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Maha Khan Wednesday, February 24, 2010 05:37 PM

Exam Pressure! What to do?
Exam pressure is building up day by day:conwt to do?Css z simply a game of nerves,not only test of our knwledge?hw i cn make my nerves strong enough???...best of luck to all aspirants of css 2010...plz,do remember me in ur prayers...
Maha Khan.

rishzzz Wednesday, February 24, 2010 06:32 PM

well MAHA

css is for sure abt nerves and luck somehow....
You jz keep these things with you otherwise nervous break down will approach u cz i have suffered 5-6 days due to this breakdown

jz say five times prayers
Dont study over and above your optimum limit
Jz feel it that every other candidate is nothing but a mere fool appearing in exam so there is no competition
Feel that you have topped the exam

you ll find real change in tackling this pressure, although im one of the sufferers...

Zoyee Wednesday, February 24, 2010 06:46 PM

[B][COLOR="Purple"]@ Maha Khan[/COLOR][/B]

Just relax and keep in mind that Allah Almighty will be with you inshallah and one more thing that can make you fresh that there are so many people who are not appearing due to some reasons..you are lucky one and you have the potential to take that exam among the candidates from all over the Pakistan.

And another thing which can make your nervous strong is that to feel no one is more capable than you. Believe me this formula will make your nervous strong and u will be more confident and dont take tension about studies just go through whatever you have read and have trust in Allah Almighty.
God Bless You all CSS aspirants of 2010!!!!![/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]


Maha Khan Wednesday, February 24, 2010 08:07 PM

Manaa ke Ye sunsaan gharri sakht kari hai,
Magr mere dil ye to fakt Aik gharri hai,
Himmat kro Jeene ko to aik Ummar pari hai,,,:)
Faiz,probably said these verses only 4 Css'Aspirants..all of us are trying to achieve something different,thtswhy sometimes we feel immense depression..
i always said"Css is lyk a "Nasha",after joining ths field,we dnt wana 2 move on towards other professions,even after knwing tht competition z very tough here...May Allah bless all of us.
Maha Khan

S_Ranjha Wednesday, February 24, 2010 08:27 PM

Well i dun know exactly if it an be of any worth to u ppl but i in my life weneva encountered any such moment i ll say to myself "[B]I am gonna do it. There is no way i can't"[/B]. Until that particular moment i never think the other way around. So wen i never think of any adverse results so there is no pressure.

Now after going through the task if God forbid i fail to achieve my targets thats when i should have the capacity to say to myself that "[B]This is not the end of world, there is more to lyf than this" [/B]. Although i never had to say this second part of my philosophy to myself so far but im sure i can if needed.

This has worked for me always even at times that were more critical to me than going fr CSS. I was pretty relax in my css exams coz it wasn't the toughest ordeal i had to go through.

Wishing u all(the 2010 aspirants) best of luck!!

zubair rana Wednesday, February 24, 2010 09:16 PM

i would suggest you not to be so nervous just believe on allah because if He wants then you can become a csp otherwise some mishap will occur with you but this does not mean that you stop trying hard work and put all things to allah because He helps those who helps themselves.And this is also reality that your efforts will never go in vain He will reward you according to your aptitude so if you just just believe on aforementioned suggestions i think you will feel yourself comfortable

aliz_khanz Wednesday, February 24, 2010 09:50 PM

i fell victim to this pressure two days back and believe me , i was unable to study even a single minute ! everything seems to be incomplete , i check myself and i remember most of the things but just say 10 per or 20 per is bound to skip ur mind and when i dont get able to recall them i just get too much nervous and thas really alarming at this point..........but i am all better now !!! have started today .... lets hope !!!

good luck M A T E I Z !

Fading Glimpse Wednesday, February 24, 2010 11:18 PM

@maha khan
dear jst try to be relax.... give ur best and leave the rest to Allah... HE does the best....
many sincere prayers for u....
best of luck

Ayesha Mahmood Wednesday, February 24, 2010 11:33 PM


Don't get nervous. Whenever I feel nervous due to my exams I just say " Ho gaya to hogaya nhi hua to na sahi" n I feel relaxed.

