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Chosen_One Monday, January 18, 2010 11:53 AM

Outline: Women's Rights in Islam
1: Intro & Definition:
(Women's right that promote the legal and social equality of women to men
(sufferage, property, education, job etc))
2: Spiritual Rights2: Spiritual Rights:
Paradise not only for men but also for women (ch 4, V 124)(Ch 16, V 97).
Adam and Eve both responsible for explusion (unlike in christianity in which
only eve was responsible). In Islam, both responsible, both expelled, both
repented (Ch 7, V 19 to 27).
Pregnancy and labor pain not to punish and degrade but to elevate the
status of women as mothers are
highly revered in Islam.
In Islam there is no distinction on the bases of Sex, color, caste or wealth
(Ch 49, V 13).
3: Economic Rights:
No financial responsiblity on women.
Before marriage, she is responsibility of Father and after, her husband.
Quran allows women to work (Hazrat Khadija) with some limitations
(Dress Code, Honor).
During marriage, Mehr is compulsory, while dowry is also given to
If women works, she need not spend a sigle penny on house hold. her
earning is entire her own.
In devorce, she is given financial support for the period of Idah. Also
support for her children.
Inheritance, irrespective whether she is wife, sister or mother.
4: Social Rights:
.As a Daughter:
Islam strictly prohibits male and female infanticde (Ch 17, V 31)
Ex. Three thousand fetusis in India are aborted each day.
Islam even prohibits saddening after the birth of a Girl. Support it
with Hadith and sunnah.
.As a Wife:
Most civilizations consider women as instrument of devil while
islam considers her as Mohsina (Fortress against devil)
Anyone who marries, completes half his deen.
Marriage is the sacred contract because all relationships come
from marriage.
Consent of women Must for Nikah.(give examples when Holy
Prophet invalidating marriages)
Leadership of family goes to Man, which means he is a degree
superior not in rights but in Responsibilities.
.As a Mother:
Paradise under her feet.(hadith)
To be kind to your parents (CH 17, V 23 to 24)
Mother's status higher 3 times than father (Hadith)
.As a Sister:
5: Educational Rights:
First revelation not about prayer, zakat or haj but TO READ.
Prophet (PBUH) answered the questions of women. Also sent shahaba to teach women.
Hadiths (Scholars pens ink more sacred then martyrs blood, knowledge
compulsory on every muslim men and women, and many more).
Examples. Hazrat Aisha (well versed in Quran, literature, poetry and
arab history). She even taught Hazrat abu huraira.
Hazrat Safia (Wife of Prophet PBUH) was expert in islamic jurisprudence.
Hazrat Ume-Salma taught 30 different scholars.
Syeda Nafisa (Grand Daughter of Hazrat Hassan) taught Imam Shafai.
6: Legal Rights:
Murdering men or women, both liable for qisas.
Diyat, both men and women have same weightage.
Amputation of Hand for both.
Flogging and Stonning for both, in case of adultry and fornication.
Witness (explain it as duties of men and women are different)
Women can even maintain her maiden name after marriage.
7: Political Rights:
Women took part in Law making (example of Hazrat Umer in case of
fixing money of Mehr. Women advice was accepted)
"Men and Women are supporters of each other (Both socially and
politically)" (Ch 9, V 71)
8: War:
Women can take part in war as nurses and when necessary.
9: Conclusion:
Equality not identicality.

07:20 AM (GMT +5)

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