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-   -   Islamiat Covering with good study plan (http://www.cssforum.com.pk/css-compulsory-subjects/islamiat/66551-islamiat-covering-good-study-plan.html)

shahreenaa Thursday, August 02, 2012 04:58 PM

Islamiat Covering with good study plan
[B][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][B]I need help in Islamiat.

1-How to cover subject?

2-From which book should I purchase?

3-Would it be better to prepare from only newspaper and internet? Because paper is general in the current trend of css?

4-Would it be better to to make its notes? points or what?

5-Would it be better to attempt its past paper only?

6-How to remember the Hadiht and Ayats by heart? and how many? and how? what is the technique of it? Full Hadith? in Original words? Cramming? what ??? please suggest me the right thing to do it?

7-How to set Hadith and Ayats in the Questions? topic ? or what?

8-How much time is required to get it prepared fully?

9-How to attempt the question? like Pak Affair or what? like intor to conclusion? or direct?

10-I have good grip on poetry like of Allama Iqbal, Ghalib, etc? have good memory of the Ashar? how can I write ashar in the paper? Should I write in urdu? because I have to attempt my paper in English language?

11-For Ayats? should I mention only reference like Dr.Zakir naek? or Should I remember whole ayat in Arabic? and would I suppose to write its meaning in English from English Qur'an accurately?

10:14 AM (GMT +5)

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