/B]
[B]Herald[/B] [url]http://www.dawn.com/herald/[/url]
[B]Newsweek[/B] [url]http://www.newsweek.com[/url]
[B]Time[/B] [url]http://www.time.com/time/[/url]
[B]World Mag [/B][url]http://www.worldmag.com/[/url]
[B]All You Can Read [/B][url]http://www.allyoucanread.com/Top20/index.asp[/url]
[B]More @[/B] [url]http://www.headlinespot.com/type/magazines/[/url] & [url]http://www.magazines.com/browse/?e3cd7dcb[/url]

[B]b) Web-sites[/B]
Surf the net to reach global sites of universities, accounting bodies and consulting institutes through search engines like ask.Com, goole.com, yahoo.com, alta-vista.com. etc, I will try to write something about How to search effectively in less time.

[B]c) Institutions[/B]
Following are some of the institutes which provide professional development coursed:
i) The Institute of Mind Sciences
ii) Power Programme Centre 112-B,Main Gulberg Road, Lahore Tel: 042-5751231
iii) Pakistan Institute of Management Tel# KHI-021-5833556/9
iv) Institute of Safety and Human Factors Tel: 021-5821355,021582166 Fax: 021-5820924

[B]Important Libraries of the country [/B].
 [URL="http://www.aku.edu/akulibrary/index.shtml"]Aga Khan University Karachi[/URL], Pakistan
 [URL="http://www.irm.edu.pk/ahkrc/resource_centre.htm"]Akhter Hameed Khan Resource Center Islamabad[/URL], Pakistan
 [URL="http://www.bzu.edu.pk/library.html"]Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan[/URL], Pakistan
 [URL="www.ciit.edu.pk/Library/"]COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Islamabad[/URL], Pakistan
 [URL="www.goethe.de/su/kar/"]Goethe Insitute of Karachi Karachi[/URL], Pakistan
 [URL="www.gcu.edu.pk/library/"]Government College University Lahore,[/URL] Pakistan
 [URL="www.hamdard.edu.pk/lr.asp?sCategory=Learning%20Resources&sKey=Libraries"]Hamdard University Karachi[/URL], Pakistan
 [URL="portal.idsp.org.pk/Default.aspx?tabid=89307"]Institute for Development Sudies and Practices Quetta[/URL], Pakistan
 [URL="www.sindhology.com.pk/Library1.html"]Institute of Sindhology Jamshoro[/URL], Pakistan
 [URL="iiui.info/uportal/Libraries/CentralLibrary/tabid/269/Default.aspx"]International Islamic University Islamabad,[/URL] Pakistan
 [URL="www.iiu.edu.pk/campus/libraries.asp"]Islamic Research Institute Islamabad,[/URL] Pakistan
 [URL="www.lse.edu.pk/LIBRARY1.HTM"]Lahore School of Economics Lahore,[/URL] Pakistan
 [URL="library.lums.edu.pk/"]Lahore University of Management Sciences Lahore[/URL], Pakistan
 [URL="www.lml.edu.pk/"]Liaquat Memorial Library Karachi, Pakistan [/URL]
 [URL="www.ngorc.org.pk/html/library.htm"]NGO Resource Centre Karachi[/URL], Pakistan
 [URL="www.planwel.edu/Research/libraries.html"]Pakistan Library Network Karachi,[/URL] Pakistan
 [URL="www.pulibrary.edu.pk/"]Punjab University Lahore,[/URL] Pakistan
 [URL="www.qau.edu.pk/lib/"]Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad,[/URL] Pakistan
 [URL="www.szabist-isb.edu.pk/library.htm"]Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology Islamabad,[/URL] Pakistan
 [URL="library.ucp.edu.pk/"]University of Central Punjab Lahore, [/URL]Pakistan
 [URL="www.upesh.edu.pk/facilities/library.html"]University of Peshawar Peshawar,[/URL] Pakistan
 [URL="www.uvas.edu.pk/library/main1.htm"]University of Verterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore[/URL], Pakistan

[B]Karachi [/B]

1) Defence Library Phone No. 021-5888859

2) Liaquat Memorial Library Phone No021-9230117

3) Taimuria Library, North Nazimabad Phone No.021-6677103

4) Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani Library. Phone No. 021-612067 Collection 25,072 Volumes

5) Central Library, Korangi,Korangi # 5, Collection: 12,545 Volumes

6) Rangoon Wala Hall Library. Phone No. 021-4938146


1) Metropolitan Library, outside Delhi Gate Shah Muhammad Ghous. Collection 21,029 Volumes, journal 29

2) Pakistan National Centre Library Phone No. 042-62269 Collection 21,771 Volumes

3) Quaid –e-Azam Library Bagh-e-Jinnah Phone No. 042-6304920 Collection 91,000 Volumes Journals 337

4) S.O.S. Library,Ferozepur Road Phone No. 042-6304920


1) F.G.Commerce College for Men- Library, Sector H-8, Islamabad
Phone 051-8854310, Collection = 16000 Volumes

2) F.G. College for Women – Library, Sector F-7/2, Islamabad Phone No. 051-8810395-8821577, Collection = 30,320 Volumes

3) Allama Iqbal Open University- Library, Sector H-8, Islamabad

4) Quaid-e-Azam University –Library

5) National Constitution Library of Pakistan Constitution, Avenue, Islamabad, Phone No. = 051-9214523 Collection= 130,000 Volumes, Journals = 772, News Papers = 132

6) Islamabad Public Library, Block 5-B, Markaz F-6, Super Market, Islamabad. Phone 051 -9221382, Collection =32000 Volumes

Muhammad Azhar Khwaj Tuesday, February 28, 2017 07:55 PM


nutz Sunday, May 14, 2017 04:59 PM

Thanks a lot

jonymaan Wednesday, November 28, 2018 10:55 AM

Best tips of Interviews is for beginners . .

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