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IMTIAZ AHMAD KHAN Saturday, December 01, 2012 03:50 PM

Whether youth of pakistan should be be made independent of their parents or not?

The youth of Pakistan should be made independent of their parents with dynamism, moderation and suitability. They are the future stakeholders, and the practice of freedom will incur a sense of responsibility in them. Furthermore, the bestow of freedom will incept certain qualities e.g. challenge-handling, decision making and future planning. It will nourish/polish their mental capacity, physical reliability and personal traits. The freedom, therefore, should be subject to relevance, adaptability, adjustment and practicability. Owing to our norms, ethics and history, the freedom should be given with certain checks and social restraints. Islam stresses on middle way and impose certain limitations on youth despite its flexibility regarding freedom. Mental maturity, social integrity, personal traits and overall advancements are the ultimate objectives of this freedom. Man is born free and he can only perform his duties well in free atmosphere. Self done is well done is another evidence in favor of freedom. It is human nature that he learns more from his practical experiences than written ones. Consequent upon the rules of law and tradition. As evident from history, freedom has ruined many a lives when mishandled. But Pakistani youth has proved itself capable of being competent and mature minded whether in election, professional career, world exploration and many more fields. Freedom not only mean physical freedom but it also comprises of social, political, career and corporate freedom. It is practical experience that a man feels at home in the field he has opted for himself and his best talent is shown over there. Obviously there is no flower without thorn, so we have to define the role of freedom for our youth and should not pay heed to rumors. Hence, the youth of Pakistan is no less competent in any field than the rest but due attention and care are needed.

10:26 AM (GMT +5)

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