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prieti Tuesday, April 29, 2008 01:38 AM

[LIST][*][B]Absolutism[/B] Doctrine Of Government By A Single Absolute Ruler; Autocracy [*][B]Absurdism[/B] Doctrine That We Live In An Irrational Universe [*][B]Academicism[/B] Doctrine That Nothing Can Be Known [*][B]Accidentalism[/B] Theory That Events Do Not Have Causes [*][B]Acosmism[/B] Disbelief In Existence Of Eternal Universe Distinct From God [*][B]Adamitism[/B] Nakedness For Religious Reasons [*][B]Adevism[/B] Denial Of Gods Of Mythology And Legend [*][B]Adiaphorism[/B] Doctrine Of Theological Indifference Or Latitudinarianism [*][B]Adoptionism [/B] Belief That Christ Was The Adopted And Not Natural Son Of God [*][B]Aestheticism[/B] Doctrine That Beauty Is Central To Other Moral Principles [*][B]Agapism [/B] Ethics Of Love [*][B]Agathism [/B] Belief In Ultimate Triumph Of Good Despite Evil Means [*][B]Agnosticism[/B] Doctrine That We Can Know Nothing Beyond Material Phenomena [*][B]Anarchism[/B] Doctrine That All Governments Should Be Abolished [*][B]Animism [/B] Attribution Of Soul To Inanimate Objects [*][B]Annihilationism [/B] Doctrine That The Wicked Are Utterly Destroyed After Death [*][B]Anthropomorphism[/B] Attribution Of Human Qualities To Non-Human Things [*][B]Anthropotheism[/B] Belief That Gods Are Only Deified Men [*][B]Antidisestablishmentarianism [/B] Doctrine Opposed To Removing Church Of England's Official Religion Status [*][B]Antilapsarianism [/B] Denial Of Doctrine Of The Fall Of Humanity [*][B]Antinomianism[/B] Doctrine Of The Rejection Of Moral Law [*][B]Antipedobaptism[/B] Denial Of Validity Of Infant Baptism [*][B]Apocalypticism[/B] Doctrine Of The Imminent End Of The World [*][B]Asceticism[/B] Doctrine That Self-Denial Of The Body Permits Spiritual Enlightenment [*][B]Aspheterism[/B] Denial Of The Right To Private Property [*][B]Atheism[/B] Belief That There Is No God [*][B]Atomism [/B] Belief That The Universe Consists Of Small Indivisible Particles [*][B]Autosoterism[/B] Belief That One Can Obtain Salvation Through Oneself [*][B]Autotheism[/B] Belief That One Is God Incarnate Or That One Is Christ

[*][B]Bitheism[/B] Belief In Two Gods [*][B]Bonism[/B] The Doctrine That The World Is Good But Not Perfect [*][B]Bullionism[/B] Belief In The Importance Of Metallic Currency In Economics

[*][B]Capitalism[/B] Doctrine That Private Ownership And Free Markets Should Govern Economies [*][B]Casualism[/B] The Belief That Chance Governs All Things [*][B]Catabaptism[/B] Belief In The Wrongness Of Infant Baptism [*][B]Catastrophism[/B] Belief In Rapid Geological And Biological Change [*][B]Collectivism[/B] Doctrine Of Communal Control Of Means Of Production [*][B]Collegialism[/B] Theory That Church Is Independent From The State [*][B]Conceptualism[/B] Theory That Universal Truths Exist As Mental Concepts [*][B]Conservatism [/B] Belief In Maintaining Political And Social Traditions [*][B]Constructivism[/B] Belief That Knowledge And Reality Do Not Have An Objective Value [*][B]Cosmism [/B] Belief That The Cosmos Is A Self-Existing Whole [*][B]Cosmotheism[/B] The Belief That Identifies God With The Cosmos

[*][B]Deism[/B] Belief In God But Rejection Of Religion [*][B]Determinism [/B] Doctrine That Events Are Predetermined By Preceding Events Or Laws [*][B]Diphysitism[/B] Belief In The Dual Nature Of Christ [*][B]Ditheism[/B] Belief In Two Equal Gods, One Good And One Evil [*][B]Ditheletism[/B] Doctrine That Christ Had Two Wills [*][B]Dualism[/B] Doctrine That The Universe Is Controlled By One Good And One Evil Force

