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Capt Farhan Sunday, May 27, 2012 08:11 PM

Example is better than precept.
People generally like to give advice, but do not like to be advised. All of us are natural-born preachers. But when it comes to practising what we preach, we make up excuses. Very often giving advance can become sheer nagging. It can become so irritating that it has no more or even the opposite effect on the hearer.

Children are keen observers. Even though the elders do not know it, children are all the while keenly observing their behaviour. They are aware of the gulf between the adults speech and their actual behaviour, between their words and deeds, between their preaching and practice. Naturally, they do not pay enough heed to the elders advise and instruction. By preaching things which they themselves don’t practise, the elders only expose themselves as hypocrites and succeed in teaching youngsters a lesson in hypocrisy.

The best way to teach is not to preach but to set and example by actually putting the preaching into practice. This is because human beings and especially children, are imitative by nature. In fact, the instinct to copy is very powerful in human beings. We should make the fullest use of this instinct to teach children what we want them to learn. If a father wants his child to never start the habit of smoking, he should first give up smoking himself. If parents wants their children to pick up good manners, they should themselves be models of good behaviour. In short, we should ourselves do what we want others to do. This is because example is better than precept and deeds are more powerful than words. Actions speak louder than words. An ounce of practise is more than a ton of precept

Read more: [url]http://authspot.com/thoughts/example-is-better-than-precept/#ixzz1w5DVgSaU[/url]

Capt Farhan Sunday, May 27, 2012 08:14 PM

prevention is better that cure.
A young man sometimes handles a razor blade carelessly, cuts his finger, allows the cut to go septic and, when the pain is unbearable, consult a doctor. The doctor prescribes a prolonged and costly treatment. Would it not have been better for him to have taken due precaution while using the blade? We can always protect ourselves against common ailments and diseases with proper precautionary, preventive measure.

But very often, something within us makes us ignore the possibility of trouble, even after we have seen the first symptoms of trouble. The result, very often, is that the trouble is aggravated and we egret our neglect when it is only too late. A man’s lack of foresight often lands him in serious trouble. Sayings such as ‘ Nip the mischief in the bud ‘, ‘ A stitch in time saves nine ‘ advise us to take prompt steps against impending trouble and ward them off right at the start. But even sounder is the proverb ‘ Prevention is better than cure ‘ that advises us to take precaution so that the trouble is ot allowed to affect us at all.

The proverb has universal application. Prevent a machine, a building, a road, a bridge, and so on from deteriorating by proper maintenance and timely repairs and no serious damage will result. Health authorities should take prompt, quick and effective steps against the outbreak of epidemics and there will be no epidemics resulting in mass misery and extensive remedial measures.Floods and famines must be dealt with efficiently. Even at the national level,many problems that we are facing today would have been non-existent has the government acted firmly, promptly and boldly at the very start.

It stresses the need for foresight and precaution in dealing with all our problems. This is certainly a lot better than finding remedies later on, which may be costly and give us mental agony as well.

Read more: [url]http://healthmad.com/conditions-and-diseases/prevention-is-better-tha-cure/#ixzz1w5EGI0JL[/url]

Capt Farhan Sunday, May 27, 2012 08:17 PM

Cleanlines is Next to Godliness
An unclean environment is an insult to the Creator. Everything that God has created is beautiful,and nature has in it the power to follow the norms of hygiene and sanitation.It is only man who makes his environment dirty and, very often, and for reasons best known to himself, is happy to keep it that way
When you go to a place of religious worship, don’t you bathe first ? Don’t you put on your clothes? Remember, this world is our temple and the first norm of cleanliness that we must follow is that of personal hygiene.This involves keeping one’s body, clothes, belongings and home clean. This prevents diseases and prolongs life and its quality. It also makes the mind fresh and open to do better work.

