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radia Wednesday, May 28, 2014 02:30 PM

please evaluate my precis
Sample 1

It is physically impossible for a well-educated, intellectual, or brave man to make money the chief object of his thoughts just as it is for him to make his dinner the principal object of them. All healthy people like their dinners, but their dinner is not the main object of their lives. So all healthy minded people like making money ought to like it and enjoy the sensation of winning it; it is something better than money.
A good soldier, for instance, mainly wishes to do his fighting well. He is glad of his pay—very properly so and justly grumbles when you keep him ten years without it—till, his main mission of life is to win battles, not to be paid for winning them. So of clergymen. The clergyman's object is essentially baptize and preach not to be paid for preaching. So of doctors. They like fees no doubt—ought to like them; yet if they are brave and well-educated the entire object to their lives is not fees. They on the whole, desire to cure the sick; and if they are good doctors and the choice were fairly to them, would rather cure their patient and lose their fee than kill him and get it. And so with all the other brave and rightly trained men: their work is first, their fee second—very important always; but still second.

Sample 2

Home is the young, who known "nothing of the world and who would be forlorn and sad, if thrown upon it. It is providential, shelter of the weak and inexperienced, who have to learn as yet to cope with the temptations which lies outside of it. It is the place of training of those who are not only ignorant, but have no yet learnt how to learn, and who have to be taught by careful individual trail, how to set about profiting by the lessons of teacher. And it is the school of elementary studies—not of advances, for such studies alone can make master minds. Moreover, it is the shrine of our best affections, the bosom of our fondest recollections, at spell upon our after life, a stay for world weary mind and soul; wherever we are, till the end comes. Such are attributes or offices of home, and like to these, in one or other sense or measure, are the attributes and offices of a college in a university.

Sample 3

Teaching is the noblest of professions. A teacher has a scared duty to perform. It is he on whom rests the responsibility of moulding the character of young children. Apart from developing their intellect, he can inculcate in them qualities of good citizenship, remaining neat and clean, talking decently and sitting properly. These virtues are not easy to be imbibed. Only he who himself leads a life of simplicity, purity and rigid discipline can successfully cultivate these habits in his pupils.
Besides a teacher always remain young. He may grow old in age, but not in spite. Perpetual contact with budding youths keeps him happy and cheerful. There are moments when domestic worries weigh heavily on his mind, but the delightful company of innocent children makes him overcome his transient moods of despair.

Highly educated and intellectual people do not consider money making as a sole aim of their life. Money is important for them but not to that extent as their commitment to their profession. For example for a soldier winning battles, for a doctor curing their patients and for a clergyman preaching is more important than money. So for all skilled persons work is more important than money.
For a sad and inexperienced person home is best shelter. It allows inexperienced persons to get training to deal with problems of life. It serves like a school to get elementary education. So home is a place full of effections, good memories. In it we stay till death. Collage also has similar characteristics

SAMPLE3:- teaching is a respectable profession. A teacher has to perform double duty he not only teaches but also performs the function of character building of his students. It is only possible when he himself posses a good character. His continuous contact with young students keeps him fresh and energetic.

radia Wednesday, May 28, 2014 07:27 PM

please check my precis.

engineerchauhan Friday, May 30, 2014 12:27 AM

1st is well .

I think it is better to say " they are more concerned about their achievements rather then profits".
Doing well.

10:42 AM (GMT +5)

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