[*][B]Egalitarianism[/B] Belief That Humans Ought To Be Equal In Rights And Privileges [*][B]Egoism[/B] Doctrine That The Pursuit Of Self-Interest Is The Highest Good [*][B]Egotheism[/B] Identification Of Oneself With God [*][B]Eidolism[/B] Belief In Ghosts [*][B]Emotivism[/B] Theory That Moral Statements Are Inherently Biased [*][B]Empiricism[/B] Doctrine That The Experience Of The Senses Is The Only Source Of Knowledge [*][B]Entryism[/B] Doctrine Of Joining A Group To Change Its Policies [*][B]Epiphenomenalism [/B] Doctrine That Mental Processes Are Epiphenomena Of Brain Activity [*][B]Eternalism[/B] The Belief That Matter Has Existed Eternally [*][B]Eudaemonism[/B] Ethical Belief That Happiness Equals Morality [*][B]Euhemerism[/B] Explanation Of Mythology As Growing Out Of History [*][B]Existentialism [/B] Doctrine Of Individual Human Responsibility In An Unfathomable Universe [*][B]Experientialism[/B] Doctrine That Knowledge Comes From Experience

[*][B]Fallibilism[/B] The Doctrine That Empirical Knowledge Is Uncertain [*][B]Fatalism[/B] Doctrine That Events Are Fixed And Humans Are Powerless [*][B]Fideism[/B] Doctrine That Knowledge Depends On Faith Over Reason [*][B]Finalism[/B] Belief That An End Has Or Can Be Reached [*][B]Fortuitism [/B] Belief In Evolution By Chance Variation [*][B]Functionalism [/B] Doctrine Emphasising Utility And Function

[*][B]Geocentrism [/B] Belief That Earth Is The Centre Of The Universe [*][B]Gnosticism[/B] Belief That Freedom Derives Solely From Knowledge [*][B]Gradualism[/B] Belief That Things Proceed By Degrees [*]Gymnobiblism Belief That The Bible Can Be Presented To Unlearned Without Commentary

[*][B]Hedonism[/B] Belief That Pleasure Is The Highest Good [*][B]Henism[/B] Doctrine That There Is Only One Kind Of Existence [*][B]Henotheism[/B] Belief In One Tribal God, But Not As The Only God [*][B]Historicism [/B] Belief That All Phenomena Are Historically Determined [*][B]Holism[/B] Doctrine That Parts Of Any Thing Must Be Understood In Relation To The Whole [*][B]Holobaptism[/B] Belief In Baptism With Total Immersion In Water [*][B]Humanism[/B] Belief That Human Interests And Mind Are Paramount [*][B]Humanitarianism[/B] Doctrine That The Highest Moral Obligation Is To Improve Human Welfare [*][B]Hylicism [/B] Materialism [*][B]Hylomorphism[/B] Belief That Matter Is Cause Of The Universe [*][B]Hylopathism [/B] Belief In Ability Of Matter To Affect The Spiritual World [*][B]Hylotheism [/B] Belief That The Universe Is Purely Material [*][B]Hylozoism[/B] Doctrine That All Matter Is Endowed With Life

[*][B]Idealism [/B] Belief That Our Experiences Of The World Consist Of Ideas [*][B]Identism[/B] Doctrine That Objective And Subjective, Or Matter And Mind, Are Identical [*][B]Ignorantism [/B] Doctrine That Ignorance Is A Favourable Thing [*][B]Illuminism[/B] Belief In An Inward Spiritual Light [*][B]Illusionism [/B] Belief That The External World Is Philosophy [*][B]Imagism[/B] Doctrine Of Use Of Precise Images With Unrestricted Subject [*][B]Immanentism[/B] Belief In An Immanent Or Permanent God [*][B]Immaterialism [/B] The Doctrine That There Is No Material Substance [*][B]Immoralism[/B] Rejection Of Morality [*][B]Indifferentism[/B] The Belief That All Religions Are Equally Valid [*][B]Individualism[/B] Belief That Individual Interests And Rights Are Paramount [*][B]Instrumentalism[/B] Doctrine That Ideas Are Instruments Of Action [*][B]Intellectualism[/B] Belief That All Knowledge Is Derived From Reason [*][B]Interactionism[/B] Belief That Mind And Body Act On Each Other [*][B]Introspectionism[/B] Doctrine That Knowledge Of Mind Must Derive From Introspection [*][B]Intuitionism[/B] Belief That The Perception Of Truth Is By Intuition [*][B]Irreligionism[/B] System Of Belief That Is Hostile To Religions

[*][B]Kathenotheism[/B] Polytheism In Which Each God Is Considered Single And Supreme [*][B]Kenotism[/B] Doctrine That Christ Rid Himself Of Divinity In Becoming Human

[*][B]Laicism [/B] Doctrine Of Opposition To Clergy And Priests [*][B]Latitudinarianism[/B] Doctrine Of Broad Liberality In Religious Belief And Conduct [*][B]Laxism[/B] Belief That An Unlikely Opinion May Be Safely Followed [*][B]Legalism[/B] Belief That Salvation Depends On Strict Adherence To The Law [*][B]Liberalism [/B] Doctrine Of Social Change And Tolerance [*][B]Libertarianism[/B] Doctrine That Personal Liberty Is The Highest Value

