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-   Expansion/Paragraph (http://www.cssforum.com.pk/css-compulsory-subjects/english-precis-composition/expansion-paragraph/)
-   -   shortly attempted expansions Just as hint to the friends (http://www.cssforum.com.pk/css-compulsory-subjects/english-precis-composition/expansion-paragraph/54721-shortly-attempted-expansions-just-hint-friends.html)

zakirsamo Wednesday, September 28, 2011 08:24 AM

shortly attempted expansions Just as hint to the friends
All the Aspirants of CSS,

I will be attempting the expansions of the previous years and add on the forum, Friends may refer them to go a head for their new preparation of the expansions.


zakirsamo Wednesday, September 28, 2011 08:45 AM

To Rob Peter to Pay Paul
The Writer cited the Quotation according to the general observation of the nature of human being, the saying commonly reflects the actions of the people of various societies when the hide the one lie to tell an other lie, in this way the plight reaches complicated.
During the government of former President General Pervez Musharaf , who internally hid the contacts done with the US authorities to enter into the Northern areas of Pakistan for the operation ( Ref to the wiki leaks) but on the press conference and questioning by the Pakistani Media, he spoke several other lies and told that we can never tolerate the attacks or any military operation on our land and now the condition has gone much critical due to his hidden lies.
Broaching the pages of history Former Governor General Iskandar Mirza in the late 50s had also not been true with the nation, he spoke lies and tried to strong his feet by getting the Ayub khan nabbed by C-in-C Ahsan and on telling to the nation he was quite change but the all the condition emerged in a one when his government was dissolved and he was ordered to be exiled in a one day.he spoke several things to justify his thoughts by adding the new lies so it is right to say that to robe peter to pay Paul.

10:15 PM (GMT +5)

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