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Satan Sunday, November 13, 2005 06:38 AM

Vocabulary Test
[B]Let's see how good your vocabulary is?
(Courtesy: brainbench.com)[/B]

Dan's conceit is so immense that he cannot imagine anyone voting against him in the upcoming class election.
Considering the above sentence, which one of the following describes Dan?
Choice 1
Dan is libeled.
Choice 2
Dan is besieged.
Choice 3
Dan is complacent.
Choice 4
Dan is instantaneous.
Choice 5
Dan is inept

Which one of the following words describes the attraction children often have for trouble?
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
Choice 5

Harry never used a computer prior to getting a part time job in a health club after retiring from his career of thirty years. His new employer did his best to help Harry become comfortable with the keyboard and the programs he would be using to work with the membership at the club.
Considering the above scenario, which one of the following would Harry LEAST likely need to know for his job?
Choice 1
How to use a disk drive
Choice 2
How to boot the computer
Choice 3
How to use a database or spreadsheet
Choice 4
The binary system on which the computer is based
Choice 5
The identity of the disk operating system

It had been a perfect weekend in the mountains, but as the young couple drove into their driveway, feelings of apprehension overtook them for an unexplained reason.
Referring to the above text, what word describes the couple's uneasiness?

Choice 1
Choice 2
Tour de force
Choice 3
Choice 4
Choice 5

Which word relationship below is similar to the one shown above?
Choice 1
Convivial : Rancorous
Choice 2
Intrinsic : Inherent
Choice 3
Tentative : Contingent
Choice 4
Ingenuous : Banal
Choice 5
Parsimony : Profligacy

The letter Caroline received from her boyfriend Harold could best be described as laconic.
Considering the above text, which one of the following correctly describes the tone of the letter?
Choice 1
It was mellifluous and just what she needed to hear.
Choice 2
It was compendious, which is unusual for a guy who normally cannot stop talking.
Choice 3
It was fanciful, a perfect description of his feelings for her.
Choice 4
It was very lucid and not full of the flowery language Caroline was used to reading.
Choice 5
It was lethargic but sweet.

Line 1: Lauren was always the bellwether of any class project. She was terrified to get up in front of the class for any reason. Line 2: Denise's mother felt that her daughter had a plethora of blessings in her life, and for this she was thankful.
Line 3: Michael felt for sure he was the world's worst calculus student. Thank goodness that math was his only bailiwick.
Line 4: Although Darcy was used to her cousin's ability to speak for hours without what seemed like even a breath, even she was shocked at her aphasia during their weekly phone conversation.
Line 5: Ann and Marie had been friends for so long and had such animus feelings towards each other, that they often wondered if they would ever have a serious argument.

What line in the above list demonstrates proper word usage?
Choice 1
Line 1
Choice 2
Line 2
Choice 3
Line 3
Choice 4
Line 4
Choice 5
Line 5

Which one of the following demonstrates proper word usage?
Choice 1
Because of his fear of heights, Tyler felt sure that he would be a poltroon if he had to skydive.
Choice 2
Certainly the funniest of all the animals on the farm is the pigs. Their platitude cannot be surpassed by any other.
Choice 3
The best features of the entire stage set were the quislings that were draped in front of the apron.
Choice 4
For our family, the least favorite day of the entire month is the day that Dad spends paying the bills. The retinue never is what he expects it should be and the whole house has to deal with his ranting.
Choice 5
Certainly the most emotional portion of a wedding is the moment the bride appears to walk down the atrium to meet her groom.

On Helen's 90th birthday, members of her immediate and extended family and friends gathered together to celebrate her life. Until that day, she had very little idea of just what an impact she had had on the lives of so many whom she loves and who love her.
Considering the above paragraph, which one of the following correctly describes how Helen's family and friends felt about her?
Choice 1
They extrapolated her.
Choice 2
They venerated her.
Choice 3
They exacerbated her
Choice 4
They beleaguered her
Choice 5
They squandered her.

