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Maymoona Mirza Sunday, October 02, 2016 01:43 PM

Pakistan statecraft dilemma
Pakistan's statecraft dilemma...
Democracy may have it's inherent bads but way better than one man monarchy or dictatorship.PM Nawaz Sharif can be reckoned as a weaker person, on individual personality grounds than Mr Musharaf but history has a paradoxical story to share.In 1998 under immense pressure of "escalation" (sanctions and other threats) from world community Nawaz sharif detonated nuclear bomb for it has a national consensus to back him.But when Musharaf sahib took over he succumbed to one after another situation.Firstly unconditional too many "YES" to US and lately change in Kashmir policy after India cosmetically presented 2001 parliament attack blaming Pk responsible.Gone with dictatorial regimes Pakistan today is experiencing its second consecutive democratic term.The blames of being a "terrorist missionary" by India and US could not be vindicated even by 2 successive democratic regimes.So where does the shoes pinches? India with all its small and big manifestations of extremism from RSS blatantly interfering in state issues to inhumanely barbaric operation of Indian Militia in Jummu and Kashmir.Yet there is no state to call it "Terrorist" , no state community no organization to rebuke its policies.18 Indian soldier killed in Uri sector; no evidence ,Pakistan blamed and turned the table over Pakistan's valid plea of Kashmir issue.All this gives an impression it's more about playing well in international arena.It took 20 years for predecessor of Pak to establish a political forum for themselves (1885 CONGRESS inception, 1906 Muslim League born) and that lag could persists even now. still I feel Pak is couple of decades behind India in terms of political maneuvers point scoring and manipulations.We are at par with India in "Power capabilities" but lacking in statecraft.Therefore issues like Kashmir are put on the back burner despite its ferocity.Leadership scarcity.

10:45 PM (GMT +5)

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