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very special 1 Saturday, February 11, 2012 01:19 PM

All India muslim league

as bengal is partioned in 1905 and with felt of British inclination sympthy for muslims, then after the success of shimla deputation. the muslim of india decided to make a platform for muslims of India who could put thier demands infront of British rulers.............and in decmber 1906 muslim league came into being.
mauslim league have sevral objectives and play role for the well bieng of muslims...............

now here i have a confusion:cry

what major role Muslim league have played from 1906 to 1913?

as during this time no major event occur except the reversal of bengal partion.......and muslim league also decided to work with congress for a demand of seprate Govt in India........and lucknow pact come.........so if muslim League would not be there as muslim party what will be the picture of subcontinent then??:thinking:thinking

so please dear members explain the [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"]Importance of Muslim league during 1906 and 1913 and after wards.........and also throw light if some draw backs in muslim league objectives[/SIZE][/FONT]

i am anxiously waiting for your reply:bow


aachibachi Saturday, February 11, 2012 08:12 PM

Sir Aga Khan was appointed the first Honorary President of the Muslim League. The headquarters were established at Lucknow. There were also six vice-presidents, a secretary and two joint secretaries initially appointed for a three-years term, proportionately from different provinces. The principles of the League were espoused in the "Green Book," which included the organisation's constitution, written by Maulana Mohammad Ali. Its goals at this stage did not include establishing an independent Muslim state, but rather concentrated on protecting Muslim liberties and rights, promoting understanding between the Muslim community and other Indians, educating the Muslim and Indian community at large on the actions of the government, and discouraging violence.

waqas virk jat Saturday, February 11, 2012 09:02 PM

"what major role Muslim league have played from 1906 to 1913?"

[B]Muslim league Aim and Objectives - 1906 to 1913[/B]

1- Secure political rights of muslims
2- Create loyalty to the British
3- Secure supremacy of urdu language

[B]Muslim league - 1913 onwards[/B]

1-System of self government under British government
2- Hindu Muslim unity
3- Good relations and cooperation with communities working for similar goals

[B]Muslim league 1937 onwards[/B]
struggle for indepedent state

Now to u're other question - [B]Importance of muslim league[/B]

First of all, it provided a separate platform for the muslims. The muslims at that time believed that they had certain rights and aims and that they must prepare themselves to achieve those rights.Though simla deputation had put forward the demand for separate electorate, it was Muslim league that worked and toiled to achieve and maintain that demand. The British did not trust the Muslims and openly disowned them, Ml ushered in an era of confidence through it's policy and was able to win them over.It mobilised the muslim nation of subcontinent. Had there been no Ml who would have protected and gained constitutional safeguards for the muslims? The creation of Pakistan is undoubtedly attributed to Ml. It provided dynamic political leaders to the Muslims (jinnah ,iqbal). It was through the platform of Ml that Pakistan was created ( see all the political developments). It filled in the vaccum left after Sir syed. Trust Bills were approved by Ml which extended welfare services to Muslims of India. Appointment of judges in High and supreme courts was a demand of Ml that was accepted.There were many parties operating but muslim league organised and established itself as the only political party representing the muslims of india. It championed the cause of Muslim nationalism. And what not :P

Coming to u're next question - [B]draw backs in muslim league objectives[/B]

Perhaps u might find some "drawbacks" if u deeply analyse the history , but i capitulate here. Don't have the temerity to castigate an organisation that created such a beautiful homeland for us in such circumstances, fought a political war with two adversaries who were more experienced and powerful besides having all means at their disposal.

very special 1 Saturday, February 11, 2012 09:04 PM

[QUOTE=aachibachi;402544]Sir Aga Khan was appointed the first Honorary President of the Muslim League. The headquarters were established at Lucknow. There were also six vice-presidents, a secretary and two joint secretaries initially appointed for a three-years term, proportionately from different provinces. The principles of the League were espoused in the "Green Book," which included the organisation's constitution, written by Maulana Mohammad Ali. [B]Its goals at this stage did not include establishing an independent Muslim state, but rather concentrated on protecting Muslim liberties and rights, promoting understanding between the Muslim community and other Indians, educating the Muslim and Indian community at large on the actions of the government, and discouraging violence[/B].

i dont agree with your goals of Muslim league ................because in the first objective of Muslim league, there is no demand of seprate state for muslim.
not good relation with other Indians but with the British Govt.
present the demands of muslim community infront of British.........

but my Question is [SIZE="4"][B]what specific role during 1906 to 1913?[/B][/SIZE]

thanks for reply

very special 1 Sunday, February 12, 2012 07:54 AM

Past paper Question, discus
2006 question is

political map of Pakistan is the outcome of its geo strategic location. give a reasoned account for the statement

i am unable to understand it:thinking

please guide me about it:bow


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