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Shaho Saturday, June 12, 2010 07:03 PM

Should I go for this topic in exam: Global Warming is fake?
If I choose to write on this topic wen I will be in the examiation hall [InshAllah], what if my delieve is that Global Warming is a fake...
Should I choose this topic? Should I go against it? Will I be able to provide enough content on the against path?

Black Avenger Monday, June 21, 2010 11:48 PM

But how is it fake?...Are you going to prove it with some concrete facts Or your prime source of information are conspiracy theories??...I think that's what makes the difference

fromQAU Tuesday, June 22, 2010 11:10 AM

plz share ur knowledge wid us.

courageneverdies Tuesday, June 22, 2010 11:49 AM

[QUOTE=Shaho;192000]If I choose to write on this topic wen I will be in the examiation hall [InshAllah], what if my delieve is that Global Warming is a fake...
Should I choose this topic? Should I go against it? Will I be able to provide enough content on the against path?[/QUOTE]

I would say you should opt it. But you must go against this thesis, if optable. If you are to prove that Global Warming is fake, than you must do so by using the FALLACIES OF ARGUMENTATION.

If you think you can prove GLOBAL WARMING IS A FAKE than you will possibly use the following fallacies:

1. Appeal to Ridicule
2. Circumstantial Ad Hominem
3. Confusing Cause and Effect

and many more...

How would you refute this specimen Argument against your thesis that

[QUOTE]Evidence for warming of the climate system includes observed increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global average sea level.


Expressed as a linear trend, this temperature rose by 0.74 ± 0.18 °C over the period 1906–2005. The rate of warming over the last half of that period was almost double that for the period as a whole (0.13 ± 0.03 °C per decade, versus 0.07 °C ± 0.02 °C per decade).[/QUOTE]

I think you should not go for it :nono :)

Shaho Friday, June 25, 2010 03:11 AM

Some links

Sir here are some links, you can google as well there is a lot available on it. Its just a way to impose carbon tax


If you watched 'fall of republic' (a documentary) by alex jones, there a scientist tells how the jews and US puppet politicians (Al gore etc) have made league of scientists to prove it real. And if you speak against it you'll have to bear the consequences.

aariz Friday, June 25, 2010 05:55 AM

Global warming is real phenomenon

vicky786 Friday, June 25, 2010 06:07 PM

@ Shaho

I was in a similar predicament last year, global warming is a issue which we all can relate to it as it affects all of us, therefore, it is very hard to convince others that it is a hoax. If I was to do this essay then I would include both sides of the case, how global warming is real and caused by pollution, and since I am against the notion of global warming, I would explain the reasons why it is not a reality, climate gate scandal would be off great help, the recent extremely cold weather spell in the winter in Europe and USA, and there are many other reasons which indicate that global warming is not real.

Key to getting good marks is to present both sides, and your reasoning should be logical, it doesn't matter whether you believe in global warming or not.

All the best :)

rishzzz Saturday, June 26, 2010 01:45 AM

@ shaho

Well, i don't think it is a valid position to take. Because, most of the time when an essay writer opposes the topic then examiner expects some astonishing facts with aggressive arguments, waiting for his eyes. But here you will not find any proper sorta material except 3-4 conspiracies or flaw theories.... Global warming is a proven reality based phenomenon, so you can't convince examiner and you will not even have such a huge knowledge on it to write 3000 words.

One option that you may choose is to cater the essay in its essence, describing the topic as you decided and then in order to make it a bit argumentative include some 2 odd paragraphs of these opposing theories and at the very end, means conclusion again support your main point of view without adding something new. This would surely help you. But going against Global warming will derail your impression on examiner.


vicky786 Saturday, June 26, 2010 03:21 PM

@ Shaho and Rishzz

The examiners are aware that there are some people who oppose global warming, the 2008 essay question is a clear indication of that [B][I]( Global Warming, fact or fiction?)[/I][/B]

As far as the actual phenomenon is concerned, I am myself is quite skeptic of it, as there is not convincing enough evidence or arguments to prove that global warming is really happening due to carbon emissions. It entirely depends on your perspective, I would recommend that watch the al gore documentary on global warming which I didn't find convincing enough, and the great global warming swindle.


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