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Cogito Ergo Sum Friday, October 30, 2015 10:24 PM


Brother, looks like we followed the same path interpreting the crux of the topic. Like you, I (also over-analysed it, may be and) went on to prove the contributions WOT has made to ALREADY proliferating abuses of Human Rights. I still believe that this approach is, in no-way, detracted from the topic.[/QUOTE]
Brother, what we believe is irrelevant and useless. We have to play by their rules. To be successful, it is necessary to adopt their approach.

[QUOTE=Toru;878440]Your contribution has been invaluable Doc. I wish to see more of you here. And i would've wished you good luck had i been uncertain about the future because i know for sure you will do exceedingly well no matter where you are or what you do. Do stick around for the much-needed-help and Sober company to balance the likes of our dear Mr Justice. Its only been 2 days and he's already become a pain in everyone's behind. Haha[/QUOTE]
I'd be around, at least till next October, so I may see you guys succeed inshaAllah!
[QUOTE=Aik Admi;878452]Cogito you quoted Gandhi in a Pakistan Civil Service exam to start your essay with? What the heck? What were you thinking...yeah... I am almost sure that even a majority of the forum members - despite their intellectual calibre - would take offense to an essay starting with the quotation of Gandhi...Not even 10% of the members would know about the towering personality this dhoti clad 'simpleton' had.

FPSC must have marked, "Raw Agent - Disqualified. Investigate for any links. Refer to counter-intelligence department." For me, this was what got you off the race. Thanks for candidly sharing it :)
Well, "I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say it" was written on the same paper, which made me think that the examiner wouldn't be so narrow-minded. But after having scored 20 in the essay, I am open to all possibilities. :thinking

[QUOTE=Monk;878466]I'm feeling sleepy right now but let me tell you that there was nothing wrong in your Essay it was of international standard neither you digress from topic nor you broken any rule of Essay. Nono it's not a praise it's my assessment (which obviously can be wrong).Why you failed? There are two major reasons behind it.

1: Poor writing
2: Your Essay was too dense for CSS

Since first point is self explanatory so allow me to elaborate second one. A month back in a result anticipation thread you posted your Essay. After having glance at it I felt that you're going to fail because I thought you wrote irrelevant material and digressed from topic. ( my feelings were not different from Toru at that time)

Then you asked me "what's wrong with my Essay". To answer your query i read your Essay again with full attention to bring out critique of your Essay. Guess what happened then? I realised your essay is well connected and you proved your point. At the same time I also realised that your essay is too dense to get you pass marks since I have to read your essay twice to get your meaning.( Examiner reads only once).

That's why i sided with @darkmoon whose essay was self explanatory and I wrote:

You didn't Pass because the system of FPSC is too outdated to give a second chance to unique talent.[/QUOTE]
I agreed with you then, and I agree with you now! I should have dumbed it down to their level. :)

[QUOTE=kingfalcon;878568]Probably some public sector university's english teacher will be checking it for Rs 50 per paper, maybe not him/her even as they might give it to their students and your whole life would lie in the hands of english language students at a not so good public sector university.[/QUOTE]

Kingfalcon, you might have said it jokingly. But I actually know some professors who divide the answer sheets among their students and they mark them for their professors! My mother is an Associate Professor, and that is why I know many such "secrets" of Pakistani education system. :)

Cogito Ergo Sum Friday, October 30, 2015 10:33 PM

[QUOTE=shahrukhachakzai;878545]The topic of my essay was War on Terror and Human Rights Abuses . My outline was scattered over one and a half page and the whole essay consumed around 20 pages or so .

It was my favorite topic because IR was one of my optional subjects. I took a MOOC on Coursera on Terrorism and Counter Terrorism , had already watched plenty of documentaries. I have a flood of information and statistics in my mind that I want to pen down but time was short .

So below is a brief sketch of my outline . I might be missing many points as they have been deleted now from my mind .

[B]A Brief History Of terrorism.[/B]
- From Zealots to Hassan ibn Sabah then to Reign of Terror in France after French revolution
[B]How to define Terrorism ? A puzzle for whole world.[/B]
- I briefly discussed the till now there is no accurate definition of terrorism. Every nations defines terrorism according to her own political and social scenario

[B]A Brief History Of war on Terror [/B]
• How it all started.
• Who were the coalition partners?
• Prime objectives
• The geographical area where it was fought
Who First Coined The Term War on Term ,US President George W Bush on September 21st 2001.

