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sumayaali Tuesday, October 14, 2014 10:51 PM

my essay for 2014
My topic was also look to the east for holistic progress, I focused on examples of middle east mostly, sorta wrote rest of it generally... outline is given below:

Look to the east for holistic progress

1. Introduction:
The recurrent prognosis of the world dictates that the east has emerged to progress holistically.

2. The holistic progress of the east:

a. Economic advancements:
i- Rich in natural resources and their utilization i.e. oil and natural products.
ii- Exporter of the emerging world.
iii- Employer of 21st century.
iv- Establishment of amenity industry.
v- Emerging Tourism industry.
vi- Architectural developments in the east.
vii- Industrial progress of east

b. Cultural and social development:
i- Enhanced cultural and societal norms.
ii- Participation in education.
iii- Another point I am forgetting

3. The past versus present of the east:

4. International view of the east ( something like that)

5. Conclusion.

Remarks pl.

Somi Shah Saturday, October 10, 2020 06:32 PM

China is located in east Asia. Then we should discuss chinese progress rather than Middle east. Because many of middle east countries are stranded in war situation.

01:58 AM (GMT +5)

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