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Asi01 Friday, December 07, 2012 12:36 AM

Check outline plz.
Assala-malikum mods. senior and juniors!

Please check my outline of an essay and give me suggestions. Is this material relevant to the essay or have to write more.

[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"][I]Peace the essential message of our religion.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]

 Introduction
 Islam-Meaning and message
 Basic characteristics of Islam
3.1 Based on Divine Revelation
3.2 Complete code of life
3.3 Faith (Imaan) the central point
3.4 Social and moral values
3.5 No asceticism or monasticism
3.6 Free from all doubts and superstitions
3.7 The ideal Social, Economic, political and judicial systems
 04- Islam; a religion of peace
 05- Peace for all mankind
 06- Islam preaches peace.
 07- The essence of Islam is peace.
 08- Islam an emerging light in the darkness of Arabia
 09- The Holy Prophet- Blessing for all
 10- Revolutionary changes brought by Islam in human thinking and behaviour
10.1 Reconciliation of different creeds
10.2 Warring tribes reconciled
10.3 Removal of Social inequality
10.4 Women placed on equal footing with man.
10.5 Social vices were abolished
10.6 Inter-marriages were encouraged
10.7 Security for life, property and religion of other faith granted
 11- Muhammad (PBUH) was a peace maker not a war monger.
11.1 The Pact of Madina
11.2 The Establishment of brotherhood between Ansar and Muhajirun
11.3 Treaty of Hudabiyah
11.4 Charter of Christian- Monument of Tolerance
11.5 The Last Sermon- The evergreen message of peace for all human beings.
 12- Conclusion

01:42 AM (GMT +5)

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