[B]How WOT is responsible for mass abuse of human rights [/B]
- Become a mere tool by the western powers to invade any country
- Given rise to Islamic phobia around the world.
- It was a direct challenge to the credibility of UN.
- Given rise to extremism around the world. Like TTP , ISIS etc
- Human rights abuses by CIA , their concentration camps , drone strikes , using cruel interrogation tactics as confessed by the CIA chief
- Exploitation of the rights of PoWs Guantanamo Bay , Abu Ghuraib jail incidents
- Made world more insecure
- Lack of Free trials
- Curb on freedom of Expression .
- Responsible for the Economic Crunch of 2008 .
- Electronic surveillance of Citizens , US NSA Prism program , Edward Snowden Case .
- Given a free license to oppressive regimes around the world to curb the just right of self-determination such as In India , Israel

[B]Suggestions [/B]

[B]Conclusion [/B][/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Sarmad 2;878730][B]I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say it[/B]

[B]Introduction:[/B][LIST][*]Humans are gregarious beings from religious and evolutionary perspectives[*]This social nature leads to problems related to social interactions[*]One of these problems is that of 'right to free speech'[/LIST][B]Nature of Rights:[/B][LIST][*]What type of right is the right to free speech (moral or legal)?[*]Why is it a moral right?[*]Where do moral rights come from?[*]Social contract establishes it as a right[*]Its moral nature can be understood using moral theories of Kant and Mill[/LIST][B]Social Contract:[/B][LIST][*]What is it?[*]Give briefly, the perspectives of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau[*]How it establishes free speech as a right which has to be defended by the state?[/LIST][B]Moral Theories:[/B][LIST][*]Teleological argument - Mill's Utilitarianism leads to greatest satisfaction for the greatest number of people if free speech is a right protected by the state[*]Deontological argument - Kant's duty based ethics make free speech people's duty, and its protection state's duty[*]Social contract establishes free speech as a right and moral theories help us realize this right's moral nature[/LIST][B]Contemporary Issue - Charlie Hebdo:[/B][LIST][*]Defend the right of everyone to make any remark so far as it can be counted as free speech[*]But blasphemy and hate speech do not count as free speech - why?[*]Show that blasphemy and hate speech are both immoral from utilitarian as well as deontological points of view[*]Any speech/expression which is immoral by the same theories which establish the right to free speech as a moral right cannot be considered as free speech[/LIST][B]Advantages and Necessity of Free Speech:[/B][LIST][*]Processes related to democracy are contingent on promotion and protection of free speech[*]These processes include infromed decision, women empowerment, affirmative action etc[*]Free speech was important even in history[*]If forward looking people did not support free speech, Prophets would never have been successful, new revolutionary ideas would have never taken root etc[/LIST][B]Conclusion[/B][/QUOTE]

Aik Admi and others following this thread, I would like to bring these two outlines to your attention. Both of these are from qualified candidates. You can easily notice that they started off with 'mundane details' and came to the actual point somewhere near the middle of their essays. Yet, they both qualified. On the other hand, you have Tupac's essay (which also qualified); it was essentially focused on the point from the outset. Can you guys appreciate the contradiction? Even bigger question: can someone reconcile the apparently contradicting approaches? #FoodForThought

therevenant Friday, October 30, 2015 10:40 PM

You are right. One has to spoon feed his thoughts to the examiner. So, he won't have to budge and make the slightest of an effort to understand what the candidate has actually written. 🤓

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Aik Admi Friday, October 30, 2015 10:49 PM

Cogito...you are 100% right...

Toru might have some ingenious points to make. This is unsettling...

waqarabbasi Friday, October 30, 2015 10:51 PM

thank u so v much for ur response.how it seems,is it possible to come through this paper.my third attempt n i dont want to b a looser this time,too

Aik Admi Friday, October 30, 2015 10:59 PM

Waqar. I am sorry to break your heart but I am a normal human being and don't possess the angelic devices the CSS examiners use to tell the good from the evil. Don't bank on my word. Bus sajday mein gir jaein tayyaari ker k, shayad Allaah examiner k dil mein rahem daal de.

waqarabbasi Friday, October 30, 2015 11:04 PM

examiner awarded me 65 in 2014 but failed in comprehension

Aik Admi Friday, October 30, 2015 11:08 PM

Great! Anyway I am just wondering should the OUTLINE precede the Introduction or follow it?

gmsarslan Friday, October 30, 2015 11:14 PM

[QUOTE=Aik Admi;878769]Could you share your outline please?[/QUOTE]

yes sure, but pardon me if I miss some thing because its quite a time now.

Introduction: When you fall on ground, you still got a ground to rise again.
What it takes to turnaround? (here I discussed some research findings and quoted HBR and GE reports too plus some general traits like persistence, hope, following intuition and strategy etc)
characteristics of leaders who turned around things.
Case study (Individuals)
Abraham Lincoln: A successful friend of hard luck.
Muniba Mazari: A warrior on wheel chair.
Case Study (Countries)
Germany: From wounded Nazi to backbone of EU.
Japan: From broken empire to Asian industrial leader
Pakistan: From ashes to glory; but how?
What we were?
What we are?
What can be done?
Destiny: Made by You!

That is all I remember which I wrote in outline.

waqarabbasi Friday, October 30, 2015 11:25 PM

the outline should precede the introduction

11:53 PM (GMT +5)

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