[*][B]Malism [/B] The Belief That The World Is Evil [*][B]Materialism[/B] Belief That Matter Is The Only Extant Substance [*][B]Mechanism[/B] Belief That Life Is Explainable By Mechanical Forces [*][B]Meliorism [/B] The Belief The World Tends To Become Better [*][B]Mentalism[/B] Belief That The World Can Be Explained As Aspect Of The Mind [*][B]Messianism [/B] Belief In A Single Messiah Or Saviour [*][B]Millenarianism[/B] Belief That An Ideal Society Will Be Produced In The Near Future [*][B]Modalism[/B] Belief In Unity Of Father, Son And Holy Spirit [*][B]Monadism[/B] Theory That There Exist Ultimate Units Of Being [*][B]Monergism [/B] Theory That The Holy Spirit Alone Can Act [*][B]Monism[/B] Belief That All Things Can Be Placed In One Category [*][B]Monophysitism[/B] Belief That Christ Was Primarily Divine But In Human Form [*][B]Monopsychism [/B] Belief That Individuals Have A Single Eternal Soul [*][B]Monotheism[/B] Belief In Only One God [*][B]Monotheletism[/B] Belief That Christ Had Only One Will [*][B]Mortalism[/B] Belief That The Soul Is Mortal [*][B]Mutualism[/B] Belief In Mutual Dependence Of Society And The Individual

[*][B]Nativism[/B] Belief That The Mind Possesses Inborn Thoughts [*][B]Naturalism [/B] Belief That The World Can Be Explained In Terms Of Natural Forces [*][B]Necessarianism[/B] Theory That Actions Are Determined By Prior History; Fatalism [*][B]Neonomianism[/B] Theory That The Gospel Abrogates Earlier Moral Codes [*][B]Neovitalism[/B] Theory That Total Material Explanation Is Impossible [*][B]Nihilism [/B] Denial Of All Reality; Extreme Scepticism [*][B]Nominalism [/B] Doctrine That Naming Of Things Defines Reality [*][B]Nomism[/B] View That Moral Conduct Consists In Observance Of Laws [*][B]Noumenalism [/B] Belief In Existence Of Noumena [*][B]Nullibilism[/B] Denial That The Soul Exists In Space [*][B]Numenism[/B] Belief In Local Deities Or Spirits[/LIST]

[I](O-Z to be continued)[/I]

prieti Wednesday, April 30, 2008 01:45 AM

[LIST][*][B]objectivism[/B] doctrine that all reality is objective [*][B]omnism[/B] belief in all religions [*][B]optimism[/B] doctrine that we live in the best of all possible worlds [*][B]organicism[/B] conception of life or society as an organism

[*][B]paedobaptism[/B] doctrine of infant baptism [*][B]panaesthetism[/B] theory that consciousness may inhere generally in matter [*][B]pancosmism[/B] theory that the material universe is all that exists [*][B]panegoism[/B] solipsism [*][B]panentheism[/B] belief that world is part but not all of God’s being [*][B]panpsychism[/B] theory that all nature has a psychic side[*][B]pansexualism[/B] theory that all thought derived from sexual instinct [*][B]panspermatism[/B] belief in origin of life from extraterrestrial germs [*][B]pantheism[/B] belief that the universe is God; [*][B]panzoism[/B] belief that humans and animals share vital life energy [*][B]parallelism[/B] belief that matter and mind don’t interact but relate [*][B]pejorism[/B] severe pessimism [*][B]perfectibilism[/B] doctrine that humans capable of becoming perfect [*][B]perfectionism [/B]doctrine that moral perfection constitutes the highest value[*][B]personalism[/B] doctrine that humans possess spiritual freedom [*][B]pessimism[/B] doctrine that the universe is essentially evil [*][B]phenomenalism[/B] belief that phenomena are the only realities [*][B]physicalism[/B] belief that all phenomena reducible to verifiable assertions [*]p[B]hysitheism[/B] attribution of physical form and attributes to deities [*][B]pluralism[/B] belief that reality consists of several kinds or entities [*][B]polytheism[/B] belief in multiple deities [*][B]positivism[/B] doctrine that that which is not observable is not knowable [*][B]pragmatism[/B] doctrine emphasizing practical value of philosophy [*][B]predestinarianism[/B] belief that what ever is to happen is already fixed [*][B]prescriptivism[/B] belief that moral edicts are merely orders with no truth value [*][B]primitivism[/B] doctrine that a simple and natural life is morally best [*][B]privatism[/B] attitude of avoiding involvement in outside interests [*][B]probabiliorism[/B] belief that when in doubt one must choose most likely answer [*][B]probabilism[/B] belief that knowledge is always probable but never absolute [*][B]psilanthropism[/B] denial of Christ's divinity [*][B]psychism[/B] belief in universal soul [*][B]psychomorphism [/B]doctrine that inanimate objects have human mentality [*][B]psychopannychism[/B] belief souls sleep from death to resurrection [*][B]psychotheism[/B] doctrine that God is a purely spiritual entity [*][B]pyrrhonism[/B] total or radical skepticism

