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socrates Sunday, January 05, 2014 02:17 PM

EDS 2012 [GK.paper-I]
Q. 2. Write briefly about two or more major achievements of each of the following two famous Muslim scientists:
(a) Abu Abdullah Mohammad Bin Musa Al Khwarizmi
(b) Abu Ali Al Hassan ibn Al Hassan Al Haytham

socrates Sunday, January 05, 2014 06:17 PM

Q. 3. (a) List four or more physical characteristics of the Earth.
(b) Briefly explain how Seasons and Ocean Tides are produced on the Earth?

sana mahjabeen Sunday, January 05, 2014 06:21 PM

can you please recommend any good book for everyday science??

abidturk Sunday, January 05, 2014 06:39 PM

Ijaz kashmiri book is good but to have a proper strategy you should solve last ten years papers and this book include solved past papers.

socrates Sunday, January 05, 2014 07:07 PM

[B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Physical characteristics of Earth[/COLOR][/B]

Physical characteristics of Earth include shape, size, composition and its atmosphere.

1. Spherical in shape:-
2. Size
3. Compsition
4. Atmosphere

socrates Sunday, January 05, 2014 07:12 PM

[QUOTE=sana mahjabeen;684430]can you please recommend any good book for everyday science??[/QUOTE]

1. Everyday Science by: M.Akram Kashmiri
2. Encyclopedic Manual of everyday science.
by Dr Rabnawaz Samo

EDS 2011

Q2: Write a short note on the following Muslim scientists by giving their exact life span and contribution to the field of science:-
a) Jabar-bin-Hayan b) Bu Ali Sina

Q3: Differentiate between any Five of the following pairs:-
a) Typhoons and Tornadoes (b) Microscope and Telescope (c) Ultrasonics and Infrasonics (d) Hard water and Heavy water (e) Isotopes and Isomers (f) Antibodies and Antibiotic (g) Antigens and Vaccine

Q4: (a) What is galaxy? The Earth belongs to which galaxy?
(b) Briefly describe what is big bang theory.
(c) Do you think that Pluto is still ninth planet of our solar system? If yes, how and if not why?

Q5: (a) Basically how many forms of energy are there? Also name these.
(b) Enlist different types of energy.
(c) What is renewable energy source? Quote three examples of renewable energy sources.

Q6: Is plastic a natural or an artificial polymer? Describe various types of plastics and their uses.

Q7: (a) What do the following abbreviations stand for?
i) LAN ii) HTTP iii) HTML iv) PDF v) URL
(b) Differentiate between natural and artificial Satellite. For what purpose artificial satellites are used?

Q8: (a) What is the main function of:
i) Ribosome ii) Mitochondria iii) Lysosomes iv) Chloroplasts
v) Golgi
apparatus .
(b) Give habitats of following animals:
i) Rattle Snake ii) Ostrich iii) Platypus iv) Rhinoceros v) Chimpanzee.

Q9 Write note on the following:-
a) Nucleic acids b) Fertilizers c) Semiconductors d) Microwave oven e)Internet

11:38 PM (GMT +5)

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