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-   -   EDS-Plz Answer the following Mcq! (http://www.cssforum.com.pk/css-compulsory-subjects/general-science-ability/99369-eds-plz-answer-following-mcq.html)

exclusively Wednesday, February 25, 2015 12:32 PM

EDS-Plz Answer the following Mcq!
62. The process of bond formation between two atoms is-Exothermic/Endothermic

63. In nomenclature of alkanes, the name of the longest chain is the basic part of name called-Stem name/Basic Name

64. Aldehydes give characteristic ….precipitate when heated with fehliging’s solution-Red/White

65. The process of addition of hydrogen into a molecule is called-hydrogenation/hydration

66. the shape in which a crystal usually grows is called its-growth/habit

If you are sure, then answer me, will be obliged.
Thanks in anticipation

waqas izhar Wednesday, February 25, 2015 01:01 PM

62. Exothermic. Bond breaking is endothermic.

63. stem name

64. red. no color with ketones.

65. hydrogenation

66. habit

05:29 AM (GMT +5)

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