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Abdul Ghafoor kakar Monday, January 25, 2010 05:37 PM

Plz check my precis
every one is welcomed to make the precis of the following para. As it is the easiest para for all the css aspirants but it is my first precis. so plz help me and check my precis.
original para
i do not know enough social history to be able to say when the democratization of sweets began. sweets can scarcely have become the universal food of the children while sugar remained an expansive luxury, as it did, apparently, until the eighteen century. there were sweets in Shakespeare days, but i doubt whether the children of the poor often tasted the march pane and kissing comfits, which are mentioned in his plays. there were, we are told, no confectioners, as we now know them, till the nineteenth century. until then sweet making was in the hands of druggists which suggests that the ancestor of all those delicacies that are eaten today in defiance of the laws of health was that medical utility the cough-drop. (words: 124)

title: history of the sweets
it was impossible for the sweet to became the universal food for the children till eighteen century. before the 19 century the sweets making was in the hands of druggist which shows that cough drop was the real ancestor of the today's sweets.

Abdul Ghafoor kakar Sunday, February 14, 2010 02:59 PM

R.Dillon precis for All seniers and css 2011 aspirants
the hydorgen bomb must be considered not as an engine of victory but also solely as an engine of destruction. No good can come of the wrangles in which both sides at present indulge. we have the hydrogen bomb', say one. " so have we" says the other. "we have more" says other. there is grave danger that soon or later the wranglings will exasperate people to the point where they will say, 'let us be done with bragging and put the H-bomb to test! any such procedure is sucidal.(75 wordS)
title: H-bomb, destructive toy
H-bomb has more negative aspects than postive. the debate of being have the lethal or effective one will lead to destruction. any unwitting debate on h-bomb will prove to be self destruction.( 27 words )

Riaz Ahmed Alizai Thursday, March 18, 2010 09:43 PM

[QUOTE]every one is welcomed to make the precis of the following para. As it is the easiest para for all the css aspirants but it is my first precis. so plz help me and check my precis.
original para
i do not know enough social history to be able to say when the democratization of sweets began. sweets can scarcely have become the universal food of the children while sugar remained an expansive luxury, as it did, apparently, until the eighteen century. there were sweets in Shakespeare days, but i doubt whether the children of the poor often tasted the march pane and kissing comfits, which are mentioned in his plays. there were, we are told, no confectioners, as we now know them, till the nineteenth century. until then sweet making was in the hands of druggists which suggests that the ancestor of all those delicacies that are eaten today in defiance of the laws of health was that medical utility the cough-drop. (words: 124)

title: history of the sweets
it was impossible for the sweet to became the universal food for the children till eighteen century. before the 19 century the sweets making was in the hands of druggist which shows that cough drop was the real ancestor of the today's sweets. [/QUOTE]

nice to have you here on this forum dear brother........i appreciate your first attempt,and consult you to practice from dawn news paper,specially the editorial,if u can.....overall,success is underpinned by handwork.....

Abdul Ghafoor kakar Friday, March 26, 2010 11:03 PM

wheather a building a boat from knock-down material or direct from lumber, sawing as you go, there is one thing to keep constantly in mind. building a boat is vastly different from building a table or any other aritcle for use on land. a joint that will get by for land use may not do at all in the water. all seams and joints must be made as tight as possible, and then finished and caulked with cotton to present an absolute smooth and weather -tight surface. nearly right will not do. it is better to take there three times as long on the job and do it right, than to have to go back over one's work and even then have a leaky craft.

precis :
title: building a boat
building boat from any thing is not easy task. it needs more labor and time for making it more suitable to the water.

precis by nisar ahmed kakar

a boat is build up of disused materials. boats are built different from those things used on land. all joints are made tight and cotton is used and care should be taken to avoid leakage.
title : building boats

