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zainkhattak Thursday, February 03, 2011 10:35 PM

economic crisis in Pakistan outline
Economic crisis in Pakistan
1 Economy
2 present scenario
3 historical perspective
4 economy structure
5 major sectors of economy
a: fishing
b: forest
c: agriculture
d: minerals
e: industries
f: foreign trade
6 economy problem/ challenges
a:BOP crisis
b: poor taxation
c: foreign investment
d: energy crisis
e: corruption
f: terrorism
g: natural disaster
h: low saving
i: political instability
j: globalization
k: population explosion
l: poverty
7 Remedies
a:exploring hidden mineral resources
b: development of agriculture
c: effective short and long term policies
d: access to foreign markets
e: poverty reduction
f: effective taxation system
g: free trade agreement
h: knowledge based economy
i: human resource development
8 conclusion

huma gillani Wednesday, February 23, 2011 02:41 PM

Nice attempt :)

Your first heading is "ECONOMY". What will you write under this heading? You'll explain what an economy is or what role it plays? Can you please elaborate this? What will the introduction of your essay?


And under the heading of "ECONOMIC PROBLEMS/CHALLENGES", you haven't mention any challenges like food crisis, inflation, fiscal deficit, illiterate/unskilled labor, soaring oil prices, INF loans. Shouldn't these points also be included?

What do you say?

02:45 AM (GMT +5)

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