Cleanliness must also extend toward the neighbourhood and the environment in general. For this, one must develop clean social and civic habits. It is wrong to spit on the roads, urinate in public or throw litter anywhere you please. By doing such things we are defacing the property that belongs to us -our nation. We are also spoiling this wonderful place that God has given us to live on -our eart


Capt Farhan Sunday, May 27, 2012 08:21 PM

Actions speak louder than words
It is our common experience to hear politicians make tall promise before elections, and to conveniently forget them after they are elected. Their actions do not match their words.That is why we do not trust them.
Words sound good. But actions prove the genuineness of one intentions.In olden times a man’s word was a matter of honour, even unto the point of death.

In modern times, people make all kinds of big promises which they have little intention of keeping. People like to say nice thing to give a good impression of themselves. But once they have left the place they think nothing of what they claim to do. We can only call such person a cheater or a liar. A person who says one thing and does something to the contrary is a highly irresponsible person, and ought not to be trusted.
We too should develop the habit of matching our actions with words at all times.


Capt Farhan Sunday, May 27, 2012 08:27 PM

Service to Man is Service to God
Charles Eliot Norton, an American educator and humanitarian said, ” They serve God well who serve His creatures”.The noblest and the best of God’s creations is ,indeed, man. If we wish to worship God, the best was to do so would be to devote our lives to the service of poor and the destitute. Everyone recognizes the value of this kind of noble work and acknowledges its greatness. Politicians, statesmen and military generals are often forgotten with the passing of time. But noble souls like Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz and Abdul Sattar Edhi earn universal reverence and always live in the hearts of people.

Even many rich people are often unwilling to help a beggar, an orphan, a widow or a poor deserving student. Little do they realize that God dwells in the hearts of their fellowmen. Only by serving their fellowmen will they be rendering true service to God.

It is an unspoken truth that if life has been favourable to you, you have to give back to society what you have got from it. And the best way is to be of service to your fellowmen


Capt Farhan Sunday, May 27, 2012 08:30 PM

Empty Vessels Make The Most Sound
You will always find that a person with very little learning loves to jabber all the while and laugh and joke and make a lot of noise. Because the person doesn’t really have any substantial matter in the head and so hides this fact with a lot of meaningless chatter. But the person of real substance looks around, observes and when he or she speaks it is to say something really meaningful. that is what is meant by this proverb.

Hence when we are in a conversation we should only take a fair share of the conversation and not keep prattling on as if no one else people’s opinions and wish to hear them out too. It would also give the impression that we are not big mouthed who really bore the others with our pompous talk.


Capt Farhan Sunday, May 27, 2012 08:38 PM

To err is human, to forgive divine.
Everyone makes mistakes, commit sins at somepoint in there life. It’s a human nature to make mistakes. But to forgive someone from those mistakes is indeed very hard. It doesn’t happens naturally like making a mistake. people are acting in a godlike (divine) way when they forgive.One almost have to be in a real holy place in there mind to forgive someone.
So the Proverbs is trying to convey ” To err is human ” its only human to make mistakes. As humans we think we forgive but usually we can’t forget easily, which is a larger part of forgiveness and ” to forgive divine” means that it’s very difficult for a human to forgive someone, it would take a divinity or a divine being, i.e., God to truly forgive !.

One of the characters in Shakespeare’s plays says, ” The quality of mercy is divine “. Indeed to be able to forget the evil that others have done to you and to forgive them is divine.

All of us are humans. We all have our weaknesses and strength. No one is perfect. So when someone does a wrong to us, why can’t we forgive them?. Forgiving that person brings out the god-like nature that lies in huma. It is not very easy to do it but once we truely forgive someone for his mistake we will feel an inner peace.
“All people commit sins and make mistakes. God forgives them, and people are acting in a godlike (divine) way when they forgive.” This saying is from “An Essay on Criticism,” by Alexander Pope.

Read more: [url]http://socyberty.com/society/to-err-is-human-to-forgive-divine/#ixzz1w5KN7E4R[/url]

pureapak Monday, May 28, 2012 05:56 PM

very nice thread.. commendable input captain sahib...

Capt Farhan Monday, May 28, 2012 11:02 PM

but sir u didnt thank..... :)

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