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Hasnain Yousaf Tuesday, February 11, 2014 10:25 PM

Some Essays Outlines Are Here
[B]Not Economy but Politics is Key to Success[/B]


1. Islamic medium of politics in the fifth and sixth century
2. Advent of Islam and role of politics in the subcontinent
3. Political affairs in the subcontinent till 1857
4. Renaissance of Muslim nationhood and role of politics in the subcontinent after 1857
5. Freedom of Pakistan is the reward of true politics

6. Disparate triumph of politics after the inception of Pakistan till now
a. Objective resolution 1949
b. Exchange of war prisoners 1971
c. 1973 constitution
d. Revival of democracy in 2008
e. Eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth amendments

7. Sophisticated political affairs can alter the socio-political and economic paradigm of Pakistan

A. Social structure
a. Pragmatic policies for the eradication of poverty, unemployment and illiteracy
b. Comprehensive strategies to curb population explosion, diverse crimes
c. Overwhelming gender discrimination through matured politics
d. Timely mechanisms to erase terrorism, sectarianism, and separatism

B. Political model
a. Good governance
b. Pave the way for accountability
c. Eradication corruption
d. Motivating competent judiciary
e. disheartening feudalistic culture

C. Economic Pattern
a. Mushroom FDI
b. Enhancing Export
c. Industrialisation
d. Development in agriculture sector
e. Overcoming energy crisis

8. Comparison of political affairs of Pakistan with neighbour countries vis-à-vis economy
a. China
b. India
c. Iran
d. Afghanistan


Hasnain Yousaf Tuesday, February 11, 2014 10:30 PM

[B]Meaning and Purpose of Education[/B]


1. Meaning and purpose of education in several spheres
a. Exploration of the world
b. Research in disparate paradigms of human interest
c. Enhance the vision of society
d. Unanimity, solidarity, unity, and integrity of sophisticated society
e. Sundry meaning and purpose of education

A. Socio-political and economic uplift
a. Social maturation
* Role of education to curb illiteracy, poverty and population explosion
* Eradication of unemployment, drug abuse and worst situation of law and order

b. Political elevation
* Education role in the sphere of good governance
* Purpose of education for the eradication of political instability
* True sense of education for the stoppage of corruption

c. Economic revival
* Education role in the arena of industrialisation
* Increase in FDI
* Education is the main factor to overcome agricultural crisis

B. Education mean and purpose for the renaissance of science and technology

C. Education is the main contributor for society cultural growth and harmony

D. Education is the most powerful weapon to curb terrorism, sectarianism and separatism

E. The essence of education is to meet the contemporary world

F. Education plays a vital role for the integration of Muslim Ummah

G. Education empowers media and civil society


Hasnain Yousaf Tuesday, February 11, 2014 11:13 PM

[B]Politics is the Art of Possible

1. The art of politics is in the growth of socio-political and economic area

A. Social sphere
* Political influence eradicates poverty, illiteracy and population explosion
* Pragmatic political policies eliminates unemployment and crimes

B. Political circle
* Practicable mechanism of astute politics promotes good governance
* Comprehensive strategies consolidate competent judiciary and accountability
* Timely policies pave the way for orientation of corruption free society

C. Economic area
* Political art mushrooms industrial incorporation
* Overwhelming energy and gas crisis in Pakistan
* Exaggerating exports
* Attracting foreign invertors

2. Sophisticated politics paves the way for unanimously pragmatic constitution
3. Politics is the artistic possibility of social cohesion and mediation
4. Sage politics strengthens intra as well as inter provincial harmony
5. Astute politics vibrant civil society for the contribution of progression
6. Marvellous politics backs free and fair media

7. The weapon of sane politics use for bear contemporary world problems
a. International conspiracy against Pakistan
b. Muslim world disunity
c. Terrorism/Sectarianism/Separatism
d. To solve Kashmir and other related issues with India
e. Strengthening ties with other neighbour countries
f. To make marvelous image of Pakistan


greenboy Wednesday, February 12, 2014 10:56 AM

meaning and purpose of education has the best outlines among the above topics , rest of all outlines need relevancy and vast measures to level up to standard

awan5 Wednesday, February 12, 2014 11:41 AM

Gender Equality Remains A Myth

What is Gender Inequality?

A) Women are suffering from social injustice in education opportunities, health facilities, social prestige, property inheritance and religious esteem.
B) Women are faced with the savage and brutal customs of addo baddo, pait likkhi, swara, vani, watta satta, female servant violence, karo kari, dowry taunt, dowry death, stove burning, trafficking, face burning, bride burning and female teasing.
C) Women are a victim of economic exploitation in employment deprivation, discriminated wage rate, workplace harassment and health hazardous work environment.
D) Women are not politically privileged and are deprived of their due political empowerment in Pakistan for their recognition in parliament and legislature.

What Are the Reasons Behind Gender Inequality:

A) Male dominant society in exercise of prejudice in least provision of education, health facilities. Social dishonor, property usurpation and religious status.
B) Feudalism, poverty , ignorance and superstitions are behind the cruel practices of addo baddo, pait likkhi, swara, vani, watta satta, female servant violence,karo kari,dowry taunt, dowry death, trafficking, face burning, bride burning and female teasing.
C) Absence of economic reforms is a hitch to women economic betterment
D) Illiteracy, economic weakness and social injustice have resulted in political maltreatment of women.

How The Problem of Gender Inequality Can Be Put to an End:

A) The provision of religious recognition, education, health, social respect and property inheritance should be made available to women.
B) Elimination of feudalism, ignorance and superstitions should be targeted at to uproot the evil practices like blind wish for baby son, addo baddo, pait likkhi, swara, vani, watta satta, female servant violence,karo kari,dowry taunt, dowry death, trafficking, face burning, bride burning and female teasing.
C) Economic reforms should be initiated to enhance the economic stability of women.
D) Political empowerment of women can compensate the political exploitation of women over the years in Pakistan.

09:45 PM (GMT +5)

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