U r doing ur best for exams it's enough. Don't think about results before taking the exam.
Wishing all 2010 aspirants best of luck.


greenhorn Thursday, February 25, 2010 03:52 AM

Allah Malik hai yar, tension kis cheez ka, this is not the end of the world.!!! Just take it as an exam, nothing more than that. I was feeling the same but then i realized why am i taking too much? its just an exam. SO chill and listen to music, relax ur mind, watch a movie(thats what i do, everynight i watch a new movie) jitna parhna tha parhlia ab bus revise kerte raho and be focused and confident. Its not a rocket science, chill karo aur :). ( WATCH 3 IDIOTS, IT WILL MAKE YOUR MOOD GOOD. AAAAAAAAAAAAL IS WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLL)

Allah MAlik HAI.
waqar hussain janwari signing off

Maha Khan Thursday, February 25, 2010 11:06 AM

thnx alot to all of u...ths forum is really lyk our home,whr we cn ventilate our fears,depression and thn find encouragement 4rm othr members...:laughing.

DKYZ Thursday, February 25, 2010 11:12 AM

Don't Panic
Dil ke behlanay ko Ghalib khayal acha hai.
Wow,Everybody is going under immense pressure.U know why is it so? "The fear of Failure".. That unknown fear has left us all shattered. So much expectations. Relatives, Friends, Peers, Cousins and all around us know that v r appearing in CSS exam and studying and what if we fail to deliver. Just a kind of nightmare.So what to do then? My philosophy of exam is ride over it and don't let it ride over you.Kaisa hai...........? Do whatever is in your hand and leave the rest To Allah. Just have self belief and belief in your lord. Inshallah nobody can takes your destiny away from u.Just buck up and cheer up and no tension plzzz.Ab chalo muskarao saarey :D

cngfitted77777 Thursday, February 25, 2010 11:06 PM

as the exams days are near my head got jammed.
:unsure: a.o.a frnds as the exam days are getting nearer and nearer my head got jammed by reading lot of books for c.s.s exams .....i have read alot but believe due to exam fear i forget every thing ...my head got jammed and its impossible to remember anything now....looking at the date sheet makes me more scared ....how the hell i m going to pass c.s.s. exams with such date sheet.....i hope there will be lot of folks like me having same trouble......khuda hafiz :roll

fluent_20 Thursday, February 25, 2010 11:45 PM


Dear bro , u r right. Almost every candidate passes through this very stage which you are currently experiencing.That is the reason , this exam is famously called test of nerves. You need to have nerves of steel which could sustain your exam pressure.For this I will suggest you to strengthen your faith in ALMIGHTY ALLAH,whatever is to happen, it'll be in the best of your interests. INSHA ALLAH
observe prayers daily and each day keep motivating yourself by reminding yourself you CAN and u WILL.

Irfi Friday, February 26, 2010 12:58 AM

[B][COLOR="Maroon"]Just Pin faith in Allah....every thing is gonna be right.....[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR="Maroon"]Taking tension is no answer or way out whatsoever....It rather eats into one's worth and potentialities...[/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR="Maroon"][COLOR="Maroon"][COLOR="Lime"][COLOR="Maroon"]Let your heart throb "All is Well" "All is Well"......[/COLOR]
[B][COLOR="Magenta"]Tawakal-ul-Allah is the sure way to success...............

Sociologist PU Wednesday, March 03, 2010 09:33 PM

Tension in appropriate amount is good and motivate you to achieve your goals, so no worry at all. It is quite natural.
Wish you all success in 2010 but keep your options open. :roll
The world is full of oppurtunities.
Best of luck.

H. R. Akhunzada Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:12 PM

Salam and respect to all. This is my first post.... have to agree with Sociologist PU, the world is full of opportunities. Pray a lot as it truly is about being lucky. I too feel the pressure at times, its my 2nd time. InshALLAH we will achieve what ALLAH knows is best for us.

jadoon khan Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:22 PM

[QUOTE=H. R. Akhunzada;172780]Salam and respect to all. This is my first post.... have to agree with Sociologist PU, the world is full of opportunities. Pray a lot as it truly is about being lucky. I too feel the pressure at times, its my 2nd time. InshALLAH we will achieve what ALLAH knows is best for us.[/QUOTE]

salam rora
Do as it depends on u and pray as it depends on Allah.dont take tension life is full of exam so dont get into stess and strain situation now coz in life we have many exam therefore take them easy .Allah is those who worldhard.

deera Thursday, March 04, 2010 06:06 AM

Wishing you all the best for your exam ! Exam Pressure is quite natural so enjoy it.


