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hazelnut Monday, January 18, 2016 02:54 PM

please someone suggest factors for rise of ISIS and how to tackle this monster?
also is USA's invasion in Iraq one of the factors of rise of ISIS or not?

ibrarkhan Monday, January 18, 2016 03:20 PM

Rise of ISIL: Follow the link

abbasijawi Monday, January 18, 2016 06:28 PM

Well, the rise of ISIS is connected with the us-led invasion of Iraq and toppling of Saddam. By removing the interim gov the coalition created a vacuum as well as a sectarian divide. Sunnis of Iraq were kept in the dark during the formation of national gov. Sunnis developed a sense of being oppressed by the Shiites of Iraq. Isis was than known as ISI( islamic state of Iraq) founded by a afghan war veteran Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. It had little following, but after the invasion Sunni youth joined the organization because it cashed on the sense of deprivation of sunni population. In my opinion, there's no easy way to deal with a monster like Isis because its ideology is solely based on sectarianism, and, as you might know, it is the most sensitive issue among the Islamic world.

zaaraqutab Tuesday, January 19, 2016 07:29 PM

yes US invasion in iraq in 2003 is a major contributor for the rise of ISIS or ISIL
US policy at that time regarding
1)Iraqi army (most of the ISIS militants are ex army officials of iraq
2)Desolation of political structure
3)Instability in society
4)No clear agenda for the restoration of iraqi national structure after war
5)Severe blow backs from people against US invasion
6)Shia Sunny conflicts
7)Lack of leadership

11:07 AM (GMT +5)

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