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Nida javaid Wednesday, June 23, 2010 11:40 PM

What do geopolitics and Geo-strategic mean?
Salam dear members.

i am new at this forum.i want to appear for CSS.kindly tell me what do geo-politics and geo-strategic mean?


ali emraan Thursday, June 24, 2010 12:01 AM

GEO_POLITICS means the political scenario in the region concerned. this scenario usually has two dimensions1)intra state2)inter state .
as we all know that each region consists of many countries having their own interests.so inorder to meet their intertests they constitute certain designs.
so all the (clashes+fusions+warfare+military comparisons+economy+foreign players involved) create a specific political ecology.this ecology is called gEO_POLITICS.

GEO_STRATEGIC is used in the same context as the term geo_politics.
hopfullu u have followed the point. thnx.

Riaz Ahmed Alizai Thursday, June 24, 2010 12:05 AM

Geopolitics is the study that analyzes geography, history and social science with reference to spatial politics and patterns at various scales (ranging from the level of the state to international). It examines the political, economic and strategic significance of geography, where geography is defined in terms of the location, size, function, and relationships of places and resources.

Geostrategy, a subfield of geopolitics, is a type of foreign policy guided principally by geographical factors as they inform, constrain, or affect political and military planning. As with all strategies, geostrategy is concerned with matching means to ends— in this case, a country's resources (whether they are limited or extensive) with its geopolitical objectives (which can be local, regional, or global). According to Gray and Sloan, geography is "the mother of strategy."

Geostrategists, as distinct from geopoliticians, advocate proactive strategies, and approach geopolitics from a nationalist point-of-view. As with all political theories, geostrategies are relevant principally to the context in which they were devised: the nationality of the strategist, the strength of his or her country's resources, the scope of their country's goals, the political geography of the time period, and the technological factors that affect military, political, economic, and cultural engagement. Geostrategy can function normatively, advocating foreign policy based on geographic factors, analytical, describing how foreign policy is shaped by geography, or predictive, predicting a country's future foreign policy decisions on the basis of geographic factors.

03:56 PM (GMT +5)

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