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Chauhdary12 Monday, May 11, 2009 06:52 PM

Quantity matters OR Quality matters
I want to know, that in essay paper, quality of essay matters or quantity of pages matters in securing good marks or both qualitiy and quantity???
And what about other papers???

Engr.Aftab Monday, May 11, 2009 08:33 PM

I want to know, that in essay paper, quality of essay matters or quantity of pages matters in securing good marks or both qualitiy and quantity???
And what about other papers???[/QUOTE]

dear in question it is asked that essay should b atleast 2500 words so that is requirement and u have to fulfil for getting good marks,
now quality , u have to give strong ideas, sayings, quotations, illustrations etc but whole material must be related one so both are considered .

Chauhdary12 Tuesday, May 12, 2009 10:15 PM

Yes, you are right, but every one have different writing style, some only write 15 lines/page, some write 25 or more lines per page with 5 to 9 words per line, and i think a checker doesn't count words.

suppose a person writes 15 lines per page with average 6 words per line, to meet 2500 words he has to write almost 27 to 28 pages.
On the other hand, if one write 28 lines per page and 8 words per line, to meet 2500 words he has to write almost 12 pages.

Now what will checker do in both cases? now comes the matter of quantity(pages inked), suppose the same material is written in both cases, who will get good marks??? one who wrote 27 to 28 pages or the other who wrote same material in 12 pages???

now come to quality, in above cases, suppose one write 28 pages but with 50% irrelevant material. And the other one write 12 pages with relevant material and to the point.
Now what will checker do in both cases? who will get good marks???


[B]I think quantity will overpower the quality???:thinking [/B]

[B]Opinion of all members required![/B]

White Lilly Wednesday, May 13, 2009 12:10 AM

Quantity or Quality?
I dont think so that quantity will supercede the quality...the one with most relevent answer will get good marks than his counterpart who has written almost double pages . But the one who has given all the relevent material plus its lengthy as well,then he will surely get good marks than others. The rule apply to all subjects as far as i am concerend...

Raz Wednesday, May 13, 2009 12:20 AM

Yes, you are right, but every one have different writing style, some only write 15 lines/page, some write 25 or more lines per page with 5 to 9 words per line, and i think a checker doesn't count words.

suppose a person writes 15 lines per page with average 6 words per line, to meet 2500 words he has to write almost 27 to 28 pages.
On the other hand, if one write 28 lines per page and 8 words per line, to meet 2500 words he has to write almost 12 pages.

Now what will checker do in both cases? now comes the matter of quantity(pages inked), suppose the same material is written in both cases, who will get good marks??? one who wrote 27 to 28 pages or the other who wrote same material in 12 pages???

now come to quality, in above cases, suppose one write 28 pages but with 50% irrelevant material. And the other one write 12 pages with relevant material and to the point.
Now what will checker do in both cases? who will get good marks???


[B]I think quantity will overpower the quality???:thinking [/B]

[B]Opinion of all members required![/B][/QUOTE]

Obviously, Quality leads. Who cares about quantity? Gone are the days when we used to gain more marks on more pages in our early classes.
Quality itself is a good regulator, which doesn’t allow you to overcrowd the topic with irrelevant material and also doesn’t allow you to excessively precise the material on the cost of clarity and completeness. Brevity is the beauty but not on the cost of omitting necessary factors.
I did not care about the pages, but I was very much conscious about the points which should never be missed while writing on any topic.

Engr.Aftab Wednesday, May 13, 2009 01:49 AM

@raz, @white lily,@....
i agreed but here it is not a question that which will supercede!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the question is of importance.........just take an example , if u fulfil the requirement of quantity and quality both than u can get more than 90% because it is a paper of 100 marks, but if u have fulfilled the requirement of only qaulity and u have written only 1000 words instead of 2500 words than u can get only 40 to 45 marks in essay instead of 100 marks..........so if it is asked in essay paper that u have to wrire atleast 2500 words than they want the essay of 100 marks but unfortunately v dont take 100 out 100 because of deficiencies..........if quantity is there and there is not a quality and viceversa....if both are there than v will b able to pass essay with flying colors.....and that is an ideal essay.


