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RAO RAMEEZ Monday, November 01, 2010 02:55 PM

Although it is a term not commonly seen or heared yet very much common and one of the most essentials for life of some animals e.g Goats, Sheeps, Buffalo, Cow, Camel etc..
Ruminants have a stomach usualyy 4 divisions viz
1. Rumen (Forestomach)
2. Reticulum
3. Omasum
4. Abomasum

[B]Rumen[/B]:- Is the foremost part in these animals. Animals usually takes huge gulps of feed without chewing it properly and you might have observed them masticating at rest.It is actually that feed stored in Rumen which is again recalled by negative pressure as we do during respiration.
Rumen is the place where there are no glands thus no enzyme produced.
However, there is a process of fermentation going out there by Ruminal microflora comprises of bacteria and fungi normally.
[B]Reticulum[/B]:- It is honey comblike structure,non-glandular and meant for further mashing.
[B]Omasum[/B]:- It is book like in appearance internally. Same functioning as that of reticulum leading to further small particulate size.Its also nonglandular.
[B]Abomasum[/B]:- It is the glandular part and resembles stomach of man.
Rumen is topic of greater discussion I hope it's enough as far as this forum requires.

03:58 AM (GMT +5)

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