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HafsaJabbar Saturday, January 22, 2022 04:29 PM

Q11) Athlete’s foot is a disease caused by:
A) Bacteria
B) Fungus
C) Protozoan
D) Nematode

Q12) In eye donation which part of the donor’s eye is utilised:
A) Iris
B) Retina
C) Lens
D) Cornea

Q13) The major component of Honey is:
A) Glucose
B) Maltose
C) Fructose
D) Sucrose

Q14) The velocity of sound is minimum in:
A) Vacuum
B) Water
C) Air
D) Iron

Q15) How many bones are present in human ears:
A) 4
B) 5
C) 6
D) 9

HafsaJabbar Saturday, January 22, 2022 04:29 PM

Q16) A satellite is kept moving in its orbit around the Earth due to its:
A) Centrifugal Force
B) Centripetal Force
C) Gravitational Force
D) None of the Above

Q17) The time period of a Pendulum:
A) Depends on its Length
B) Depends on the Mass
C) Depends on Time
D) Depends on Temperature

Q18) In case of rusting, the weight of Iron will be:
A) Increase
B) Decrease
C) Remains Same
D) Uncertain

Q19) Melbomian gland is located in:
A) Ear
B) Nose
C) Skin
D) Eye

Q20) The weight of our body is mostly made of:
A) From Bones
B) Parts of Body
C) From Water
D) Parts of Skin

HafsaJabbar Saturday, January 22, 2022 04:30 PM

Q21) Which one of the following organ is affected by Malaria:
A) Heart
B) Lungs
C) Kidney
D) Spleen

Q22) Which of the following substance is used for Artificial Rain:
A) Silver Bromide
B) Ammonium Nitrate
C) Silver Iodide
D) All of the Above

Q23) Which one of the following gas is known as Noble Gas:
A) Hydrogen
B) Oxygen
C) Helium
D) Carbon Dioxide

Q24) Which one of the following device is used for detecting lie:
A) Polygraph
B) Pyrometer
C) Gyroscope
D) Kymograph

Q25) ELISA test is performed to test:
A) Diabetes
B) Tuberculosis
C) Aids
D) Typhoid

Q26) A man, who doesn’t know when to stop eating, is suffering from:
A) Bulimia
B) Diabetes
C) Anorexia
D) Hyperacidity

Q27) Which of the following device is used for converting Alternative Current into Direct Current:
A) Dynomo
B) Motor
C) Transformer
D) Rectifier

Q28) Octane number is used for measuring the quality of:
A) Edible Oil
B) Petrol
C) Kerosene Oil
D) Perfumed Oil

Q29) The chemical name of Baking Soda is:
A) Sodium Chloride
B) Sodium Sulphate
C) Sodium Bicarbonate
D) Sodium Hydroxide

Q30) The sky appears blue due to its:
A) Scattering of Light
B) Diffraction of Light
C) Refraction of Light
D) Reflection of Light

HafsaJabbar Saturday, January 22, 2022 04:32 PM

Q31) Which one of the following is not a plant product:
A) Caffeine
B) Piperine
C) Nicotine
D) Saccharin

Q32) Arthritis is caused by the disposition of which one of the following in the joints of our body:
A) Urea
B) Uric Acid
C) Albumin
D) Cholesterol

Q33) The chemical name of lime stone is:
A) Calcium Carbonate
B) Magnesium Chloride
C) Sodium Chloride
D) Sodium Sulphide

Q34) Bronze is an alloy of:
A) Copper & Silver
B) Copper & Zinc
C) Copper & Lead
D) Copper & Tin

Q35) Which of the following vitamins are water soluble:
A) Vitamin A & Vitamin B
B) Vitamin B & Vitamin C
C) Vitamin C & Vitamin D
D) Vitamin A & Vitamin K

HafsaJabbar Saturday, January 22, 2022 04:32 PM

Q36) The age of a tree is determined by its:
A) Height
B) Grith
C) Growth Rings
D) General Appearance

Q37) The density of milk can be measured by:
A) Hydrometer
B) Lactometer
C) Butyrometer
D) Thermometer

Q38) In Automobiles, Hydraulic Brake is works on:
A) Pascal’s Law
B) Archimedes Principal
C) Newton’s Law of Motion
D) Bernoulli’s Principal

Q39) The main components of Liquid Petrolium Gas (LPG) are:
A) Methane, Ethane and Hexane
B) Methane, Pentane and Hexane
C) Ethane, Propane and Butane
D) Methane, Carbon Monoxide & Hydrogen

Q40) Lack of which of the following substance in our body causes Diabetes:
A) Insulin
B) Haemoglobin
C) Histamin
D) Glycine

HafsaJabbar Saturday, January 22, 2022 04:34 PM

Q41) The number of RCB count in an adult male is:
A) 6.5 Million
B) 5.0 Million
C) 4.5 Million
D) 4.0 Million

Q42) One Barrel of oil is equal to which one of the following:
A) 131 Litre
B) 159 Litre
C) 179 Litre
D) 201 Litre

Q43) Humans can’t digest grass like cows, because of the presence of:
A) Chlorophyll in Grass
B) Pesticides in Grass
C) Proteins in Grass
D) Cellulose in Grass

Q44) Which of the following device uses Ultrasonic Waves for getting images of internal organs of human body:
A) Ultrasound Scanner
B) MRI Scanner
C) XRay Machine
D) CT Scanner

Q45) Which of the following determines the loudness or softness of the sound:
A) Oscillation
B) Frequency
C) Amplitude
D) Wave Velocity

Q46) Which of the following pollutants is the major contributor to the photochemical smog:
A) Hydroperoxides
B) Peroxynitrates
C) Ozone
D) Nitrogen Dioxide

Q47) Haemoglobin is the protein inside red blood cells that carries:
A) Oxygen
B) Carbon Dioxide
C) Nitrogen
D) Ozone

Q48) Which among the following diseases is very rare in women as compared to its occurrence in men:
A) Myopia
B) Kidney Stone
C) Brain Tumor
D) Colour Blindness

Q49) Which of the following is to be found in nail polish remover:
A) Acetone
B) Benzone
C) Petroleum Ether
D) Acetic Acid

Q50) A gas thermometer is more sensitive than a liquid thermometer, because:
A) Gas is Lighter than Liquid
B) It Expands more than a Liquid
C) It is Easy to Obtain
D) Doesn’t Change State Easily

12:49 AM (GMT +5)

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