[*][B]quietism[/B] doctrine of enlightenment through mental tranquility

[*][B]racism[/B] belief that race is the primary determinant of human capacities [*][B]rationalism[/B] belief that reason is the fundamental source of knowledge [*][B]realism[/B] doctrine that objects of cognition are real [*][B]reductionism[/B] belief that complex phenomena are reducible to simple ones [*][B]regalism[/B] doctrine of the monarch's supremacy in church affairs [*][B]representationalism[/B] doctrine that ideas rather than external objects are basis of knowledge [*][B]republicanism[/B] belief that a republic is the best form of government [*][B]resistentialism[/B] humorous theory that inanimate objects display malice towards humans [*][B]romanticism[/B] belief in sentimental feeling in artistic expression

[*][B]sacerdotalism[/B] belief that priests are necessary mediators between God and mankind [*]s[B]acramentarianism[/B] belief that sacraments have unusual properties [*][B]scientism[/B] belief that the methods of science are universally applicable [*][B]self-determinism [/B]doctrine that the actions of a self are determined by itself [*][B]sensationalism [/B] belief that ideas originate solely in sensation [*][B]siderism[/B] belief that the stars influence human affairs [*][B]skepticism[/B] doctrine that true knowledge is always uncertain [*][B]socialism[/B] doctrine of centralized state control of wealth and property [*][B]solarism[/B] excessive use of solar myths in explaining mythology [*][B]solifidianism[/B] doctrine that faith alone will ensure salvation [*][B]solipsism[/B] theory that self-existence is the only certainty [*][B]somatism[/B] materialism [*][B]spatialism[/B] doctrine that matter has only spatial, temporal and causal properties [*][B]spiritualism [/B]belief that nothing is real except the soul or spirit [*][B]stercoranism[/B] belief that the consecrated Eucharist is digested and evacuated [*][B]stoicism[/B] belief in indifference to pleasure or pain [*][B]subjectivism[/B] doctrine that all knowledge is subjective [*][B]substantialism[/B] belief that there is a real existence underlying phenomena [*][B]syndicalism[/B] doctrine of direct worker control of capital [*][B]synergism[/B] belief that human will and divine spirit cooperate in salvation

[*][B]terminism[/B] doctrine that there is a time limit for repentance [*][B]thanatism[/B] belief that the soul dies with the body [*][B]theism[/B] belief in the existence of God without special revelation [*][B]theocentrism[/B] belief that God is central fact of existence [*][B]theopantism[/B] belief that God is the only reality [*][B]theopsychism[/B] belief that the soul is of a divine nature [*][B]thnetopsychism [/B]belief that the soul dies with the body, to be reborn on day of judgement [*][B]titanism[/B] spirit of revolt or defiance against social conventions [*][B]tolerationism[/B] doctrine of toleration of religious differences [*][B]totemism[/B] belief that a group has a special kinship with an object or animal [*][B]transcendentalism[/B] theory that emphasizes that which transcends perception [*][B]transmigrationism[/B] belief that soul passes into other body at death [*]trialism doctrine that humans have three separate essences (body, soul, spirit)[*][B]tritheism[/B] belief that the members of the Trinity are separate gods [*][B]triumphalism[/B] belief in the superiority of one particular religious creed [*][B]tuism[/B] theory that individuals have a second or other self [*][B]tutiorism[/B] doctrine that one should take the safer moral course [*][B]tychism[/B] theory that accepts role of pure chance

[*][B]ubiquitarianism [/B]belief that Christ is everywhere [*][B]undulationism [/B]theory that light consists of waves [*][B]universalism[/B] belief in universal salvation [*][B]utilitarianism[/B] belief that utility of actions determines moral value

[*][B]vitalism[/B] the doctrine that there is a vital force behind life [*][B]voluntarism[/B] belief that the will dominates the intellect

[*][B]zoism [/B]doctrine that life originates from a single vital principle [*][B]zoomorphism [/B]conception of a god or man in animal form [*][B]zootheism[/B] attribution of divine qualities to animals [/LIST]

06:30 AM (GMT +5)

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