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thealiarain Wednesday, November 01, 2017 12:39 AM

Outline: Economic prosperity of a nation is directly proportional to the level
[B][SIZE="4"]Economic prosperity of a nation is directly proportional to the level of literacy in it.[/SIZE][/B]
[B]a. Introduction[/B]
The literacy rate indicates the economic prosperity of a country.
[B]b. Relation between economic prosperity and literacy level[/B]
1. The economic development of a country depends upon its literacy rate, regardless of its geography, population or other physical features.
2. The literacy rate indicates the political stability in a country, which has a significant role in the economic prosperity of a country.
3. With education, people learn about their duties towards the country and play a crucial part in the economic development of the country.
4. The economic development in a country depends upon the level of critical thinking and scientific advancements in a country, which in turn, hinges upon the quality of education.
5. The technical education is a pre-requisite for economic development.
6. The level of literacy in a society point towards the participation of women in the economic prosperity of a country.
7. Many countries in the world like Japan, Singapore, Hongkong, etc. have developed because of their educational standards.
[B]c. Pakistan: a case study[/B]
1. Since its creation, Pakistan has not witnessed economic stability due to lower literacy rates.
2. Owing to the outdated education system, Pakistan has failed to exploit its potential.
3. Pakistan can become an economically developed country through higher literacy levels by overhauling existing education system.
[B]d. Conclusion [/B]

07:05 PM (GMT +5)

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