The local theatre company was thrilled to be casting an updated version of Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Carousel." Everything seemed to be in place to begin rehearsals, except for one important element.
Considering the above scenario, what is absolutely necessary for the company to begin rehearsals?
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
Choice 5

After all of the final parties were completed, the brothers of the fraternity met for several hours to deliberate secretly over which fifteen young men they would ask to become part of their brotherhood.
Considering the above text, what word accurately describes this tradition of offering brotherhood to a few select men?
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
Choice 5

As a magician, the Great Lowdono proved to be the best at enabling things to disappear. His special skill was to cause animals seemingly to vanish into thin air.
Considering the above scenario, what word describes the Great Lowdono's skills?
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
Choice 5

On a poster for a Restoration play, the leading man was pictured passionately clutching his love interest with both hands. On his left wrist was the unmistakable face of a Mickey Mouse watch.
The above text is an example of what term?
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
Choice 5

The Camerons like their realtor very much, but having his subordinate at their disposal was what really pleased them. In their opinion, there is nothing as important as quality customer service!
Considering the above paragraph, which statement expresses a similar concept?
Choice 1
The realtor certainly understood the nuances the Camerons were looking for in a new home.
Choice 2
The Camerons wanted to have that sublime feeling when they finally found the house they were looking for.
Choice 3
The Camerons were terribly impressed that the owner of the company would be available to answer their parochial questions.
Choice 4
Many realtors know that a coadjutant is very useful in keeping clients satisfied during their search for a new home.
Choice 5
It was such a blessing to have a provincial person assist them on a daily basis.

After many years of suspicion on the part of the residents, it was proven in court that the chemical company was causing serious health problems to many who lived nearby.
Referring to the above text, which one of the following uses all words correctly?
Choice 1
This case was the quintessence of medical cases. Everyone involved was dissatisfied with the final outcome of the case.
Choice 2
The company was forced to atone for the damages done by paying medical bills for many of the residents who were ill.
Choice 3
It was a perfect example of double-think; everyone involved ultimately believed in the same thing.
Choice 4
The best thing about this case was that there was such a dichotomy of opinion among the jury. They all agreed the chemical company should be punished.
Choice 5
The chemical company was pleased that the outcome of the trial decimated them; they were concerned that they would have to lay off many employees if the verdict went against them.

It took an incredible amount of _________ to keep pace with the lead marathoner, especially when the _________ became very treacherous.
Which set of words correctly completes the above sentence?
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
Choice 5

Which choice contains two words that are synonymous?
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
Choice 5

After weeks of sleeplessness, Matthew's mother felt she had no choice but to take drastic measures. She would find a way to help him sleep through the night, even if it meant letting him scream for hours!
Considering the above paragraph, what word correctly describes the measures Matthew's mother is prepared to take?
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
Choice 5

After many years of teaching high school drama, Mrs. Clark had no trouble in picking up on the meanings of any of the "in" words of the school year. For this reason, she was considered extremely cool, even though she was almost of retirement age.
Considering the above paragraph, what word describes the language of Mrs. Clark's students?
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
Choice 5

Which one of the following statements demonstrates correct word usage?
Choice 1
Because the question of a person's sound mind and body is immaterial in relation to a will, it was imperative that Herbert's doctors deemed him in perfect mental health.
Choice 2
Although she would not inherit anything, Uncle Herbert's niece was grateful for all that had been bequeathed to her.
Choice 3
All three boys were incarcerated after the reading of the will; they had too much champagne and got terrible headaches.
Choice 4
The nephews were sure that plagiarism was involved in the writing of the will and vowed to seek justice so that no one could question its validity.
Choice 5
Prior to the reading of the will, Herbert's lawyer was arrested for trying to abscond with the majority of the inheritance.

Which word relationship below is similar to the one shown above?
Choice 1
Venerable : Abhorrent
Choice 2
Dexterity : Practice
Choice 3
Diminish : Abate
Choice 4
Diligent : Slothful
Choice 5
Dissuade : Encourage

Though Joe did not expect to be reimbursed in any monetary way for the help he had given them, he was totally taken aback by their complete lack of gratitude for what he had done.
Considering the above text, which one of the following sentences correctly describes Joe's feelings?

