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Habib ullah Khattak Wednesday, March 05, 2014 11:27 PM

Please check my essay outline-2014
Jaw jaw is always better than to war war
( Churchill)

1. Introduction
2. To bury the hatchet through negotiation has always been forte of the great nations.
a. League of the nations on the debris of WWI.
b. UNO- A last hope to put an end to war
3. Great nations
a. China---- a soft power
b. Japan---- despite nuclear attacks did not resort to fighting but perished her ambitions peacefully.
c. Switzerland--- a welfare state
4. Options available to put an end to fighting:
a. Force
b. Surrender
c. Negotiation
5. Fall out of Fighting:
a. Human losses.
b. Socio- economic loss
c. Tarnishes nation's image in international community
6. Negotiations results:
a. Save human losses
b. resumes Socio-economic developments
c. Upgrades nation's image in international community
d. Shows nation's seriousness to settle an issue amicably.
7. Comparision of issues settled through coercion/ fighting and negotiations and dialogue:
a. Peaceful division of India into two halves vs Dismemberment of East Pakistan.
b. Peaceful division of soudan through Darfur accord vs Afganistan turmoil.
8. Pakistan should require to put an end to fighting through negotiations and dialogue like great nations.
9. Conclusions. Dialogue and negotiation is better than fighting.
Abrahim Lincoln says," Force is all conquering but its victories are short- lived.

07:31 AM (GMT +5)

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