it is the game of words not pages ............and i know that checker counts the words same like u have counted in ur pos and he counts the average words per page and multiply them with the number of pages....checker does not count pages my dear.....few candidates only fill the pages but dont think that wot they are writing!!!!!! whether that is relevant or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!so such candidates will definately get no marks so in my vws one must consider both while attempting his essay...so think for more marks

Raz Wednesday, May 13, 2009 10:17 AM

[QUOTE=Engr.Aftab]@raz, @white lily,@....
i agreed but here it is not a question that which will supercede!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the question is of importance.........just take an example , if u fulfil the requirement of quantity and quality both than u can get more than 90% because it is a paper of 100 marks, but if u have fulfilled the requirement of only qaulity and u have written only 1000 words instead of 2500 words than u can get only 40 to 45 marks in essay instead of 100 marks..........so if it is asked in essay paper that u have to wrire atleast 2500 words than they want the essay of 100 marks but unfortunately v dont take 100 out 100 because of deficiencies..........if quantity is there and there is not a quality and viceversa....if both are there than v will b able to pass essay with flying colors.....and that is an ideal essay.

I think you have not properly gone through my post. When I talk about quality, I do emphasize on the comprehensiveness of the material. Quality is misunderstood by most of the candidates "When they take it as "Précis"".
Infact, quality is broader than preciseness. Quality requires all the rules of effective communication.
Quantity for the sake of meeting 2500 words is worthless.
Quantity for the sake of quality matters.

When I focused on the quality, my essay lead me upto 2900 words in the paper. If I had quantity target I could cross the psychological barrier of 3500 easily. But when one exceeds the quality phase and enters into mere quantity phase then his decline starts and the utility of that essay diminishes.

[B][CENTER]"Quantity empty of Quality is nothing but a suicide"[/CENTER][/B]

Faisalmemon Wednesday, May 13, 2009 10:25 AM

Yes, you are right, but every one have different writing style, some only write 15 lines/page, some write 25 or more lines per page with 5 to 9 words per line, and i think a checker doesn't count words.

suppose a person writes 15 lines per page with average 6 words per line, to meet 2500 words he has to write almost 27 to 28 pages.
On the other hand, if one write 28 lines per page and 8 words per line, to meet 2500 words he has to write almost 12 pages.

Now what will checker do in both cases? now comes the matter of quantity(pages inked), suppose the same material is written in both cases, who will get good marks??? one who wrote 27 to 28 pages or the other who wrote same material in 12 pages???

now come to quality, in above cases, suppose one write 28 pages but with 50% irrelevant material. And the other one write 12 pages with relevant material and to the point.
Now what will checker do in both cases? who will get good marks???


[B]I think quantity will overpower the quality???:thinking [/B]

[B]Opinion of all members required![/B][/QUOTE]

Dear bro.
I thoroughly agree with u. I think in essay most of candidate r nt conscious of quality material. Nevertheless, quantity lay also importance,but, if topic is nt deviated , and is nt with repetitions n with redundancy material. As its depends upon candidate's capability that how he addressess essay topic. If essay deviates frm its topic than quantity lay no importance.... And contrary to this if essay is with revelant material than u could pass essay wirh flying colours....
Faisal Ahmed Memon.

[QUOTE=Raz]I think you have not properly gone through my post. When I talk about quality, I do emphasize on the comprehensiveness of the material. Quality is misunderstood by most of the candidates "When they take it as "Précis"".
Infact, quality is broader than preciseness. Quality requires all the rules of effective communication.
Quantity for the sake of meeting 2500 words is worthless.
Quantity for the sake of quality matters.

When I focused on the quality, my essay lead me upto 2900 words in the paper. If I had quantity target I could cross the psychological barrier of 3500 easily. But when one exceeds the quality phase and enters into mere quantity phase then his decline starts and the utility of that essay diminishes.

