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asim569 Sunday, September 12, 2010 02:45 AM

What is level of English used in CSS interviews?
What is level of english used in CSS interviews?
Urdu+ English
English with high vocabulary

Bilal Zamir Sunday, September 12, 2010 07:02 AM

The level of English used in the CSS interviews is just normal and it must also be clear so that the interviewers are easily able to understand you.

khuhro Sunday, September 12, 2010 11:13 AM

simple, understable, less expression, limited and to the mean words, which transfer your knowledge to them

Sociologist PU Sunday, September 12, 2010 03:47 PM

I appeared in FPSC for a grade-19 post last week and was expecting a high caliber english in the interview and prepared myself accordingly. The interview started with greetings by the chairpersn (in urdu) and then questioning in english. Later, one member asked question in urdu as well.
My advice is be prepared for both english and urdu as interview is taken in both languages. No need to afraid of "level" of english but keep some high level words handy of your concerned field and use them when the need arise to impress the interviewers.

08:32 AM (GMT +5)

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