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soft rock Sunday, September 08, 2013 03:53 PM

Pan-Applicants League for Current Affairs
its requested the applicants for ce-2014 that lets prepare for the current affairs paper of CE-2014 as a whole in group format,the group which i name as Pan-Applicants League.

The purpose of this thread is to challenge the low scoring stereotype of current affairs.Here it is requested to share all the major issues of domestic level, global level, or US level of Year 2013 ,along with there possible modes of questions, which is blatantly may different from applicant to applicant but sharing it is all worthwhile and indispensable.
Don,t create confusion and come-up only with issues that have element of persistence in their nature , not those issue which disappear after surfacing for a day or two.

so far my observation for the year 2013 current affairs is here,

[COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Domestic Issues,[/B][/COLOR]

1. balochistan issue, and its pertinent solutions.
2. Drone attacks as challenge for new government,
3. Sectarian Violence and plausible solutions.
4. Terrorism & its solutions
5. Corruption and its remedies.

[COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Global Issues,[/B][/COLOR]

1. Israel-palestine third attempt for reconciliation after the release of Palestinian Prisoner i.e 26.
2. Global food crisis and its required strategies to get rid of it.

[COLOR="DarkRed"][B]US Concerns,[/B][/COLOR]

1. US seeking approval for attack on syria and responsiblities of the Arab league in this concern.
2. US withdrawal of its troops from afghanistan and its future implications for the region and for the US as well.

05:03 PM (GMT +5)

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