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phython96 Thursday, January 23, 2020 07:25 PM

are modern wars not holy wars??
1. Duel meaning of the word "holy"
1.1: holy literally means whole or complete
1.2: holy in theoretical meaning refers to something associated with God or divinity
1.3: concept of "holy" in wars: difference between "holy" and "religious"

2. Holy wars as religious wars: historical roots
2.1: islamic wars of 7th n 8th centuaries
2.2: crusades of middle ages
2.3: war on terror: rise of taliban

3. Holy wars as religious wars: contemporary era
3.1: wars btwn ind pak: kashmir issue
3.2: ISIS, Syria and Israel, Palestine
3.3: Rohingya genocide

4. Holy wars in literal concept: historical roots
4.1: thirty years' war
4.2: American and French revolutions
4.3: world war 2
4.4: cold war: biggest clash of ideologies

5. Holy wars in literal concept: contemporary era
5.1: Saudi-Iran conflict
5.2: Afghan war: peace building in Afghanistan
5.3: USA vs China
5.4: concept of "clash of civilizations" by Samuel p. Huntington

6. Postmodern explanation: modern wars are "also" holy wars
6.1: interdependency of truths to form a complex factor
6.2: underlying interests of power
6.3: thirty years' war: power competition among authorities
6.4: world war 1 and 2 : disrupted balance of power
6.5: Saudi-Iran conflict: story of regional hegemony
6.6: threat to US hegemony


02:06 AM (GMT +5)

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