Abdul Ghafoor kakar Friday, March 26, 2010 11:20 PM

if by some magic you could be granted one quick wish. perhaps you might wish to be popular. being popular means being liked by a lot of people instead of just a few close friends and that is a big wish. all the same you, too, can be well liked if you are willing to be on guard against the perils of popularity.
let us consider some of these. you cannot be polite and friendly to some and not to others with out the word getting around as to what kind of person you really are. when you are considering other people take time, to be friendly with the folks older than you are, your neighbors, teachers, parents, and other relatives. if you treat them with respect, they are going to think of you as a likable person, not as a good for nothing boy. and do not forget to be kind to the little kids too. again you must think of others and consider their wishes. a majority wins, you know, and if you are out voted in the discussion of what to do and where to go, remember that being a good sport is another way to help your popularity. a good lover does not complain when the plans do not go his way. at the same time do not be afraid that you are risking your popularity to stand up for what you think is right. it takes courage to say so, and is appreciated. ( 260 words )

Title: the secrets to retain popularity

popularity is almost existed universally and liked by all. but it is not easy to maintain popularity even after gaining it. it needs sounds tact and careful handling. respecting elders. loving youngers, caring all, prefering others' wishes or being sportive can help the person to maintain it.taking bold decisions which need guts and courage are also appreciated.

Abdul Ghafoor kakar Friday, March 26, 2010 11:29 PM

Ghandi does not reject machinery as such. He observes: How can I be against all machinery, When I know that even this body is a most delicate piece of machinery ? The spinning wheel is a machinery, a little tooth-pick is a machine. What I object to is the craze for machinery not machinery as such. The craze is for what they call labour saving machinery. Men go on "Saving Labour " till thousands are without work and thrown on the open streets to die of starvation. I want to save time and labour not for a fraction of mankind but for all. I want the concentration of wealth, not in the hands of a few but in the hands of all. Today machinery merely helps a few to ride on the back of millions. The impetus behind it all is not the philanthropy to save labour but greed. it is against this constitution of things that I am fighting with all my limbs of man. factories run by power driven machinery should be nationalized, self-controlled. The Supreme consideration is man.

Title:Gandi‘s objections about machinery
Gandi acknowledged the essence of the machinery but not that labor saving machinery which caused unemployment. It did save the time but resulted the wealth in few hands which leads the humanity to starvation. He struggled to give back the control of factories to labor rather than machines.

JUNAID Z Wednesday, May 29, 2013 10:46 PM

Seniors please guide me
precis 2004

We're dealing with a very dramatic and very fundamental paradigm shift here. You may try" to lubricate your' social interactions with personality techniques and skills, but in the process, you may truncate the vital character base. You can't have the fruits without the roots. It's the principle of sequencing: Private victory precedes Public Victory. Self-mastery and self-discipline are the foundation of good relationship with others. Some people say that you have to like yourself before you can like others. I think' that idea has merit but if you don't know yourself, if you don't control yourself, if you don't have mastery over yourself, it's very hard to like yourself, except in some short-term, psych-up, superficial way. Real self-respect comes from dominion over*self from true independence. Independence is an achievement. Inter dependence is a choice only independent people can make. Unless we are willing to achieve real independence, it's foolish to try to develop human relations skills. We might try. We might even have some degree of success when the sun is shining. But when the difficult times come - and they will - We won't have the foundation to keep things together. The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or what we do, but what we are. And if our words and our actions come from superficial human relations techniques (the Personality Ethic) rather than from our own inner core (the character Ethic), others will sense that duplicity. We simply won't be able to create and sustain the foundation necessary" for effective interdependence. The techniques and skills that really make a difference in human interaction are the ones that almost naturally flow from a truly independent character. So the place to begin building any relationship is inside ourselves, inside our Circle of Influence, our own character. As we become independent - Proactive, centered in correct principles, value driven and able to organize and execute around the priorities in our life with integrity - we then can choose to become interdependent - capable of building rich, enduring, highly productive relationships with other people.

my precis:
Interpersonal skills cant be linked with personality tactics rather it is liked
with the character of the person. To have preferable relation person needs to be himself otherwise people will figure out the hypocrisy. He might get successful in his act for time being but it wont be long lasting. To have effective relationship person needs to be organized in his preferences and should deliver honestly.
topic: Effective interpersonal skills

please guide me. This is my first precis

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