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pure heart Wednesday, July 21, 2010 10:41 PM

US-PAK relation
The ebb and flow of US- PAK relationship:

The relationship b/w Pakistan and USA is a tale of different phases. In one phase if both embrace each other then in other bitterness prevails allover.
First phase (1947-1962) is a story of sheer co-operation and mutual understanding. Pakistan was economically weak, socially disintegrated and politically nascent and in a dire need of a stable friend who could support him economically, militarily and morally, after independence in 1947.
At the same time USA needed an ally to counter the spread of communism in Asia, USA, disappointed by the isolation policy of India, forwarded towards Pakistan and diplomatic relations began in 1950 when 1st prime minister of Pakistan visited USA. Then in 1953 3rd Governor General of Pakistan further strengthened the ties by an official visit. Pakistan joined SEATO & CENTO in 1954 and1957 respectively, which pleased USA. Pakistan and USA signed a mutual defense assistance agreement in 1954 according to which Pakistan was provided with equipment and aid and in turn allowed the USA personnel to discharge their duties in her territory. More over John F Kennedy recognized Durand line as international boundary in1962.

But a twist came in the tale when second phase (1965-79) started with the provision of military aid to India to curb China in Sino India war which disturbed military balance in the region. More over in 1965 and 1971 kept herself aloof from Pakistan in Indo-Pak war and Pakistan failed to secure assistance from both SEATO and CENTO. This compelled Pakistan to resign from both pacts in1972 and 1979 respectively.

The scene again changed in the third phase (1979-1988) with invasion of Russian troops in Afghanistan with a target to reach warm waters. This reminded USA of her ally in south Asia and she again turned towards Pakistan and approached her with and assistance. She supported dictator regime of Zia to spew talibans to fight against USSR on the name of Islam. But this cordial relation ended in 1988 with the withdrawal of USSR forces from Afghanistan. The events turned even bitterer in 1990 when George W Bush withheld aid and military equipments under presseler’s amendment. Further the aid from World Bank, IMF and Asian development bank was said to be jeopardized as a consequence of nuclear tests in 1998.

The relations could not be normalized until the present phase (2001-onward) stared when the ghost of terrorism hulked over USA with attacks on WTC and pentagon on 9/11. USA alleged Al-Qaida and Taliban responsible for the attacks and Pakistan was given the status of major non-NATO ally of Pakistan in 2004 to escort USA in fight against terrorism.” Pakistan received approximately 18 billion in military and economic aid from the United States from 2002-2010.

In 2009 when Democratic Party came into power with Barack Obama as the president of USA, the policy of cordial relation strengthened further an aid of 7.5 billion dollars was pledged in October 2009 under Kerry luger bill and In December 1, 2009, President Barack Obama in a speech on a policy about Pakistan said "In the past, we too often defined our relationship with Pakistan narrowly. Those days are over.... The Pakistani people must know America will remain a strong supporter of Pakistan’s security and prosperity long after the guns have fallen silent, so that the great potential of its people can be unleashed."

Now a days secretary of the state Mrs Clinton is engaged in strategic dialogue with his counter part Mr. Qureshi. But history shows that both countries hold on-off type relation, which turns on when USA needs Pakistan either to curb communism, to spew Taliban or to fight against terrorism and turns off with sanctions, withheld aid and aloofness. Pakistan should learn lesson form this seasonal friendship and focus more strategically to yield all weather friends. Keeping in view the past trends the future of this relation is uncertain and unsure. Hence more efforts should be made to become economically independent rather than targeting aids and assistance for a safe and secure future.

03:47 PM (GMT +5)

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