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-   -   thread for minor corrections. (http://www.cssforum.com.pk/css-compulsory-subjects/english-precis-composition/grammar-section/74118-thread-minor-corrections.html)

Intifada Monday, January 21, 2013 02:52 PM

thread for minor corrections.
SALAM to all the members of this forum, here i have stared a thread where i will post the sentences ,words etc where i entangle n i hope the seniors will help me clear those structures which i will post through the sentences . others can also posts there minor grammatical questions here. e.g: what is the difference between who n whom?

Intifada Monday, January 21, 2013 04:11 PM

query here..
is that correct?
ANS: the beggar wished me for the long life and wealth.

Intifada Tuesday, January 22, 2013 03:06 PM

kindly elaborate the structure.
[B]If she should win this race[/B], … Future I …[B]I will congratulate her[/B].
[B]If she should win this race[/B],Imperative …[B]congratulate her[/B].
[B]If she should win this race[/B],Modal Auxiliary …[B]we can congratulate her [/B]

khankhajjak Tuesday, January 22, 2013 06:14 PM

[QUOTE=Intifada;544896]is that correct?
ANS: the beggar wished me for the long life and wealth.[/QUOTE]

i think i would be more appropriate to say it as

[B]the beggar wished for me long life and wealth[/B]. and the will be omitted as u have not mentioned anything before, and to use [B]for [/B]before [B]me[/B].....

Intifada Tuesday, January 22, 2013 07:00 PM

confusion in saadat`s book
yesterday i was going through the chapter xiv (direct , indirect) and i found some confusing sentences kindly help me understand them or tell me if they are wrong in the book, which i think impossible.
so here these errors are:
pg:481, rule 4

direct: Rustam said,"i have ridden the horse."
indirect:rustam said that he had been riding the horse. (this i think is wrong according to the rule defined in the same book)


direct: they said,"we arrived here yesterday."
indirect:they said that arrived their,the day before. (here i want to understand the use of , in between their and the)


direct: he pointed ,"here in this mausoleum lies buried jahangir."
indirect:he pointed that their in that mausoleum [COLOR="DarkOrange"][COLOR="blue"]lay[/COLOR][/COLOR] buried jahangir. ()(i think here would be written lies, according to the rule that habitual fact remains in the same tense in indirect as per defined in book on pg:483)

direct:christ said,"judge not others,lest you yourself should be judged"
indirect:christ advised [COLOR="blue"]men[/COLOR] not to judge others,lest they themselves should be judged. (can we replace men with [COLOR="SeaGreen"]man or me[/COLOR]?)
i will post more in a while, kindly answer them as soon as possible.along with reasons plz.

Arain007 Tuesday, January 22, 2013 07:12 PM

[B]@ Intifada[/B]

[B][SIZE="3"]Why you cannot read and follow forum rules? [/SIZE][/B]

Intifada Tuesday, January 22, 2013 07:15 PM

confusion in saadat`s book
direct:the headmaster said to the peon,"let this boy come in."
indirect:the headmaster ordered the peon to let [COLOR="blue"]that that [/COLOR]boy come in. (here double that are given which i think is wrong,kindly help me understand the sense of the auther)

direct:he said,"o for a hearth and home under the sun."
indirect:he prayed earnestly for a hearth and home under the sun.
(plz explain it)

he said,"curse it!who could have expected such a turn of events"
he exclaimed with an oath that no one could have expected such a turn of events.(explain plz)

Waqas77 Wednesday, January 23, 2013 02:18 AM


direct: he pointed ,"here in this mausoleum lies buried jahangir."
indirect:he pointed that their in that mausoleum [COLOR="DarkOrange"][COLOR="blue"]lay[/COLOR][/COLOR] buried jahangir. ()(i think here would be written lies, according to the rule that habitual fact remains in the same tense in indirect as per defined in book on pg:483)

it should be changed to lay because the writer mentioned in the rule that no change is made to the objects that are present at reporting time. In this example, mausoleum is pointed at present not Jahangir.
Rest of your questions are lack of proper understanding. Just go properly through all those rules given before each example in the book.
It will surely work :))

Waqas77 Wednesday, January 23, 2013 02:22 AM

direct:the headmaster said to the peon,"let this boy come in."
indirect:the headmaster ordered the peon to let [COLOR="blue"]that that [/COLOR]boy come in.
direct:he said,"o for a hearth and home under the sun."
indirect:he prayed earnestly for a hearth and home under the sun.
(plz explain it)
he said,"curse it!who could have expected such a turn of events"
he exclaimed with an oath that no one could have expected such a turn of events.(explain plz)[/QUOTE]
First one is only Type error.
2nd and 3rd are exclamatory sentences you can use other forms of exclamation here as well....

Intifada Wednesday, January 23, 2013 11:01 AM

[QUOTE=Arain007;545423][B]@ Intifada[/B]

[B][SIZE="3"]Why you cannot read and follow forum rules? [/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE]

what i have done now? :cry nd i have read them but i will again read them .
thank you.

07:33 PM (GMT +5)

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