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zuhaib Tuesday, January 10, 2006 02:25 AM

The Start Of Endless Confusion By Zaheer Abas (CSS Holder)

Perhaps explicit to all,the composite examination system, which as per program ,scheduled to be enacted pracically from 2007 signifies no any witted and wise educational strategic idea to uplift the standard of education in pakistan.
However,recommended by the administrative officials of education in all four provinces
It may end ,emerming the educational system of pakistan more entrapped in academic
Disordes and procedural toughnesses.education holds massive importance in the formation and destruction of any country but if the education is tried on such rear-found and Experimental practices,how to safegaued the futures and presents of those who become the tools of it in case of its failure.
Of undubious thought ,it clearifies that government takes the
Educational setup of pakistan very heavilly,but this-typed plannings would make the country stand on the broken glass because it is not the change of mere policy but a serious question to the all teen-growing young generation of pakistan.
Perfunctory analysis over the examinations of secondary and
Intemediate classes would causes us figour out the real problem of education in pakistan likewise Copy culture, injustifiable mark provission,teacher and students negligence counting many administraive bedlams too.the copy culture can witness it’s deep extermination,certainly,when the students are serious And sincere.however,which things occur as the deviating points of students Need to be the one of the spectacular touch-stone of the pakistan planning to betterment of education ,is it leanthy curriculm,lack of Labs,unsatisfied teaching way or any thing else.where the government should excogitate about the concernd misiries of students ,at the same time, it turns to enact the policies which pave the straight way to intensifing the negligence of students,their correspondent burden of the courses capitalization and,unsuccestably,accentuate their Mental tension to meet the examinational needs after per two years as desighned currently.
Composite examination stands as the great challenge for both the painstaking and negligent students because the student,being much interested and keenly attractive to their studies,have to memorize and grip over the courses of the subjects which are included in their syllabus of two years that is unquestionably outright tension-creating and more time-consuming for revission .
There is the multifurious no of students who possess average mental faculities,hereby,it is not
Bit isoteric for them to have the mastery or cursory coverage over the two year-based courses but the mighty throne to hamper their concentration and commitment to their studies ,as long
The students,already mischenalized from the study, would have the fabulous oppurtunity to rest for the consecutive two years and then just to rely upon external sources for getting some
Passing or so-called satisfactory marks for them having expolited their future not merely,but the
Deservig students potent and appretiatable talent too.
Such kind of the system is practically and possitively
Workable in those areas of the world, where study exists copylessly,there must not be the permanent penchant of copy Culture but rather right straight and meritorous make-up for the conduct of examination as well for the provission of the marks.secondly, there must be so competitive teaching staff which throws hundred percent academic satisfaction to the students.
Many other supportive points worth being discussed,like the similarity or oneness of the courses language as that of the birthly one,if not so then primarily taught one,however,english is not taguht from the elementry educational start upto upper classes of secondary in hundres of
schools of education in pakistan but sudden advent of the coures in english in intermediate classes caused massive march to Leangthy-lined troubles In the life of the students,that is the reason,we are so familarizied for cramming without having Clear and unquestioned conceptions of scientic and technical fields.moreover,it is the strategy that would work Innormously for the countries where the majority of teachers happens being thoroughly Sincere to their jobs and outstangingly dedicated to their earnings,finally, there must be a free Mind of student without any kind of earning tension and full time of studies With the suitable amalgamation of games and sports.
Lets appraise pakistan educational chenalization with these affore-highlightened points.copy has got very deep base in the pakistan from 1 to
12 classes education due to any known or unkown reason,excluding one,very substantiated that is the burden on students of their leanthy courses and lack of experimental basis in sciense and other feids of education and possibly all the way through ungratifying training staff. This sytem which is to appera from 2007 will lead students to more burden,load and tension consequently opening the way for copy swell and immitational widder grounds. paksiatn primary,secondary and intermediate education is imparted From private and government schools and colleges of the different cities .almost one thing is very commom to have the cry of in the government schools and colleges form all over the country that teacher are not really out-and-out to their teaching like magnanimous profession because Of their priavte tuition centers.almost all the teacher are exepermential To have setlled to train the students in their own coaching classes and that is the cause why they avoid teaching satistaftedly in their government jobs and found being so enthusiastic for their financial gettings in private sectors.here it must be the benchmark to state that not whole the number of teacher but nevertheless for the majority it is an inescapable reality.this is the veracity mostly appreciated by the teacher in the little cities and towns upto the cities like karachi,lahore too.the newly-desighned course of action of two-year based examination would,undubiously, be difficult for the students to balance their course Burden.if the center are so-fabricated for the improvisation of the students, then how to reply the Unstablized financial conditions of students who ,by a hair's breadth ,afford to be educated in the government schools and so the handsome number of students have optimized complexion to
tend to apper remiss towards their education failing down their educational spirit gradually dead due to intense burden and less satisfactory sources.english langauge also includes in the long
list of prolems.pakistan copes with other problems like unemployment that is the reason the majority of the students are engaged in the work of earnings ,customarily, in the little cities no doubt,pakistan consists of number of little cities much more then highly bigger ones.these
conversed points prohibite pakistan administration from enforcing that line of action.
On ther hand,if not the whole then the majority of the upper-levelled educational institutes of pakistan,that train for engineering and business tricks and trades
Rely upon the semster system or the annual system but this schedule of 2007 is rearly witnessed and Practically often-prosperous.however,one Decission of adminstration desrves credit that
Of manipulating the marks of praticals from 25 to 15,but this one is not the reliable.is it ?[/CENTER][/CENTER]

10:53 AM (GMT +5)

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