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angelstar Tuesday, October 15, 2013 01:14 AM

critical analysis and analytical
respected members,
i want to know about most talked characteristics for css which is [B][U]critical analysis and analytical skills [/U][/B]and how can we express this in best way in our papers? :confused: :unsure:
[B][U][COLOR="Blue"]kindly do give example while elaborating.[/COLOR][/U][/B]

marilatif Tuesday, October 15, 2013 01:23 AM

respected members,
i want to know about most talked characteristics for css which is [B][U]critical analysis and analytical skills [/U][/B]and how can we express this in best way in our papers? :confused: :unsure:
[B][U][COLOR="Blue"]kindly do give example while elaborating.[/COLOR][/U][/B][/QUOTE]

Dear both words are self explanatory, one is a skill which you develop over the period of time with regular practice. while the other one is the way to do critical analysis of a question.

for example you develop your analytical skills with regular writing practice and doing brain storming.

whereas critical analysis is expressing your opinion with both positive and negative aspects of a topic and then finally giving your own conclusion.


angelstar Tuesday, October 15, 2013 01:31 AM

thanks sir for your kind reply. but please give example for analytical approach
like in the following question please explain both topics?
What can be the strategies to reduce dependency of education sector on governmental funding?

Buddha Tuesday, October 15, 2013 01:46 PM

Analysis is about breaking a topic into its parts. What does the problem comprise of? You have to narrow it down. You have to enumerate its causes. You have to write down its effects.
Let's suppose the topic is Inflation. You have to define exactly what inflation is? Definition also restricts the topic. Inflation isn't price hike, but price hike is related to it. Price hike might be a cause of inflation or an effect of it. Then you go on enumerating the causes. One cause might be the Global Financial Meltdown, another cause might be rising oil prices. What are the effects? An effect might be rising commodity prices; frustration in the fixed-income bracket class. What might be the future effects? Now you're going to predict. There could be agitation against the price hike, it could even lead to political collapse, regime change!
Then you can suggest remedies. What should be done? Make a monetary policy and implement it. Widen tax net and subsidize the commodity items. Fix the currency exchange rate, promote local industries, invite foreign capital etc.
Now you sum up the arguments. Analysis done!

05:42 AM (GMT +5)

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