[B][CENTER]"Quantity empty of Quality is nothing but a suicide"[/CENTER][/B][/QUOTE]
dear raz
yes dear u r 100 percent right..... What i wanted exactly... I think redundency material cause quantity.. This will ultimately diminishes essay's importance ....

Engr.Aftab Wednesday, May 13, 2009 12:56 PM

[QUOTE=Raz]I think you have not properly gone through my post. When I talk about quality, I do emphasize on the comprehensiveness of the material. Quality is misunderstood by most of the candidates "When they take it as "Précis"".
Infact, quality is broader than preciseness. Quality requires all the rules of effective communication.
Quantity for the sake of meeting 2500 words is worthless.
Quantity for the sake of quality matters.

When I focused on the quality, my essay lead me upto 2900 words in the paper. If I had quantity target I could cross the psychological barrier of 3500 easily. But when one exceeds the quality phase and enters into mere quantity phase then his decline starts and the utility of that essay diminishes.

[B][CENTER]"Quantity empty of Quality is nothing but a suicide"[/CENTER][/B][/QUOTE]
if a person is going to appear in css exam than he must know that wot is topic? and wot he has to write? and how he has to write? so its obvious one will write abt topic to the point.....so dear if u write to the point only 300 hundred i am sure u will fail......so dear both must b considered... this topic is not a confusing one, as v all are making it. for taking more marks v have to consider all the requirements. i dont say Quantity for the sake of meeting 2500 words only but there must b relevant material.

Adil Memon Wednesday, May 13, 2009 01:45 PM


In my opinion, a balanced approach should be followed. Quality comes when you write relevant stuff in correct and comprehensible English. Quantity comes with the volume of relevant ideas you have on the topic. Stating an argument in five lines which could have been better expressed in one ruins quality.

In Essay, one should always try to meet the word limit but not at the cost of quality. This approach will keep you satisfied until your result is out. Writing less always keeps one in fear.


Engr.Aftab Wednesday, May 13, 2009 01:53 PM

[QUOTE=Adil Memon]Salaam,

In my opinion, a balanced approach should be followed. Quality comes when you write relevant stuff in correct and comprehensible English. Quantity comes with the volume of relevant ideas you have on the topic. Stating an argument in five lines which could have been better expressed in one ruins quality.

In Essay, one should always try to meet the word limit but not at the cost of quality. This approach will keep you satisfied until your result is out. Writing less always keeps one in fear.

agreed dear, i am also of that opinion.

salman sial Thursday, May 14, 2009 04:59 PM

quantity or quality
AOA,dear sir it is all about quality.Quantity is next in importance to quality.Pages dnt matter,the good diction wins the race.Writing useless arguments and just changing the pages black isn't the job,Writing well thought and strong arguments earn good marks.tc

Arif Rao Thursday, May 14, 2009 10:33 PM

The 2 Q's
I think it should not be taken as a chicken and egg problem. Both the Q's have thier own importance. I believe being grammatically correct, relevant, logical, analytical and to the point is what we call as "quality" and if keeping these things in mind one goes for more "quantity" of stuff i.e. more insight into the issue, more examples, more viewpoints, more quotes and more diverse analysis than surely he/she gets an edge over the others.

Engr.Aftab Friday, May 15, 2009 01:29 AM

[QUOTE=Arif Rao]I think it should not be taken as a chicken and egg problem. Both the Q's have thier own importance. I believe being grammatically correct, relevant, logical, analytical and to the point is what we call as "quality" and if keeping these things in mind one goes for more "quantity" of stuff i.e. more insight into the issue, more examples, more viewpoints, more quotes and more diverse analysis than surely he/she gets an edge over the others.[/QUOTE]
dear brother i am agree with u and same thing i have posted repeatedly but few were not getting that..and u c its a very common sense but few were continuous denying it.

Irfi Saturday, May 16, 2009 12:33 AM

The words to be written are mentioned onthe very question paper.
The candidate should meet the requirement.Thr is no denying the fact that the candidate has to produce quality in his essay.So, do not complicate quantity over quality and vice versa.:nono

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