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-   -   Economics for 2017. Are you serious? (http://www.cssforum.com.pk/css-datesheets-results/previous-css-results-datesheets/css-2017-exam/100496-economics-2017-you-serious.html)

waqas izhar Monday, April 20, 2015 02:04 PM

Economics for 2017. Are you serious?
if you are, then get some hard copies. soft copies are for those people who have studied economics at graduation level at least. go to the market and buy economics books by Gregory N. Mankiw.

the recent changes in the subject groups has, i think increased the popularity of economics. aik lukmay mein 200 marks kon nahi khana chahta? but if you are beginning from scratch, start from FSc books and that too from hard copies.

economics isn't just a social science. it is the mother of all social sciences. you can't just do it like literature or sociology. you do require basic knowledge of certain graphs and the peculiarities therein.

i am not trying to scare anyone away but it is a bit irritating to receive email from babies who want to "check out" economics. go study from a tutor or someone. don't expect strangers to spoon feed you.


Ayeshaa Rajpoot Monday, April 20, 2015 10:08 PM

Hi Waqas.

Economics for 2017? Why cant it be 2016? And you know if you can send us the soft copies, we might be able to get the print outs. You see my dad has a khula khaata of as many free print outs as I want so yea :)

And you talking about economics in that way makes me doubtful of my own masters degree (in economics). Mother of all devils hmmmm scratching my chin.

Anyhow will you be willing to give online skype classes? You see its hard getting hands on some good instructors and your posts on other threads seem to speak for themselves. I don't require too much time. Just a light discussion here and there like a normal gup shup on the chaaye wali table. I promise I will not 'check you out' and there will be cookies to accompany.

Adios :)

waqas izhar Monday, April 20, 2015 10:24 PM

Not everyone’s father has a “khula khata” where printouts are concerned. If the soft copies contain 100 pages only then at the price of even 5 rupees per print it will make Rs. 500 for just 100 pages. So it is better to get the book from the market. This is Pakistan. You can get knock offs for absolutely anything. Considering that you don’t know this, I doubt your master degree in economics too.
I don’t mind giving skype classes but I don’t have a very fast internet connection and if there is a hall room to be taught, then yeah I might consider getting a faster connection and that too if I get time from my own schedule.
Au revoir

Ayeshaa Rajpoot Monday, April 20, 2015 11:10 PM

You know judging by the length and distribution of your answer, what were the two words that jumped to my mind?

"Ad Hominem" (exclamation marks implied)

The khula khata example was just a casual attempt to point towards the fact that some people might be more comfy with the soft copies. Or simply put, they might be doing their prep from some other book and maybe need to consult something from mankiw. Now if they get the hard copy, it will be a bit too much on their pocket (no?) and imagine the amount of space that fat book will occupy by just lying on the shelf. And since for some of us it will just be a reference book and we wont be too keen to open it every second of our lives, the amount of dust it will gather oh well you do get my picture right? So by that trajectory, I think we will first have to spend money on purchasing, then dedicate a space for it to sit on and then use a million and one tissue papers to keep wiping its dust for the rest of our lives (jaisay agay kam siyapay hain zindagi me! )

Now for your internet connection, hmmm you can check out warids lucrative internet bundle offers. Cheap and verified :)

Btw how many other people are there on the forum yearning to 'check out' economics from you? (Your hall reference) I can shortlist you the list of suitable babies jumping in excitement to get their spoon-feeding done from you ;)

Ciao :)

waqas izhar Monday, April 20, 2015 11:15 PM

Exactly my point. i said that if anyone has read any other economics book should ask for the book and use it as a reference and not depend on it to learn economics from scratch. :)

and yes if there are people who would like to study economics from me, let them raise their hand.

and oh if you infer "ad hominem" from my last post... good for you :). at least you know the term.


Ayeshaa Rajpoot Monday, April 20, 2015 11:23 PM

Delusion of grandeur much! This lil missy might give you a run for your money. Careful where you place your feet ;)

And I just raised both hands. Does that count as two votes then? :)

Ambivalent Wednesday, November 04, 2015 11:59 PM

Opt economics and you can score as much as you want, but of course there is a limit. The limit is that you cannot score 200, but a healthy score of 140 to 160 is possible. Go for it and study bachelor level books if you want to get this healthy score.

Batulfatimah22 Tuesday, May 17, 2016 10:45 PM

I have done bba.. i do have a background in micro macro and health economics. Will it be recommendable for me to choose economics?

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waqas izhar Thursday, May 26, 2016 05:27 PM

study developmental economics first and then it can be considered

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