Choice 1
He is irked and disconcerted at the lack of social grace demonstrated in this instance.
Choice 2
He certainly may wish to confront them concerning their lack of clarity.
Choice 3
He wishes they were more smug about the situation and less discontent.
Choice 4
He expects compensation for what he has done.
Choice 5
He is unbefuddled by their remorse.

Which one of the following sentences is completely correct in verb usage?

Choice 1
The prejudices of a bigot are sometimes so dumfounded that it is very difficult to get through to them.
Choice 2
Although it is sometimes difficult, we must trust in the tenet that truth and honor will skimp.
Choice 3
Josie was exhausted now, but after a short vacation, her energies would be rended.
Choice 4
The war that began with a German invasion of Poland in 1939 soon engulfed almost the entire planet.
Choice 5
After many hours of questioning, the detective managed to delude the whereabouts of the fugitive from his accomplice.

William spent the last six months searching for the perfect job and was finally certain that he had made a great career decision in accepting a position with a prominent Fortune 500 company. A week before his first day on the job, William prepared to sign his contract but noticed a discrepancy between the salary they verbally offered him and the one on the contract.
Considering the above scenario, what term describes what William needs to attach to his contract to be sure the salary is what he and the employer had previously discussed?

Choice 1
A non compete clause
Choice 2
A contingency
Choice 3
A constitution
Choice 4
An addendum
Choice 5
A confidentiality agreement

As a realtor, Dave Sullivan was known for getting the best deal for his clients. Today he received a contract on a home for which he is the selling agent. Unfortunately, the potential buyers bid $20,000 less than what the sellers were asking for their home. Dave was determined to wrap up a sale and get the most for his clients.
Considering the above scenario, which one of the following would help Dave close the sale on the house?

Choice 1
Dave should offer an addendum so that the price could be a little bit higher.
Choice 2
Dave should work with his clients to determine a counter offer.
Choice 3
Dave should persuade the sellers to include some of their assets in the sale of their home.
Choice 4
Dave should mortgage the price of the house so the buyers can afford it.
Choice 5
Dave should encourage the sellers to declare bankruptcy in order to qualify for the loan at a higher rate.

What grouping contains a word that does NOT relate to the other two in its group?

Choice 1
Insurgent, iconoclast, maverick
Choice 2
Aberration, anomaly, singularity
Choice 3
Idiosyncrasy, eccentricity, complacency
Choice 4
Abhorrence, rancor, animosity
Choice 5
Antecedent, precursor, precedent

What grouping contains a word that does NOT relate to the other two in its group?
Choice 1
Uniform, monolithic, homogeneous
Choice 2
Meager, tenuous, paltry
Choice 3
Intrinsic, congenital, innate
Choice 4
Palpable, resolute, steadfast
Choice 5
Affable, convivial, amicable

John and Betty went on a dig with local archaeologists to learn more about the profession. These scientists were in the process of uncovering a skeleton found in what was believed to be an underground shelter.
Referring to the above scenario, which one of the following specialties is connected to their dig?

Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
Choice 5

Professor Annegan had such profound insights into the Romantic poets. There was never a class session that concluded without at least one student commenting on her incredible knack for seeing into the heart of the authors.
Considering the above paragraph, which one of the following words describes the Professor?
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
Choice 5

Which one of the following sentences contains NO word usage errors?

Choice 1
In the opinion of the angry stockbroker, it was not the crime itself that was so infuriating but the principal of the situation.
Choice 2
No matter what the polls seem to imply, the candidate is obviously having little affect on the populace.
Choice 3
Jennifer's clever wiles have little effect on Charles, although he adores her.
Choice 4
It appears very difficult for some people to just except who they are and not worry so much about what others' opinions of them may be.
Choice 5
The socialite's trip to the stationary store was always a fun one for her, as she thoroughly enjoyed browsing through the many different choices of cards and papers.

