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sarmadalimahar Thursday, March 21, 2013 10:56 AM

Free Speech Should Have Limitations
A. Introduction
B. Concept of freedom of speech
1. In Us
2. In European countries
3. In Pakistan: article 19
c. Misuse of freedom of speech by media
1. it promotes hate speech under the guise of freedom of speech
2. it intervenes in the personal lives of celebrities
3.it promotes vulgarity and obscenity under the name of freedom of speech
4.it promotes violence under the garb of freedom of speech
5. it promotes sensationalism
d. Misuse of freedom of speech by general public
1. it defames religious and general personalities or other people and institutions
2. it posts blasphemous and immoral material on social media
3. it spreads rumors via sms via mobile
E. causes of the misuse of freedom of speech by media and general public
1. media is an enterprise
2. Immature media does not know the impact of news
3. absence of clear-cut code of conduct
4. people do not know the worth of freedom of speech
F.Limitations on freedom of speech
G. does this possible? yes
h. way forward
I. conclusion

Freedom of speech is one of the fundamental rights enshrined in the constitutions of all the democratic countries of the world. It is considered the most important article and right in the modern state, as it lies down the foundation of free ,vibrant and democratic society. However, in the recent events this precious right has been violated by both media and general public. they can do whatever they want. In other words, media and general public misuse and misinterpret freedom of speech; therefore, there should be some limitations on the freedom of speech.

in conclusion, freedom of speech must be curbed if it is misused by media and general public. there are many causes of misuse of freedom of speech by media and public. However, if the above mentioned suggestions are taken into consideration, the situation will improve. freedom of speech is precious right. Many countries do not have this valuable right.therefore, media and general public should use it responsibly............................................................................................................................................

I wrote about 14 pages and conclusion was about one page.

06:29 AM (GMT +5)

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