Maha Khan Saturday, March 13, 2010 10:01 AM

IM very Much Dejected!
i did not perform well in CSS 2010,..History 1 &Islamiat were the worst papers of my Life:angry:...plz pray 4 me...i worked very hard,I didnot deserve this outcome of efforts..:oowhat should i do now,it seems that "game is over now"..

shallowwater Saturday, March 13, 2010 10:55 AM

@ Maha khan.

Dont worry about History 1 and Islamiat papers. All of us have performed similar in these papers. If you have cleared it last time then you can do it again. No need to worry.

aliz_khanz Saturday, March 13, 2010 04:54 PM

I Am In Trouble Guys ...... Need Ur Help !! Please
Today was physics paper and no it is ineffable to explain !! there is one thing that u donot know the paper , there is another thing that u know it but u dont do it because u have not prepared it well !!! it happened with me , i was so much intimidated by this paper that last night when i sat down to revise it i fell asleep because of tension !!! i couldnt prepare it and it trust me , i am doubtful that i even would get 66 marks in both papers !!! i prepared so hard for this only subject and i am doomed !! I knew like 95 mark paper , i knew 5 questions in paper but Paper - 1 just didnt leave the courage in me to recall and even get pass in the paper 2....... I only prepared last 5 questions of paper 2 out of whole syllabus and lucky enough , those same 5 questions came !!! i cannot be more angry and destructive to myself right now !

NOw i have a final paper of 200 marks of psychology and i couldnt be more bored of studies , i have 4 days solid to revise this subject but its like i am DONe !!! i just dont wana give the exam and stop studying . All my compulsory papers have gone into the range of 65-80% and this physics has really taken every single night of preparation away from me ...... Please help and advice me that should i go for psychology paper on thursday ???? Please SUggest me something !

shallowwater Sunday, March 14, 2010 12:22 AM

@ Ali Khanz

You should go for the psychology paper. Dont worry about the physics paper, wat has happened forget about it. Now just focus on the next paper and you can still make a come back.

irshadsod Sunday, March 14, 2010 12:32 AM

[QUOTE=aliz_khanz;174425]Today was physics paper and no it is ineffable to explain !! there is one thing that u donot know the paper , there is another thing that u know it but u dont do it because u have not prepared it well !!! it happened with me , i was so much intimidated by this paper that last night when i sat down to revise it i fell asleep because of tension !!! i couldnt prepare it and it trust me , i am doubtful that i even would get 66 marks in both papers !!! i prepared so hard for this only subject and i am doomed !! I knew like 95 mark paper , i knew 5 questions in paper but Paper - 1 just didnt leave the courage in me to recall and even get pass in the paper 2....... I only prepared last 5 questions of paper 2 out of whole syllabus and lucky enough , those same 5 questions came !!! i cannot be more angry and destructive to myself right now !

NOw i have a final paper of 200 marks of psychology and i couldnt be more bored of studies , i have 4 days solid to revise this subject but its like i am DONe !!! i just dont wana give the exam and stop studying . All my compulsory papers have gone into the range of 65-80% and this physics has really taken every single night of preparation away from me ...... Please help and advice me that should i go for psychology paper on thursday ???? Please SUggest me something ![/QUOTE]

Pray to God and prepare for the remaining paper. Never lose your heart. We don't know about our future, God knows better. Allah may help you in passing physics, we don't know the secrets of nature.

There are some examples in CSS history, even in this forum that some of candidates withdrew from appearing in some papers after loosing heart in first few papers. At the time of result announcements they got to know that they were declared pass in all the papers which they attempted and thought their worst papers but were absent in the remaining papers. That situation is more shocking and repenting.

So please keep your will alive.

aliz_khanz Sunday, March 14, 2010 10:30 AM

Thank u So much Shallowwater and irshad bhai !..... It was really encouraging I am going for it sir !!! and believe me , i will nail this paper in the best possible way !!!! thanks again ! i am very grateful

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