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lahoriate1234 Friday, October 30, 2009 01:37 AM

If you don't mind can you please share Psychology score for 2009.:))

What went wrong with Journalism this time? There was nothing out of the blue in the paper:?

mirzahadi Friday, October 30, 2009 05:13 AM

[QUOTE] Originally Posted by sanam View Post
@ aliz khanz
i attempted the essay "women status in Islam' i had full command over the topic and attempted it quite well, i made 3 pages outline and almost essy cmpleted on 22 pages, i quoted verses frm quran and hadith, propr intro ,examples frm muslim history, made cmparison of women status b4 islam, after islam deatailed mentioned their rights and privalages, also made cmparison to the west, in mslim world and in ythe last also dscused womn status in pak scenario, i was fully satisfied abt my essay, i dnt knw wt went wrong. i cud hav attempted any other topic but decided not to take any risk and go with the topic i was 110% sure. but outcome is shocking and now i m raly afraid of ths paper. [/QUOTE]

I think you completely went off topic. You weren't suppose to only discuss status of women in Islam, their level of freedom in Islam, how better in position they were in comparison to western women or how women were emancipated by Islam. A more accurate topic for your essay would had been "Freedom of women in Islam" or "Privileges and rights of women in Islam".

A more comprehensive essay would had discussed women in Islam literally, i-e, their role and influence throughout Muslim history. For example, role of Hazrat Khadija, Hazrat Fatima, Ummahat-ul-Momineen. Women during the time of Khulafa-e-Rashideen, Ummayyads, Abbasids and Ottomans. Women in Andalus and Africa. Muslim women in modern age.

In my opinion the examiner failed you because you missed a huge chunk of relevant data and went off course.

Any one can differ.

Shakil Akhtar Friday, October 30, 2009 08:27 AM

well done. No body can doubt your abilities. your score is really good and impressive. I want to add one thing, surely, all those qualities would be there in your essay that you have mentioned. The first and the important step to cross some hurdle is to keep your eyes in the eyes of your weeknesses. May b i m bit harsh but hope you would pardon me for that, whats done is done, now try to find those little weeknesses may b in your expression or may b in your structure or language. What I believe is that, surely essay contains lot of stuff and information but essay for css is not meant to judge your information but it is meant to how you present that information. A general candidate have enogh information about the topic but the information should b presented in the form of sound and logical arguments and must follow the rules and the patterns of the Paragraph construction. And as a whole the configuration of paragraphs should b such that all of your composition is well connected, focused on the topic and the supportive arguments of your thesis should follow a logical and relevant conclusion. I know you know all these things but i just want to mention that there may b some smaller weeknesses which may have overlooked. So please have a cool and calm analysis to find the little things because nobody other can know or judge, its only you who are the proper and the only person in this world who can find those little things if there are some. I am not only confident but sure about you that in your next attempt you are going to be among the top 10. Wish you good luck

[QUOTE=mirzahadi;151344]I think you completely went off topic. You weren't suppose to only discuss status of women in Islam, their level of freedom in Islam, how better in position they were in comparison to western women or how women were emancipated by Islam. A more accurate topic for your essay would had been "Freedom of women in Islam" or "Privileges and rights of women in Islam".

A more comprehensive essay would had discussed women in Islam literally, i-e, their role and influence throughout Muslim history. For example, role of Hazrat Khadija, Hazrat Fatima, Ummahat-ul-Momineen. Women during the time of Khulafa-e-Rashideen, Ummayyads, Abbasids and Ottomans. Women in Andalus and Africa. Muslim women in modern age.

In my opinion the examiner failed you because you missed a huge chunk of relevant data and went off course.

Any one can differ.[/QUOTE]
May I ask you to give your comprehensive thesis at this topic and your supportive arguments and a logical conclusion. Just one paragraph Introduction to show your essay plan. I am not being sarcastic. Hope you'll take it in a positive way. It may be useful for lot of people.

Nazik Friday, October 30, 2009 09:34 AM

:: Roll Number 3772
:Candidate Name : FAZAL ELAHI

[COLOR="Red"]Essay 33 [/COLOR]
English 49

GK1 (Everyday Science) 60
GK2 (Current Affairs) 53
GK3 (Pakistan Affairs) 49
Islamiat 69


Constitutional LAW 67
History of Pak and India
Paper A 72
Paper B 55
Journalism 56
Punjabi 90
Sociology 56

Total Marks 709

Ayesha Shakir Friday, October 30, 2009 09:47 AM

@ Nazik...

really sad its d real hard luck... sorry for you dear

Shikva Friday, October 30, 2009 10:44 AM

Aslaam o Alaikum

Dear All,
Please tell me that if some one's name is neither in passing candidate's list nor in the failed then what should he/she do?

Please help me
and pray for me.

neuschwanstein Friday, October 30, 2009 10:44 AM

[QUOTE=Nazik;151363]:: Roll Number 3772
:Candidate Name : FAZAL ELAHI

[COLOR="Red"]Essay 33 [/COLOR]
English 49

GK1 (Everyday Science) 60
GK2 (Current Affairs) 53
GK3 (Pakistan Affairs) 49
Islamiat 69


Constitutional LAW 67
History of Pak and India
Paper A 72
Paper B 55
Journalism 56
Punjabi 90
Sociology 56

Total Marks 709[/QUOTE]
cud u tell me which books u consulted for punjabi ?

Shikva Friday, October 30, 2009 10:53 AM

[QUOTE=Nazik;151363]:: Roll Number 3772
:Candidate Name : FAZAL ELAHI

[COLOR="Red"]Essay 33 [/COLOR]
English 49

GK1 (Everyday Science) 60
GK2 (Current Affairs) 53
GK3 (Pakistan Affairs) 49
Islamiat 69


Constitutional LAW 67
History of Pak and India
Paper A 72
Paper B 55
Journalism 56
Punjabi 90
Sociology 56

Total Marks 709[/QUOTE]

I am really really sorry for FAZAL ELAHI

No doubt that he has scored great marks in the PUnjabi especially and others as well.

I am praying for you boy,just have faith and get into Top 10 next time.Its really hard to swallow but Allah knows better My brother.
Best wishes. Hats off for you boy

soniariazhussain Friday, October 30, 2009 01:53 PM


Essay 30
English 45
General Knowledge
GK1 (Everyday Science) 40
GK2 (Current Affairs) 30
GK3 (Pakistan Affairs) 27
Islamiat 64


International LAW 72
Islamic History and Culture
Paper A 70
Paper B 74
Musilm LAW and Jurisprudence 66
Political Science
Paper A 45
Paper B 35
Total Marks



dr250 Friday, October 30, 2009 01:59 PM

@ sanam @ y.rahman
aoa to all
i also attemptd women status in islam
the same problem with most of ppl who wrote the same topic.

05:44 AM (GMT +5)

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