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Nate Tuesday, November 03, 2009 02:47 AM

Sir what do u mean by result withheld if it does n later i submit my degree will it affect my merit n allocation n in ur view till when i should have my degree submitted before pschological or before interview i know itll come i am pressurizin my uni

mashal khan Tuesday, November 03, 2009 02:53 AM

MARA...........go straight to FPSC office and tell them your problem.even their fathesr will not reject your candidature as you have qualified your written exam by hook or crook.

Mumtaz Hayat Maneka Tuesday, November 03, 2009 02:55 AM

[QUOTE=Nate;152394]Sir what do u mean by result withheld if it does n later i submit my degree will it affect my merit n allocation n in ur view till when i should have my degree submitted before pschological or before interview i know itll come i am pressurizin my uni[/QUOTE]

No, it would in no way affect your merit number or Allocation. In css 2008 this kind of thing happened. A girl's result was withheld due to her failure to submit the documents in time, but when she successfully submitted all her documents her result was declared and was allocated.

09:43 AM (GMT +5)

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