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alihashmatkhoso Thursday, June 28, 2012 09:52 PM

Definition energy can be defined as under;
Energy is an agent which is responsible to do work
The capacity of doing some work is known as energy
The capacity or ability of doing work is known as energy.

• Units of energy are; Joule, Erg, Kilo watt Hour, British thermal unit volt, calorie.

Different forms of energy

1. Kinetic energy

The kinetic energy is that energy which is possessed by a body by the means of its motion or
The energy due to the motion of a body known as kinetic energy.

2. Potential energy

The energy which is possessed by a body by the means of its position or configuration is known as potential energy.

3. mechanical energy

Mechanical energy is that energy, which possessed by a body by the virtue of its position, configuration, and change of its position. .

Resources of energy

Two main sources of energy
Coal, wood, water Oil, gas, nuclear fuel is conventional or primary sources.
Solar energy, tidal energy, wind energy, and geothermal energy are non-conventional or secondary sources

The energy sources again can be divided into two categories
• Renewable resources include non-conventional sources of energy.
• Non renewable resources
Kinds of energy

• Chemical energy

Energy stored in compound is known is chemical energy
• Coal, petroleum are the sources of chemical energy.

• Heat energy

Heat energy is used in many purposes as in household for cooking, in industries as a source of energy and for power generation.
Now a day’s electrical energy is produced by solar energy.

Solar energy

It is the largest source of energy. It is used automatically for photosynthesis and production of glucose and fruits and natural products

Mechanical energy

The energy is produced by means of any other energy
• Electrical energy coverts into washing machine in houses

Hydro power energy

The energy of flowing water is called hydropower energy.

Nuclear energy

Nuclear energy is being used in producing electricity, moving heavy machines, and it is used in nuclear bombs.

Light energy

Light energy is used in place of solar energy at night

Some important terms

Power rate of doing work is called power , when a man have done same work consuming less time then other, means he has power

Pressure force per unit area is called pressure

Work when a force applies or applied on an object and object moves in the direction of force is called work .........

05:03 AM (GMT +5)

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