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Ahmad Zeeshan Khokhar Sunday, February 23, 2014 02:25 PM

my outlines for essay paper CE-2014
Violence is the last refuge of incompetent.

1. Introduction
- what is violence?
- meaning of phrase
2. Understanding of phrase
- general
- practical
* instances
3. History of violence
- from qabeel' s murder to till.
4. Types of violence.
- physical violence
5. Religious views.
- Islamic view
- Buddhism
- Christianity
- Hinduism
6. Causes if its growth in society.
* illiteracy * intolerance
* incompetency to discuss
* incompetency to understand
7. Effects of this menace.
- war among masses
- no need of weapon to destroy any society
8. Suggestions for its eradication.
- to educate people
- establish harmony among masses
- try to tolerate
- role of political & religious leaders.
- try to understand the problems of violent groups
9. World's view
* burma crisis
10. Pakistan's situation.
- sectarianism
- terrorism
- liberal vs conservative
11. Conclusion.
- violence must not be the reply of violence.
- try to improve incompetence of masses.

08:04 PM (GMT +5)

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