Jan's job status as a receptionist is best described as tenuous.
Referring to the above text, which adjective might describe her performance on a job appraisal?

Choice 1
Slipshod, rushing haphazardly through each of her duties.
Choice 2
Scanty, showing great courtesy to the firm's clients.
Choice 3
Elaborate, paying too little attention to the details of her job.
Choice 4
Elusive, being on time is one of her strong points.
Choice 5
Teeming, trying to do everything herself.

Kevin had been only too happy to sign the contract on the sale of his condominium. He was thrilled to be making a five percent profit on it. Unfortunately for Kevin, he had a poor real estate agent and neither the agent nor Kevin read the fine print.
Considering the above scenario, which one of the following statements is correct?
Choice 1
He reconciled with the agent to get him a better deal.
Choice 2
He accrued his lawyer to help make sense of the mess.
Choice 3
He exculpated the agent and fired him on the spot.
Choice 4
He cajoled the buyer and promised to fix the leaking roof.
Choice 5
He did not scrutinize the document well enough.

Which word relationship below is similar to the one shown above?
Choice 1
Austerity : Melodrama
Choice 2
Visionary : Practicality
Choice 3
Malaise : Anxiety
Choice 4
Bureaucracy : Consolidation
Choice 5
Zeal : Lethargy

Which one of the following sentences contains INCORRECT verb agreement?
Choice 1
Nobody, not one of us, has ever been back to any of our high school reunions, although it has been almost fifty years since we graduated.
Choice 2
Either the law is going to be passed within the next fiscal year, or it will be buried within the legislative system for another ten years.
Choice 3
Despite the fact that the lawyers argued the point all morning, the truth of the situation is that neither one of them are correct.
Choice 4
The criteria for receiving a license to drive a large transport truck are attending a very intense class and passing a rather difficult written exam.
Choice 5
Although each one of us is married now, we still do our best to get together at least two times a month.

The methods of the radicals consisted of terrorism, rioting, and subversion.
Referring to the above text, what word might be used to describe this behavior?
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
Choice 5

Marriage is not the easiest venture in anyone's life. One of the most difficult things to learn is the art of being deferential to your mate when he or she needs you to be supportive.
Considering the above paragraph, what statement expresses the OPPOSITE concept?
Choice 1
George's wife was nothing if not intemperate.
Choice 2
George's wife was most often contumacious when he needed her support.
Choice 3
George's wife was thought by all of those who knew her as an indolent woman.
Choice 4
George knew that he could always count on his wife to be obeisant, regardless of the situation.
Choice 5
George was very thankful that his wife was so duteous when it came to meeting his needs.

Which word relationship below is similar to the one shown above?

Choice 1
Hircine : Goatlike
Choice 2
Lupine : Hungry
Choice 3
Ophidian : Snakelike
Choice 4
Porcine : Greedy
Choice 5
Ovine : Individualistic

Which one of the following sentences does NOT contain correct usage of its adjectives?

Choice 1
The mime, pretending to walk down a busy street, made a farcical moment out of appearing to bump into a wall.
Choice 2
"Over the hill" is a humorous euphemism for getting older.
Choice 3
Although Ken's political insights appeared to be profound, it was all just an attempt to fit into the round table discussion.
Choice 4
The children felt hermetic outside the comfortable confines of their usual playground.
Choice 5
The girls were so recalcitrant at stopping their name calling that the teacher gave them all a week of detention.

Line 1: A proxy and a surrogate are similar, both suggest a substitute.
Line 2: It is evident that the recent recession is improving and will soon be upgraded to a simple depression.
Line 3: The founders of the new country set up an oligarchy in order to spread the power among all the people.
Line 4: Subversion is an attempt to keep the economy exactly as it is.
Line 5: The senator was so capricious in his voting record that he certainly could be considered a votary of the liberal ideology.

What line in the above list demonstrates correct word usage?
Choice 1
Line 1
Choice 2
Line 2
Choice 3
Line 3
Choice 4
Line 4
Choice 5
Line 5

Which choice contains two words that are synonymous?
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
Choice 5

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