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khuhro Sunday, May 17, 2009 05:01 PM

some irretating question in interview
Interview Question: How would you define self-confidence?

Interview Answer Guide: An attitude, which allows individuals to have positive yet realistic views of themselves and their situations. A candidate who trusts her own abilities, has a general sense of control in her life, and believes that, within reason, she will be able to do what she wishes, plans, and expects.

Interview Question: How confident are you?

Interview Answer Guide: Applicant should answer the question instantly and forcefully while maintaining full eye contact. Also pay close attention to body language: Is the applicant's body language congruent with his answer?

Interview Question: Tell me about a situation or situations that might demonstrate your confidence to do this job?

Interview Answer Guide: Does the job seeker appear to be able to deal with all the diverse situations he/she will meet in your organization? Do they appear to be able to handle issues in a calm and confident manner?

Interview Question: Would your friends describe you as a confident person?

Interview Answer Guide: Watch the applicant's body language and non-verbal responses, especially eye movement. Does he/she sound and look convincing when answering this question?

Interview Question: Do you think there is a difference between confidence and arrogance?

Interview Answer Guide: Applicant should know that confidence is an essential life-affirming character trait, while arrogance is a poor, frightened, and inadequate self-image parading as confidence.

06:36 PM (GMT +5)

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