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Roha Mustafa Sunday, January 15, 2012 07:50 PM

Failure of democracy VS Future of democracy in Pakistan?
i am confused in this that whether "failure of democracy in Pakistan " and future of democracy in Pakistan are two separate topics to prepare for essay or these are two different name of same topic? please guide me how to prepare essay on this

zuhaib ahmed Sunday, January 15, 2012 08:41 PM

[QUOTE=Roha Mustafa;395346]i am confused in this that whether "failure of democracy in Pakistan " and future of democracy in Pakistan are two separate topics to prepare for essay or these are two different name of same topic? please guide me how to prepare essay on this[/QUOTE]

Sis, both are different topics.

[B]Failure of democracy in Pakistan

In this very topic one has to explain and elaborate how democracy is failed in Pakistan. One has to pen down causes of democracy's failure.

[B]Future of democracy in Pakistan [/B]

In this very topic one has to explain and elaborate what is future of democracy in Pakistan. One has to peep into past's ups and downs of Democracy and he has to observe current Democracy then he will have to judge, predicate and Analyse the future of Democracy in Pakistan.

aariz Sunday, January 15, 2012 09:46 PM

[QUOTE=Roha Mustafa;395346]i am confused in this that whether "failure of democracy in Pakistan " and future of democracy in Pakistan are two separate topics to prepare for essay or these are two different name of same topic? please guide me how to prepare essay on this[/QUOTE]

Both are different topics. Zohaib has correctly differentiated.

osman saleem Monday, January 16, 2012 12:03 AM

in failure of demo include the 1947 till history(military intervention)
and future of demo include demo govt in previous and current to onward.

ammar warraich Friday, February 03, 2012 11:32 PM

In my opinion, both topics can be written under one head...failure of democracy encompasses the events/reasons which have deteriorated the democratic process from 1947 to present and suggestions, remedies and opportunities cover the head of future scenario of democracy

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