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Mubashir Asif Friday, May 14, 2010 02:29 AM

How to write a CSS worthy Essay
Based on the limited research I've done myself on this multifaceted assignment, I think we can safely follow these guidelines and clear the Essay Exam.

[COLOR="Blue"](Disclaimer: My thoughts are my own, and therefore are subject to my incompetency, personal prejudice and extreme lack of education. :haha I would appreciate any feedback/corrections from respected forum members.)[/COLOR]

[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]1)[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="5"][U]The Essay Outline:[/U][/SIZE][/COLOR]

The outline should comprise:[LIST=1][*]The statement of my thesis.
[*]The most important points of my argument
[*]Sub-points of my topic.
[*]The evidence for each topic of the argument.[/LIST]
[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]2)[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="5"][U]The Introductory Paragraph:[/U][/SIZE][/COLOR]

It should be grabbing and impressive to induce the reader to read further on. If the introduction is dull and mediocre the examiner will get a dull picture in his mind of me.:snor

So I try to present my introduction in a clear, precise and interesting way. Convince the reader that my essay is worth reading. :happy:

The way I would do it is:

[U][B]Sentence 1:[/B][/U] Must be an interesting one to make reader want to read more (e.g We live in harsh times, etc)

[U][B]Sentence 2-onwards:[/B][/U] Main Arguments related to my Thesis (e.g Terrorism has inculcated an ever-present sense of fear and dejection in Pakistani society, which can be witnessed in the demagogic hysteria of our contemporary media that jumps at every opportunity to add salt to our wounds as soon as any terrorist act takes place, etc..)

[U][B]Last Sentence:[/B][/U] My Thesis Statement (e.g Terrorism has destroyed the social fabric of our society..)

[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]3)[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="5"][U]The Body:[/U][/SIZE][/COLOR]

The body is the main part of my writing where I will present my thoughts and evidence. Each body paragraph introduces a new idea, for example if I have developed five ideas in my thesis I will present five paragraphs in the body.

I can also begin each paragraph by writing down one of my main ideas in the form of a sentence. (e.g "The Govt seems to be unaware of the social cost and implications of these disturbing attacks"....then go on and support this argument with your facts)

[B]Each paragraph should have an identical structure![/B]

* Open it with a topic sentence outlining the main idea of the paragraph.
* Write down the supporting points for the idea. They will make your assertions convincing.
* You can also include some conclusive or summary sentence, though it is not obligatory all the time. (e.g "Govt seriously needs to reconsider it's tactics in battling this menace, before it's too late.")

[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]4) [U]The Conclusion:[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE]

The final paragraph should correspond to my first paragraph - the Introductory Paragraph. The main idea should be restated again [B](BUT it should NOT be repeated or paraphrased in the SAME words).[/B] Just vary it a bit with new words to avoid monotony.

The conclusion should emphasize the issue of my discourse. I need to pay close attention to the [B]main idea[/B] presented in my introduction. If the main idea has been changed or modified during the process of writing the essay, then I must [B]reformulate my thesis[/B] in the introduction to ensure continuity is not broken.

Most importantly, when I'm finishing my essay I'm also thinking simultaneously that this is probably the last thing the examiner is going to read before awarding me whatever marks he thinks best, so I must make my last paragraph [B]original and unique[/B] so that at the end of my essay the dude has a smile on his face.

What I'm trying to say is a conclusion embedded with platitudes and generalities [B]may weaken[/B] the final part of your essay, so if you can't think of anything, then one of the best ways to present an effective conclusion is to [B]explain how people can apply your solution to the bigger picture.[/B] (e.g how will your suggestions for eliminating terrorism affect Pakistan in economic, political, cultural, religious, diplomatic terms, etc. Not just how it affects Pakistan's society, which was my thesis. [I]Show how your thesis positively impacts other factors to prove the veracity of your arguments![/I])

That's all there is to it. I hope.

03:48 PM (GMT +5)

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