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shrd Wednesday, February 02, 2011 01:19 AM

Things to Say and Do at that First Job Interview
[B]Things to Say and Do at that First Job Interview[/B]

[B]1. Dress.[/B] Dress appropriately. Your choice of clothing tells a lot about you, and as they say, you don't get a second chance to make a good first impression. Women should dress tastefully.You want to look professional. Men should wear a nice pair of pants, and shirt and tie. Polished shoes are a good idea and say a lot about you. Don't wear sneakers and be careful about jeans. The body piercing and tattoo advice goes for the men also.
[B]2. Speech.[/B] Many times interviews that are otherwise excellent crash and burn because the interviewees mispronounce words, speak much too fast, and use expressions such as "like" as a form of punctuation. A big mispronunciation problem involves words that begin with "pre" or "pro." They are often pronounced as if they began with "per." For example, "prescribe" is pronounced "PREscribe" not "PERscribe." If you have this problem, work on it. As for like, well, like don't use it as a form of punctuation!
[B]3. Portfolio[/B]. Make sure the portfolio is not overly complicated. That means it's easy to read and understand. Organization is everything. Also, make sure you have carefully checked all spelling and grammar. An alternative is to bring an "electronic portfolio" such as a flash drive, CD, or DVD with you and let the interviewer know it is available. There are also many on-line resources that allow people to post resumes, vitas, or portfolios.
[B]4. Technology.[/B] Bring appropriate samples of your skills - graphics design, presentation software, word processing, etc. Let the interviewer know you have them, and do not offer to show them unless asked to do so. Flash drives make it possible to bring a lot of material with you in digital form in a case no larger than a pack of gum.
[B]5. Territory.[/B] If you can, do research on the instructional setting, principles, and goals of the school. In other words, "do your homework!"
[B]6. Money.[/B] Don't be stupid. Remember, the principal or other interviewer does not negotiate salary, benefits, etc. Don't even mention them in the interview. If you do, the interviewer may "write you off."
[B]7. Philosophy.[/B] Have defined, and be able to defend your philosophy of education. Too often, education majors memorize buzz words, clichés, and so-called wise sayings they picked up in their programs. Any experienced administrator will see through this in a heartbeat. Know what you believe and why you believe as you do. If you're unsure, practice out loud and have someone give you feedback. However, if not asked by the interviewer, it's usually a good idea not to offer it up for scrutiny.
[B]8. Mastery.[/B] Be as current as possible on educational books and research, especially if you have an area of specialization. You should be able to explain in clear, unambiguous language why the content you would teach is important. You also have to convey a sense of mastery of the content, regardless of the level at which you are seeking a position.
[B]9. Odds and Ends.[/B]In your interview, you must communicate that you will not cause him headaches, need constant reassurance, etc. It is a temperament thing, so learn how to read people, speak clearly and directly, don't be afraid to look the principal in the eyes, ask relevant questions, and thank him for the opportunity to be interviewed.
And one last thing: if your interview is in the morning, be sure to have at least a small breakfast not less than 90 minutes before the interview. Take it from one who knows; your brain will work better.
Good luck with your interview, and may your career be truly rewarding and fulfilling.

10:12 PM (GMT +5)

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