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Dr saad Thursday, November 21, 2013 07:57 PM

i found this rather difficult to write
[B]Hobbies are a waste of time[/B]

Indulgence in unproductive,time wasting activities has short and long term adverse effects.it deviates a person from important tasks and ultimately harm the carrer of a person.most of the hobbies demand a lot of time and in return do not provide any benefit.sometimes one gets very attached to a hobby and in the end it becomes an addiction, thus becoming a headache rather than a source of pleasure.Instead of doing work one might get bogged down in recreational activities.therefore,hobbies can destroy carrer of a person and in turn effect the family of an addict.

in modern world,time is considered the most valuable thing.those who waste their precious time are condemned to liva a harsh life. moreover, avocational activities like stamp colleciton or maintaining a scrap book has no advantage whether physical or mental.also, these activities might even lead a person to squander his money.many stamp collectors often spend thousand of ruppees to acquire a limited edition stamp.all successful man have followed a very simple principle that is judicious spending of time.they have kept check on each and every minute of their life and have made the most of their time.despite being the world's richest man,bill gates still works 16 hours a day.our founding father quaid e azam stressed upon the need careful utilizatioin of time and hardwork. in spite of his illness quaid e azam never wasted his time on unproductive activities.

those who do not effectively utilize their time and waste it on useless hobbies are never able to acheive their goal.to become successful in life one must shun their time consuming,money wasting hobbies like pottery making, free lance photograhphing and coins collectioin.
to conclude,hobbies are most of the time bad habits in disguise.people indulge in them for entertainment but receive no advantage from them.in twenty first century,the rapidly developing world has no place for such useless avocations.

PS: ignore uncapitalized words and punctuation mistakes..your analysis is highly appreciated.

12:12 PM (GMT +5)

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